Chapter 16 | certain unspoken truths

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If it was Elisabeth, then this nightmare had ended, and my freedom restored.

My breathing flickered in an odd pattern.

The rise and fall of my chest skipped a cord.

All was fast.

My cheeks tensed up alongside a crippled smile which enhanced an illicit dose of anxiety in my words.


". . ."


She didn't!

Did she just hang up on me?

My grip on the phone stiffened.

I lowered the fixed phone to my chest and stared at the device before holding it up against my ear.

My teeth gritted at each careless repeat of her sick name yet no response.


I flung the device across the table but it slipped.

On cue, a cord suspended it above the floor.

Why treat me like some outcast?

With a cautious gesture, I retrieved the phone and placed it on my desk while maintaining aggressive eye contact.

Maybe she freaked out or something came up.

She would call back, right?

The long wait left me restless.

Why did she stop my call in the first place?

I couldn't wrap my head around it.

Very weird.

Her steady words, the euphoria in her attitude, all these traits were different from the first interaction we both had on the wedding day.

Strangely, the way she delivered her lines didn't give off any sort of stress.

She must have acquainted herself with my home and was undoubtedly comfortable.

Yes, that was it.

What a snake?!

How human was she?

She didn't sympathize with me upon the fact that she dumped me into this mess.

If not for her silly escape and her grandmother's trickery, I won't be a victim of this marriage.

Who would have married a demon who was out to seek revenge?

How dare she feel at home in my room?

How dare she pretend to be me and forget all the terrible glitches in her life?

Was it worth it?

If I was given a chance to start over, I won't ask for a boyfriend or accept this marriage.

I sighed. "Megan, how couldn't you see the imposter at home?"

Like a bird, caught in a cage, my thoughts were trapped.

Questions flooded my haven and whipped my sanity into the chambers of frustration.

How dare she?!

Even though one had to be brave, I didn't phantom her cold shoulder towards me.

It was a bullet to my spine.

One that silently killed.

I tried to move but my feet went numb.

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