Save my baby

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Nevaeh found herself back at her parent's gravestone, confused she turned around to see her mother smiling at her.
"My child?" Her mother asked gently as Nevaeh looked up all kinds of questions running through her mind.
" I'm not sure what to do mother. You showed me images of blood and death, but to me, he isn't a monster." Nevaeh confessed worried her mother would be disappointed. But as she looked up her mother was smiling.
"My Angel. You will bring peace and happiness to a beast who has never experienced love or compassion. You can change everything, follow your heart. Dont be afraid to do what you must, and love who you want." Her mother lovingly said as she wrapped her arms around her. Nevaeh sat in awe as her mother spoke.
"It's time for you to wake up! I love you my Angel!" Her mother said as she disappeared and Nevaeh's eyes fluttered open.

Nevaeh woke up smiling as she felt the cold tinge of the locket around her neck. She felt love radient from the pendent and that meant the world to her. She cuddled back into her blankets as she heard her siblings getting ready for school. She didn't feel like going. She felt like a complete hormonal mess, but truthfully she had decided she was going to dig out some of the old Gilbert journals and see what they had to say. She knew there had to be something in them, but she was looking more for more then the usual stuff. She wanted facts that could possibly help her be a few steps ahead in the future.

After convincing her siblings and aunts that she was ok she just need a day at home they left, and Nevaeh headed to her parents room. They had left it in tact nothing touched, none of them had been able to face the task of actually letting go of their parents. Nevaeh hesitated as she turned the doorknob. This had been her parents sanctuary, their private get away the kids had never been allowed to come in. Nevaeh open the door and her parents scent hit her. Her moms perfume and her dads cologne... a tear fell down her cheeck as she stood frozen in the doorway not able to make herself step forward. She looked around at all the family photos on the wall, and the bookshelf full of leather-bound books. Nevaeh finally willed her feet to move towards the bookshelf. She ran her fingers gently over the books until she found the Gilbert family journals she pulled them all out and lugged them over to her parents bed. She softly sat down letting her parents smell surround her, she sighed as she opened the first journal.

After almost two hours Nevaeh had read through two or three journals. Her ancestors were flat crazy, the more she read the more she found out that her parents had been keeping A LOT of secrets. Sadly she read how it had been John Gilberts device that had helped in the night that tore the Salvatore brothers apart. She knew where that device was it was in a box of old family heirlooms, she would have to get that before anything or anyone got to it. She learned about the council and the vampire hunters. About a ring that would bring them back if killed by a supernatural being, but it sounded like the wearer would eventually go crazy. She filed that away as useful information she may need later. She then finally came upon her fathers journal. She sat on the bed holding the journal tightly wondering if she really wanted to open this, to possibly find out things that she may not want to know.

"Better to rip the band-aid off and get it over with..." Nevaeh breathed as she opened the journal and the envelopes fell out. One was addressed to her the other two were addressed to Elena and Jeremy. She sat her siblings envelopes aside and opened hers.

My Dear Nevaeh,

You found this letter which means your mother and I have passed on. I know things are hard, but I want you to know that you are so much stronger then you think you are! You can do a great many things, your mother and I have tried to hide your gifts from the council and the world, but eventually it will come out.

I am about to tell you a lot of things that are difficult to process, but you have to know. Elena and you are not our biological children. We knew Elena's mother and the father... well you know him as Uncle John. But you, well your "mom" was a very curious researcher of the supernatural when we were younger. We were looking in the Original family when she came across information we couldn't fathom to be true. A true angel. You are the most powerful being in the world. And your womb, you can give birth to any supernatural being, with any supernatural being. There are truly so many evil men out there that would use you, but the worst is Klaus Mikelson, the Original hybrid. While we had been researching you were left on our doorstep with a note about our studies being real and to take care of  the most precious being in the world.

Nevaeh GilbertWhere stories live. Discover now