Chapter 27 | the dangerous discovery

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Harsh winds blew past the curtains at the windows, lightning striking the room and thunder roaring with all its might.

Heavy rains drenched the streets of Brussels, dark clouds loomed in the sky, and the storm got worst over time leaving the city in a blackout.

I fastened my grip on the wooden frame of the glass windows and sealed them close, not forgetting to grab a fist full of the curtains which were ripped off by the winds, and dragged them over the glass.

For the past few minutes, thoughts on Elizabeth's reaction to Dwain's new deal troubled my mind.

The new deal was fair. Lisa staying with Dwain for six months and fake dating him won't be difficult, but the past between them might be a problem.

A few minutes later, lights flickered on and brightened the room.

I cuddled up in bed and pulled Dwain's thick blanket over my feet, thinking of the possible ways to get in touch with Elizabeth.

Debating on contacting her or not, I picked up a fixed phone resting on the cupboard by the bed and held it to my ear.

With a swift gesture, I reached for the first drawer which ought to have a piece of paper; one with Elizabeth's number written on it.

Many mysteries stayed unsolved after we met and the things she told me about Dwain were shallow.

There was more and I yearned to know this more, but most important; we had to swap as soon as possible.

Scrambling over a few documents, I didn't find the paper in that drawer.

Frustrated by the situation, I stretched my hands further and searched through the other drawers, but didn't find anything.

Heaving a sigh and ignoring the splashing sound of water in the bathroom, I stood on my feet and limped to the next cupboard; more eager to find the paper.

Dwain couldn't have found it.

I shook my head at that thought.

Up and down, high and low, my hands dug through the next drawers, yet nothing.

I must have kept it somewhere in a drawer but where and which exact drawer?

On the coffee table in Dwain's room stood his MacBook Pro, arranged files, a little book, and a coffee mug.

He spent some time going over a company project and left to freshen up.

The coffee table had drawers and those hadn't been searched.

Being as elusive as possible, I pulled out the drawers and rummaged through his files, inspecting each content twice.

First, second, third, yet nothing, but I reached out for the fourth and a chest pocket rectangular black box stole my attention.

It wasn't pretty to stalk someone's things, but my curiosity fumed my brain and my hands didn't waste time opening the box.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets as I picked up a large rock from the box.

I'd never seen a diamond this big.

The ring hand a small silver band, with a large crystal towering over it; sparkling on the crystal were black and white decorations.

Beneath the box was a passport-size picture of a very beautiful Lady, smiling from ear to ear, with red ginger hair and small brown eyes.

Her lips were red

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