Chapter 21 | fight for noteworthiness

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Dwain Horton was selfish, that was the only incentive my intuition attributed to his mandatory wedding to Elisabeth.

Elisabeth, on the other hand, was an opportunistic being who fled from the outcomes of her ego.

They are guilty of this critical outbreak.

Tears fluttered in my eyes, and I ran my hands to my face, brushing them out before someone could take note of my hurt.

Little groans whipped my ears and stole my attention from Tasha.

Leonard moaned as he held onto the black polished dining table, pushing his butt from the floor and squeezing his eyes at the pains in his muscles.

"We might argue for ages, and yet fail to find a way out of this dilemma, " he muttered and nodded his head. "Oh! Yes! We won't."

"But Leonard, it's not like I'm arguing with Dwain. I'm fulfilling my duty as a mother to make him understand the gravity of his acts." Tasha pulled her hand from Dwain's face and grumbled under her breath. "The only person being stubborn is my son of a CEO."

Dwain didn't shift his eyes from his mother and he kept eyeing her every move as if he was a hawk, studying his prey.

"Enough, Mother. You are uncooperative yourself, with your nonsense philosophy of life."

He kneaded his brows into a frown and gritted his teeth.

Philosophy of life, like seriously?!

Dwain Horton was the biggest liar right from day one, the rudest man ever lived, the cold-hearted beast... no cursing Ellis. . . and he popped the topic up like that whereas his philosophy was dumb.

He married a lady for his selfish pride and outstanding ego.

"Cousin," Leonard rested his hand on Dwain's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. "Everyone got his philosophy on life and it's based on his or her experiences. You can't be criticizing Tasha's own. Besides, no one is perfect, not even Papa."

Dwain yanked his shoulder from his cousin's grip and pointed a threatening finger at him.

"Leonard, don't drag Edward into this," Dwain scolded, his voice as low as possible. "I hate your guts, I hope you didn't forget that."

The argument between the three Horton soon stole every bit of my self-depression.

Diplomatic Leonard against cold-hearted Lucifer a.k.a Devil Horton. . . umm. . . I mean Dwain Horton and last in rank, lady fake it till I believe, Tasha Horton.

Tasha held her son's hand and roughly dragged it down. "Son, respect your elder, he is three years older than you and he has nothing to do with your father's death."

She slipped in between the two and separated the kickboxing which I bet my life on was about to take place.

"Now, stop this your fight. Let's sort things out."

"Cousin, I didn't kill your Papa. Yes, I was driving him around that day, but the accident wasn't intended. I won't risk the life of someone I love dearly."

Leonard raised his hands and surrendered to Dwain.

Uncountable curses flushed past Dwain's lips, but he didn't come back on his cousin.

He glanced at his mum, then at me, before settling into a seat nearby.

"I agree on coming to a mutual understanding only if my dad is left out of all the commentaries and my wife isn't insulted. Mother, take note."

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