Chapter Seven

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"Wake him up now," the leader said.

After, I heard footsteps coming closer and closer and a few seconds later my body was jerked to life.

I opened my eyes, and looked around, pretending to be a bit confused.

"You're coming with us," the leader of the group said, grabbing my freshly healed arm and jerking me towards the door.

"Get off me," I ordered, yanking my hand out of his grip and giving him a defiant stare.

"I won't move from this spot unless you tell me what is going to happen to me," I said in a serious tone, pointing to my feet.

"Fine. It won't matter soon anyway. We are going to take your powers away, and then we are going to kill you." 

I already knew their plan, but seeing him look me in the eyes and say it made it all more real for me. I was going to die, and these people didn't care at all.

"What do you want with my powers?" I asked. Since they wouldn't tell me before they even spoke, I added, "If you're going to kill me, you might as well tell me. Besides who am I going to tell? The other spirits I meet?"

Instead of consent to tell me, I saw something else form in all of the men's eyes. Anger. There was also glints of exasperation filling his eyes.

"Why would you ever make a joke about spirits? And don't underestimate them. They are much stronger than you'd ever believe. Now lets get this over with before they come," one of the men hissed, yanking my arm and dragging me out the door.

"Get off!" I exclaimed, once again tearing my arm free. I turned back to run down the white washed hallway. While I was running, I imagined myself disappearing from here, and appearing back home. For a second, it felt as if my body was beginning to back home, but after that, I felt a new sensation I hadn't felt before. It was as if my body was being thrown back into the compound, not allowed to leave.

"Crap," I whispered to myself. Now I sure was in a pickle. As I picked my head up and looked ahead, I realized I had just cornered myself; the hallway was a dead end.

All four men had surrounded me and began closing in. There was only one answer and I knew it. Magic. 

I imagined a vivid image of the two men blocking me off from the rest of the hallway disappearing, and by the time I raised my hand, they were completely gone, and I could run.

Without waiting another moment, I took off down the hallway. My boots squeaked against the floor as I sprinted, but I didn't care.

Shouts from the men rose up behind me as I escaped, and I could hear them start running, but I already had a large head start, and I knew they wouldn't be catching up to me soon.

Just as a precaution though, I imagined them slipping in a puddle of water, and raised my hand. A few seconds after, screams of agony and anger exploded from behind me.

I smiled slightly as I continued to follow the hallway. I had no idea where it led and what it would bring me to, but I hoped with all my heart that it would lead to a way of escape.

As I reached the end of the hallway, I sighed as I saw the only choice I had was to turn and go down another identical hallway. Despite the fact that I could blow a hole through the wall, I didn't. I just kept running. And the reason I didn't is still unknown to me, but it was almost like a sixth sense.

"Get him," a deep voice commanded from behind me. I turned my head, and saw a well-built man chasing me who seemingly materialized into the hallway out of thin air. He was much stronger than me and he was gaining on me quickly.

I knew that I needed to get out of here quickly because I was rapidly growing tired from the amount of magic I've used in one period of time.

As I reached the end of the hallway, my heart gave a jolt of excitement as I saw an exit door. They weren't taking my powers today.

I threw myself into the door, and it didn't budge. I turned to look back and saw the man getting closer and closer by the second, so with one last push, I raised my hand and imagined the door getting blown off of it's hinges.

The moment it was out of my way, I sprinted out of the door into the frigid air.

My body complained as I continued running, but I ignored the complaints. I would rest, but only once I was far away from this place.

As I sprinted away through fields of corn and soy and sorghum, the wind around me picked up. It started blowing fiercely, to the point where I had fallen over.

Then the whispers started. I couldn't decipher what they were saying, but for some reason, I was certain of what was happening.

The spirits were coming.

~+ Uncontrollable +~

And there's the seventh chapter! I know that there is a lot of action in this book so far, and there hasn't really been a break. That is part of my writing style, but there is a reason to all of it too. You will find out in a few chapters!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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