Chapter 60 | morning coffee romance

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As the first rays of the morning sun gently filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm and golden glow across the living room, I slowly stirred from my slumber.

Although my eyes were still heavy with sleep, I became aware of the soft cotton sheets that caressed my body, cocooning me in their tender embrace.

While watching Dwain snore in his sleep last night, I fell asleep without a blanket, hoping for the cold from the morning breeze to wake me up very early in the morning, but from the look of things, Dwain must have gotten up in the night to cover me up.

That was so cute of him.

A little smile tugged my lips as the details in my surrounding came to life.

The living room was filled with tranquility as if time had paused to admire the beauty of the moment.

Snuggling ever so slightly, my steady gaze fell upon my sleeping husband.

Feeling the warmth of his embrace, I nuzzled closer and savored the peacefulness of the moment.

The sunlight dancing upon Dwain's tousled hair transformed it into strands of spun gold.

His face, carved by the hands of dreams was a masterpiece of peacefulness.

The faintest hint of a smile played upon his lips as if he were savoring a secret joy that only he and the morning knew.

I couldn't help but feel my heart swell with love and gratitude for this man who had become my anchor in a sea of uncertainty.

As I gently traced the contours of his face with my fingertips, I marveled at the delicate lines that told the story of his life.

The faint creases around his eyes spoke of laughter shared and tears shed, of moments etched deep into his soul.

His strong jawline, adorned with a hint of stubble, added a touch of ruggedness to his otherwise serene countenance.

Contentment washed over me as I curled up in Dwain's arms.

The living room was filled with the scent of lavender, a fragrance that mingled with the earthy aroma of morning dew, creating an intoxicating blend that enveloped both of us.

It whispered of the promise of a new day, of fresh beginnings, and the boundless possibilities that lay ahead.

I couldn't help but lose myself in the beauty of this intimate moment, where time had ceased to exist and the world outside our sanctuary seemed to fade away.

I felt a profound sense of gratitude for the simple pleasure of waking up beside the person who completed me, who made me feel seen and cherished.

As the gentle breeze rustled the curtains, casting playful shadows upon us, I couldn't help but reflect on the delicate balance that love required.

It was in these quiet moments, when the world was still asleep, that the true essence of our connection was revealed.

It was in the softness of Dwain's touch, the way his presence filled the room with warmth, and the unspoken understanding that bound our souls.

With a tender sigh, I leaned in closer, my lips gently brushing against Dwain's forehead.

Last night was a moment of pure bliss.

It had been filled with laughter, shared secrets, and stolen kisses.

I nodded slightly and shook my head to free my mind of Dwain and his cuteness, yet the obsession persisted.

This obsession had to end.

Just then, my eyes widened as I remembered my mission to secretly call Elisabeth.

I had a plan.

And for this so-called plan to work, I needed information from Elisabeth.

I titled the plan, "No more lies."

With a mix of excitement and trepidation, I tried to free myself from Dwain's embrace.

However, he held me tightly, murmuring sweet nothings in his sleep.

I couldn't help but giggle at his adorable snoring.

"Come on, Dwain," I whispered, trying to suppress my laughter. "I've got things to do. Just let go of me for one second, please?"

Dwain's eyes fluttered open, and he yawned, stretching his arms wide.

A soft smile spread across his face as he stretched his arms above his head.

"Good morning, my little nutshell," his voice filled with warmth and affection. "I could get used to waking up like this."

I chuckled, tracing my fingers lightly along Dwain's jawline. "Oh, trust me, my dear, this is just the beginning. We have a whole day of adventure and surprises ahead of us. Now let go of me."

Dwain raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Oh? And what do you have in mind, my mischievous partner in crime?"

I sat up, my eyes sparkling with excitement. "It's a secret."

Dwain stifled a yawn, but his eyes lit up with anticipation.

"A secret?" he repeated, tasting the word around his teeth as he nibbled his bottom lip. "If you are not telling me, then I won't let you go, not even for a microsecond."

I pouted, "Why not?"

He gestured to the bright light straining through the curtains.

"Look, it's still very early outside, and everyone is in bed, get back to sleep. Come on, listen to me, and don't be stubborn."

"Or...?" He poked my nose and pulled me closer to his torso, brushing strands of hair out of my face with admiration in his sunshine eyes. "So...have you made up your mind on telling me about the secret?"

I threw my hands up in defeat. "Good, fine, you've worn. Are you happy now?"

"Of course, I'm very happy, Milady." He inched closer, "And I'm all ears."

I blushed, feeling a pang of guilt for keeping my intentions a secret. "Well, actually, I was thinking of making breakfast for the whole family. A breakfast extravaganza, if you wish."

Lies, lies, lies!

More lies, Ellis!

What happened to no more lies?

Dwain's eyes lit up with confused excitement as he couldn't decipher why my eyes suddenly became distant and cold. "Ah, the kitchen, that sounds amazing! Count me in!"

I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that Dwain didn't suspect my ulterior motives.

"Umm...why are you so excited over my breakfast plans Sir. Horton?"

I bit my lips, taking in the way he watched me with that familiar calculated gaze of his. "Do you have ulterior motives?"

"I can't wait to see what you have in store for me." With a playful smile, he swung his legs off the couch and stood up, extending a hand to me. "Come on, my chef. It's time to dazzle the family with your culinary skills."

I shook my head, hiding the blush on my cheeks. "I'm shy."

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