Chapter 20 | prospective family fights

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Rolling my eyes away from the article and taking a good look at the picture, the club became visible.

Only the girl's back could be seen, and her hand caressing Dwain's cheekbone.

On the other hand, Dwain sat in front of her, holding onto a glass of whiskey and smiling from ear to ear.

Hair tucked into a black hoodie, she had an off-the-shoulder brown crazy top that exposed the small of her back down to the little fragments of her denim shorts that the camera had captured.

If it was Elisabeth in the picture, then she might be a stripper.

"Remove thy filthy hands."

Tasha scolded and snatched the tabloid from my grip, tearing a part of the picture.

Her breath stole the silence in the dining and she held her hand on her head, giving her nerves a quick massage. "Elisabeth, what do you want? Money? Wealth? Is that your aim for accepting the contract?"

I rolled my eyes away from her and interlaced my fingers under the table, my heart made flips in my chest and my lips quivered in fear.

I had never thought of this side of Tasha, being so quick-tempered and overreacting.

"Mother, leave Elisabeth out of this."

A chuckle from Tasha caused me to lift my eyes and glance at the sarcastic laugh she made, flipping her curls to her back and wiping sweat droplets from her face with a hankie.

"Oh! Leave Elisabeth Out of this." She mimicked in a weird cartoon voice. "What nonsense Dwain Horton, let your stripper defend herself."

Dwain slammed his hands on the table and picked his chair up in one hand.

His face twisted into a stern look and the frown on his furrowed brow accompanied the large vein popping on his neck.

"Mother, leave her out of this."

He crashed the chair on the wall and it shattered with a raucous sound.

My hands sped to my ear and plugged them as Dwain reacted to the impact of Tasha's words.

He molded his hands into tight fists and stood his ground.

Leonard immediately walked towards him and stopped him from doing anything stupid to his mum.

"Leonard, get out of my way. I'm tired of this woman and her stupidity. Let me go. I'm not justifying my actions to anyone, not even Mother."

Tasha cackled and my attention shifted from the two cousins to her.

She sat into a seat across mine and crossed a leg over the other. "Son, you are nothing but a failure. You are not better than me, step down your high horse, and humble yourself."

"You won't insult me. You won't."

"Son, those are facts, not insults. You hired a stripper to play your wife and no wonder you two had separate rooms. I thought she was a naturally shy person, but I see that she was ashamed of the whore she is. Cheap- whore."

My eyes grew wide at Tasha's words, how could she be saying such a thing when two days back, she appreciated me and compliment my beauty?

"Elisabeth, look me in the face."

Tasha stood up and closed the distance between us. "I accepted you like family, I thought you were this angel who crossed my son's path to better him, but guess what sweetie, you are as messed up as him."

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