Final Facts

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It is finally done. This has been one wild rollercoaster of a book and it's over. Which is both sad and also somewhat of relief. First off, I want to thank everyone who stuck with me and finished this book. It was one heck of a ride and I think everyone who finished this deserves a medal. Secondly, I wanted to finish up this book with a bunch of final facts. To give you a glimpse into what ran through my mind when writing this and what could've been. Oh and there is also a lil behind the scenes stuff.

Warning: This is fairly long and so you have been warned. And some of this is just plain random.

1) Johnny and Annie weren't going to be endgame. They weren't supposed to get back together.
2) Jack was never supposed to be part of this story. I tried writing him out but decided to keep him.
3) Noah Schnapp was supposed to be a main character but eventually he got written out.
4) Originally this was supposed to be called, "Two Broken Hearts." It would've had a sequel.
5) The supposed sequel would've been called "Mended Hearts." And it would've been special.
6) I almost killed off Asher multiple times but then I decided to keep him in the story.
7) A Jackannie plot twist almost happened. I almost made them endgame. I came so close!
8) Carson and Jayden were not originally siblings and I almost decided not to make them siblings.
9) Originally, Johnny and Lauren were supposed to be twins. They would've both been Annie's age.
10) There was supposed to be a brief Hannie reunion but I wrote it out and it was never spoken of.
11) Jemily was a possible ship and almost became endgame. Though it didn't make the final cut.
12) Tayler Holder was never even supposed to be in this story...but I got a special request.
13) Luke and Annie were supposed to endgame / Carson and Annie were supposed to be endgame.
14) I originally put Noah Schnapp in for the purpose of making Loah endgame. And Annie's bff!
15) Going back to the "Killing off Asher" plot line: he was going to be hit with a car. (I feel evil now)
16) There was only supposed to be twenty chapters but you got an extra ten! Congratulations!
17) I gave up on this story countless times and the fact it's utterly mind blowing.
18) I almost killed off the main character. Annie was going to die at some point. (I am a monster!)
19) There was supposed to be a sequel based solely off the Netflix show plot line. One with Emily, Asher, Annie, Will And Jack. I had a draft of it and got to chapter five. I hated it and deleted it.
20) There were multiple endings for this book. Some which probably would've made you hate me.
21) Dylan Conrique was supposed to play a bigger role in this but I decided against it...sorry!!!
22) Before the irl whole thing with Kenzie and Isaak, he had a bigger role. I made it smaller tho.
23) Ashannie almost became a thing too until the break up. Out of respect, it did not happen.
24) I hated the four way love triangle so I made Asher and Emily endgame. As a way out for Asher.
25) Johnny's final option for the alternate ending was with either an OC character or no one.
26) The reason he would've ended up with no one was because he never got over his first love. Annie.
27) Emily and Lilia were supposed to be endgame too. And Asher would've been alone in the end.
28) Annie and Johnny were supposed to break up in a much more dramatic and angry way.
29) There were many Luke/Annie moments. Why? In order to build up for the alternate ending.
30) I felt this was necessary to mention...there weren't that many mentions of the tour. Whoops!

Other BTS Facts

1) Luke and Annie get together a few months after she returns to Maryland. He was not a rebound and Annie truly did love him. Only, her feelings for John were stronger and Luke loved her too much to hold her back. He let her go and there were times he regretted it, but he was ultimately happy with his decision. He ends up with an OC character named Ally. They are very happy together and he stays good friends with Annie and John. He has a happy ending because he totally deserves it.

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