Chapter Forty

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A taxi beeped its horn furiously and swerved out of the way to avoid us. Bystanders stared in shock. Vanessa was sprawled across the pavement next to me. My head pounded and the world around me spun as I sat up.

More horns from around us beeped and drivers screamed.

"Get outta the middle of the road," one man screamed. "I've got places to be!"

To my right, Vanessa shakily stood up.

"We need to get out of the street," she muttered shakily, her eyes moving unnaturally, like a hyperactive fly.

Groggily, I did the same, trying to force the foul-tasting vomit from leaving my stomach. A small trail of blood ran down the side of Vanessa's cheek, staining it a deep, fatal crimson.

I felt blood trickle down the side of my own face.

"Get outta the road!" another angry driver yelled. I stumbled out of the road like a drunk man, Vanessa looking the same as me.

Motors revved behind us as people sped through the light, trying to make up for time they lost from the traffic jam Vanessa and I caused.

The people around us on the dirty streets avoided the two of us at any costs.

"We need to get out of here," I said, walking further down the street on my unbalanced feet.

"I know, but we need to find an alley first," Vanessa answered, looking for one. Just moments later we stumbled upon one and turned down it immediately. The world was still swimming around me as I walked down the foul smelling alley.

"What happened to us?" I asked, trying to figure out why we were so messed up, but couldn't find any logical or coherent thoughts in my muddled brain. Maybe a brick hit my head when we came up from . . . where were we again?

"We'll figure it out later," Vanessa said, seeming to have slightly more lucid thoughts than I did.

She raised her right hand and it felt like my body was pulled apart into separate particles and the particles were being moved rapidly across the world.

"What're you doing?" I asked, but she didn't seem to be able to hear me. The next thing I knew, I was standing in a different place. The floor underneath me was metal, and it looked like the pathway was hanging in the air. A chill ran down my spine and I wished I had a coat.

"Axel!" Vanessa screamed in front of me, her blonde hair flying behind her as she sprinted toward him. "You son of a-"

"Vanessa, stop!" a new voice commanded. I recognized it but I couldn't remember from where. A man walked into sight and grabbed Vanessa. I vaguely remembered the tan face and bright blue eyes connected with the name Bruno, but I couldn't remember how I knew him.

"Get off of me," she screamed, fighting against Bruno's grip to get to the large, muscular man. Hate gleamed in her eyes. Just her look could kill a person.

"No, we've been worried sick about you guys! You owe us an explanation. Besides, I was about to head back to the Base. Axel doesn't deserve any harm; he was under Grey's spell he didn't have control over his actions," Bruno said. "What happened to you guys? You've been gone for days and now you just appear here with blood running down your face."

"We were only gone a day," I said, although my words came out slurred, making the sentence impossible to understand.

"We need to get you two to a healer right away," Bruno said. "Goodbye, Axel, and thank you for your help."

With that, the feeling of my body being torn apart into particles over took me once again and within the blink of an eye I was standing in a cool, tiled room. I recognized it slightly, but I couldn't place it again.

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