Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Another quick heads up: there will be a lot of information in this chapter again. It will require close attention. Sorry for so much information at once! Enjoy chapter twenty-nine.


"You put me under a spell," I said, awe filling my voice as the pieces fell together in my head.

"Congratulations!" Grey exclaimed sarcastically, clapping his hands. "You are just brilliant, aren't you."

"It may be something that you think will help you, but I can assure you it won't," I snarled. Despite the words, there was doubt in the back of my head that it would be effective.

Thinking back to the fight that went on when we found my mother, he'd been using the spell to prevent me from grabbing my mother, and in that time it worked very well. Although for some reason, it stopped working by the end of the battle. I made a mental note to think about it later. Now I needed to focus on Grey.

"You can try all you want to come across as confident and untouchable, but I know the power of this spell. You won't be able to go against what I tell you to." Grey's voice was filled with such a large amount of smugness it was sickening.

I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment. I could clearly feel something off inside of me like there was a road block, forcing any desire to kill Grey back. I focused on what felt like was blocking them and tried desperately to push it away, but it wouldn't budge.

A loud, heartless laugh bubbled out of Grey's mouth, and a new anger overtook me. This man had deceived me and manipulated me for so long, and I believed it. That alone was a sign of weakness I wasn't aware I possessed, and I knew that I needed to do whatever I could to get rid of it.

"This may be working, but I will find a way to stop this spell and take control over my actions again. And when I accomplish that task, you are not gonna want to be around. Because once your control over me slips away like sand, you are going to regret it even more." I stared into Grey's eyes, anger taking control of my whole body. My words themselves hung in the air with a lethal feeling.

Grey looked unsure what to say for a moment and then suddenly disappeared. I groaned. Whatever he thought he was going to accomplish, I was determined to stop him. He would not have control over my life anymore. He would not be able to manipulate me anymore. I wouldn't allow it.

I stormed past where Grey had been standing toward the library. There were a few things that I needed to research and it looked like there weren't any computers around.

The moment I entered the library, I sent a ball of light up toward the ceiling. With my path now illuminated for me, I walked to the center of the library and looked upon the table at which Bruno and I were reading before Vanessa showed up. Sure enough, the book was still laying on the table, open to the page at which we left it.

A smile played onto my lips as I sat down and began reading once more. If I wanted to understand what my mother meant by saying that there was a history of our family abusing power, I needed to know what Trent did.

So I read. As I did, the things that I learned shocked me.

Trent rose to power, slowly climbing through the ranks of officials and winning all of the citizens of the Capital over with his charming smile and refreshing promises; people thought that they would finally have a ruler who could bring peace to the nation and could make things better for everyone. After all, equality was supposedly one of the most important virtues throughout the nation of Eastbell. These features were what eventually won him the spot as king.

Before him, their nation had been in utter chaos. When their previous unified nation, Glasscliff, broke out in civil war and was divided into Eastbell and Westbell, the members of Eastbell were thrown into a downward spiral. When the country split into east and west, the East wasn't left with much. The majority of the riches that Glasscliff had won and earned were taken by the West. The first king that the East had proved to be a terrible, inexperienced ruler, pushing the new country into economic issues, and creating a large gap between the rich and the poor. The rulers after him just expanded the gap and kept the country on its downward path.

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