Bonus Chapter - Vanessa

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"Can you promise me that you're not trying to screw me over?" the young woman growled in her nasally voice.

"I swear, Celia. My only goal here is to take down Grey," I answered, forcing a smile onto my lips. It took most of my willpower to hold open my eyelids, let alone to argue with Grey's daughter about what my true motives were. I'd spend so many sleepless nights thinking about Ryder and where he could've been and who took him. What was happening to him right at this moment while I wasted time bantering with Celia? Was he being tortured? Were scientists strapping him to a table and experimenting on him like in the horror movies? They must've found a way to tear his powers from him if he hadn't come back yet; it'd been at least a month.

"Then get me out of this god damn cell," she screamed back at me, anger evident in her voice. Rico really wasn't kidding - she was angry at everyone for what had happened to her.

The cell was small, corpses piled on one side of it against wooden poles just as Ryder had described to me before we went out to search for this woman. I had to prevent my vision from lingering toward them for too long.

"Just come with me," I responded, exasperation filling my tone. "There's a door here, and I'll make it so that you can get out of it."

"Can't you see that it's not that easy?" Celia asked, tapping her foot impatiently and shooting me angry looks.

"Of course I know that if you could've done it you would've been out of her years ago, but I know the spell that Grey put on this cell," I explained walking toward the door that I'd entered it in, attempting to contain the rage that Celia had been causing me.

"Oh, do you now? Then get me out of here now!" Celia explained. I had to refrain from turning around and giving her a black eye. She was just as self-centered, stubborn, and obnoxious as Grey had been.

I rolled my eyes and kicked the door open. The metal bars seemed to seperated and they swung away so that I could step out. I threw them back into place and they sealed themselves up magically.

"Now, put your hands where I just opened the cell bars and push," I ordered, looking deep into my soul and getting my magic ready to be used. It bubbled around inside of me, shooting through my veins, making me feel alive.

She pushed against the bars. They remained solid and unmoving as I expected.

My hands were sweaty as I raised them toward the door. I'd been searching for this spell for three weeks straight and I finally found the right one.

I repeated the small incantation that I'd found to be the counter spell against the one that Grey had set and placed my hands on the smooth bars.

Slowly, a translucent, pale yellow pool of light seeped out of my hands, crawling along the bars and creating an outline of the door.

Suddenly a loud bang pierced the air and smoke was emmited from the bars as the melted away, hitting the ground and disappearing.

Celia threw herself out of the cell, jumping over the bars and flying onto the soft, grassy ground beneath us. I couldn't figure out why there was grass in a hidden room off of a parking lot, but that was the least of my worries right now.

"Y-y-you did it," Celia stuttered, tears forming in her eyes.

"And now," I answered, "we get to kill Grey."

A resilience took over her face and she pulled herself off of the ground. She outstretched a hand to me to shake, and I nearly jumped in shock, my blonde hair flying everywhere.

Her hand was thin and wrinkled, her nails overgrown and yellow. It looked almost identical to Grey's hand. It was the only part of her body that looked like it had aged.

She knitted her eyebrows at my reaction and looked down toward her hand. The scream that was emanated from her was out of both fear and surprise.

"What's happening?" she questioned quietly, staring at her hand with a mixture of horror and fascination.

"I have no idea, but we need to take care of Grey, and soon because the effect of the Trapper will wear off in two days time," I said, trying to ignore her aged hand.

"Lucky for you, Vanessa, it'll be much simpler than you'll expect," Celia said. I nodded with a smile and imagined us appearing in the Base and slowly transportation filled my pores and the environment around me changed.

"Where are we?" Celia asked immeidately, looking around in awe. I realized that she must be so refreshed by being in a different place after all those years locked up in that cell.

"We're at a secret hideout. We'd been using it as a place to learn, practice, and grow. Grey was using it as a base for war strategies, although there was no real war. He was just lying to all of us to get us to trust him and do what he told us to. So now, it's where my 'headquarters' for anything I do are. I live here, after all."

"So, is this where Grey is being kept?" she asked.

I nodded, walking toward the other end of my quarters and wrapping my fingers around the Trapper.

"Inside of this is Grey's soul, trapped. But the Trapper doesn't work eternally. His soul will be freed, as I said, in two days, so we need to get rid of him now. We were told that you know how."

"I do know how to take him down," Celia said, reaching out and running her fingers along the Trapper. I had to hold back another gasp as wrinkles were working her way up her exposed arm. She must've been aging all at once for all the years that she'd been locked up in there. I took a shaky breath and focused on the task at hand.

"Great, so how are you going to do it?"

"Well, you're going to have to because my magic skills are . . . rusty to say the least," she said. "But, I'll give you an incantation you have to say inside of your head, and then you have to focus on death. When you do that, the smoke will kill anyone in the room."

I was shocked by how simply she spoke of it, but didn't complain; I had a way to kill Grey now.

"Lets to it in a different room then, so that my quarters aren't filled with deadly smoke," I suggested, transporting us to a room that I knew nobody had used in a long time.

When we slammed into the ground, I looked around. There weren't even couches or furniture in here anymore; no one had any use at all for a room to hang out in when we had so many more pressing matters.

Celia whispered the incantation that I'd have to read aloud, and then left the room. I took a deep breath, laying the Trapper out on the floor and speaking the incantation. Just moments after, I focused on the thought of death and the process of dying and all the death that surrounds us.

Slowly, a gray and brown smoke seeped out of my hands filling the room. The oxygen immediately felt like it was being depleted and I began to feel light-headed as it curled around my legs.

The smoke covered the floor and was multiplying itself much faster. I quickly imagined the top to the Trapper coming undone, and then used my magic to put me in the hallway outside. The smoke had reached my hips by the time that I had transported myself out of the room, and I had begun coughing lethargically.

When I landed on the floor outside, I was delighted to see that the smoke was contained to only that room.

Greedily, I sucked in the air around me, giving me energy and causing my coughing to subdue.

"You did it?" Celia asked with a smile. The wrinkles and age that had been crawling up her body was now at her neck, and creeping onto her face.

I nodded, swallowing hard. Triumph surged through my body as I laid there on the floor. I'd done it; I'd killed Grey.

"What now?" Celia asked after a few minutes of my breathing heavily.

"Now," I answered quickly, "I find Ryder."

~+ Uncontrollable +~

So here's a bonus chapter of Vanessa killing Grey.

I hope you enjoyed this. Thanks for all your support and don't forget to check out the prequel to this book; Impossible.

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