Chapter 08 | behind closed doors

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The grip tightened around my wrist like someone had fastened a handcuff to my hand and pulled it such that it hurt.

Warm air from the fluffy breaths of this weird individual stroke my ear.

"Mrs. Horton, your husband seeks your presence, right now. "


I fought out of the greedy grip and slumped on a nearby chair.

Did Dwain find out the truth about his real bride?

If he found out about it, won't it be good?

What would he do if he realized that he was duped?

I leaned into my seat, rubbed my aching wrist, and raised a brow at this strange guy.

In my line of sight, stood a young man in a good-looking black tuxedo and a wireless blue light-blinking headset fastened to his ear.

He amassed his charisma with dim light shades and pretty black shoes which glittered with his expensive watch.

He might be an escort I assumed.

"How is his mood? Is he furious? Please, tell me. I need to know. "

"Mr. Horton is in a haste and he wants to leave now. Follow me, Ma'am."

He took my hand in his, helped me gain my balance, and secured another hand on my waist.

"It's this way ma'am," he led the way.

"Wait, how can he leave now?"

I stopped in my tracks and so did my escort.

"The reception has not yet started. It's commencing in a few more minutes. . ."

I paused for a split second and bit my lower lip hard.

"Mr. Horton has other priorities," he objected. "Let's get going," he ushered me out of the courtyard.

We walked away from the grass fields where the reception ought to take place.

Even though I was skeptical about the whole thing, I didn't say a word.

I kept moving forward at his pace.

He led me into a kitchen and we made our way through the numerous chefs, who were assembling the buffet dishes.

Taking a right turn, we trudged into an elevator and the door sealed at us.

The guy's hand flew to his ear and he adjusted his headset before moving his lips to mumble out a word.


He rolled his eyes at me. "Mr. Horton is at the rooftop."

"Rooftop? Why?"

The elevator unsealed, revealing a glittering helicopter at the center of the hotel building.

The sharp blades sped in slow motion, propelling a night wind that blew gracefully.

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