Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Dedicated to @SophiaShadeslayer for their guessing skills being on point.

Another heads up: This is once more an extremely long chapter and will require attention. It has a lot going on in it. I hope you enjoy!

Completely Unedited


The warm liquid seeped throughout my body, spreading warmth through it. The taste of bile filled my mouth as I drank the potion. I'd never tasted such a horrid drink. Despite the smell of apple cider, it tasted just like the ingredients: some type of bone, something involving death, and horse hair.

After gulping down as much as I could without vomiting, I slammed the cup down on the table and began coughing. My body bent over and I clutched my stomach.

Looking over, I could see Vanessa doing the same thing.

"What is in this?" she choked out in between coughs. A look of disgust covered her face. I was sure my own face reflected the same thing.

"Don't worry about the ingredients," Axel said, handing me the cup I put down on the table. "You need to drink all of it. I know it tastes bad but it's worth it!"

Reluctantly, I lifted the glass to my lips once more, the wonderful smell wafting up my nostrils. It made me think that this potion is actually a lot like people. Some people may look really nice and comforting but once you get a taste of them you realize they are bitter and manipulative. A lot like Grey.

Pinching my nose with on hand, I downed the glass in two gulps. The terrible after taste of the potion lingered in my mouth and throat, although I was able to keep the bile down this time.

"That was terrible," I remarked, wiping my mouth and wishing to go back to my room and find a way to get a good tasting drink to neutralize the terrible taste.

"I know. Remember, I had to go through it once too. But after that terrible taste, I was finally free! I didn't have to do exactly what Grey wanted me to anymore. As I said, it was so worth it," Axel exclaimed. Vanessa nodded slightly.

"That was definitely the worst thing that I have ever tasted, but if I truly am free from Grey's spell now, I'll deal. If not, though, I'm coming after you," Vanessa threatened. Where I would've expected a playful smile was a hateful glare. Something had definitely happened between the two of them before this. I needed to ask her about it once we got back to our rooms or were away from Axel.

"So, as I said," Axel began, ignoring Vanessa, "this potion won't work right away. It will take twenty-four hours. We won't be at Grey's office by that point, so by the time you guys are fighting against Grey, you should be free from his spell."

I nodded and smiled. 

"Thank you, Axel. We wouldn't have been able to do it without you." There was a gratefulness in my voice I hadn't realized I'd been feeling until now. This man had hopefully just freed us from a binding we had for Grey and possibly saved the whole mission to capture Grey. He deserved even more than a thank you but at the moment words were all that I had so I didn't have a choice but to deal with them falling short of true emotions.

"My pleasure. You guys are good kids, and I hope that everything goes as planned for you," he said, leaning against the table. "Now you guys need to get out of here before someone sees you. I may have forgotten to mention that you're not supposed to be in here."

With a laugh, I exited the room, waiting to close the door until after Vanessa had walked out. An expression harder than a stone inhabited her face.

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