Annie in Arizona

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a/n: another filler chapter! Some Kenzie and Annie content with a lil bit of Austin & Maddie!

It was two in the morning and the two girls were still up. They were watching Stranger Things and painting their nails. "Dustin is definitely the superior character," Kenzie protested.
    "No," Annie argued, "Mama Steve is everything!" The two looked at each other before dissolving into giggles. They had been arguing for the past twenty minutes about who was the best character.
     They had spent the whole day/night rewatching all three seasons. The night before, the two girls had gone out and bought hair dye. Kenzie had dyed her tips purple and Annie dyed her tips blue. And after losing a bet, they managed to get Austin to agree to blue highlights.
     Just as the next episode began playing, Annie's phone buzzed with a text. She frowned and picked it up, reading the text. T-72 hours until you're in Maryland. But who's counting?
     She texted Katie back before setting aside her phone. Kenzie lowered the volume and rolled over, "So...any boys?" She winked.
    Annie lifted her shoulder, "Not really?" Her friend grinned, "We both know that's a lie. Who's the lucky guy?" Annie buried her face in hands and blushed, "Well, he's blonde and super nice. He's got a great voice and I'm friends with his sister..."
     Kenzie raised an eyebrow, "John?" Her friend jerked her head, "What? No!" She laughed, "I meant Carson, silly! He's a great guy and I really like him."
     Her smile faded, "But Jayden and I aren't on the best terms. And I'd never do anything to hurt her. So, I guess there's no guy in my life."
     "I will personally buy a plane ticket and go and talk some sense into that girl. After all, that's what friends are for." Kenzie replied.
      Annie laughed, "No need for that. I'm sure everything will work out. Eventually." They fell silent and looked back at the tv. Onscreen, Eleven was angrily saying "I dump your-" when the door flew open.
      "Will you guys ever shut up?" Austin complained. Kenzie threw a pillow at him and got up, "Get out." They began arguing and Annie shook her head. The twins couldn't go more than five minutes without arguing,
      "I'm older and for that reason alone you listen to me. Get out of here." Austin rolled his eyes, "So what? You're older, big deal! I'm trying to sleep and you're in here giggling and talking. It's two in the morning! Go to bed! Be quiet! Go to sleep!"
       Their voices got louder and louder until finally Maddie walked in. Her arms were crossed and she was glaring at them. "You two need to pipe down. Stop being childish and stop arguing. Get your butts in bed and go to sleep. If you're not in bed by the time I'm done counting, you'll be wishing you were dead."
       "Hey-" Maddie held up her hand, "Don't make me kick you out. Because I can and I will." The twins reluctantly shut up and went back to their respective rooms. After making sure they were done, Maddie went back to bed.

The next morning, the twins glared at each other over their bowls of cereal. Annie chewed the waffles Maddie had made her, looking back and forth between her two friends.
"So, where are we going—" before she could finish, her friend cut her off, "We are not going to go anywhere with him." She glared at her brother and stirred her Lucky Charms.
He glared back, "As if I'd go anywhere with you." He stirred his bowl of Fruit Loops and lifted the spoon to his mouth, "So there."
"It bold of you to assume I'd even want to go anywhere with you!" Kenzie retorted. She set down her spoon and pushed her bowl away, "Because I wouldn't and I don't."
She stared at her twin, but he didn't flinch as he stared back. "I didn't ask her royal highness for an invitation in the first place."
"And I never offered one," his sister snapped. Annie rolled her eyes and lifted another forkful of waffles to her mouth, chewing and swallowing. She rubbed her eyes and shook her head.
Maddie entered the room and glanced between her two siblings, before shaking her head. She sighed and grabbed Annie's arm, "We're going to get our nails done and you two are staying here. I expect the house and you two in one piece."
The twins stared at each other in horror, "I'm stuck with him?!" "You're leaving me here with her?!" As the two began arguing and fussing, Maddie just led Annie away and upstairs.
She patted her back, "Go get dressed. I'll wait for you in the car." With that, she headed out of the house and to her car, ignoring her siblings complaints.

"So," Maddie began, "You and Carson. Spill the tea." She adjusted her sunglasses and turned down the radio. Her car smelled like lemon and citrus, and it was impeccably clean.
Annie blushed and sank lower in her seat, "Well, he's really cute. Super sweet and caring, plus he's always smiling and making me smile. And he's terrific and makes me happy." Her smile faded, "But his sister doesn't approve of us. And I value our friendship more than anything."
"You're a great friend," Maddie said, "But I wish you could be with him. It sounds like he really makes you happy." The girl sitting next to her smiled weakly, "Yeah, he really does."
Suddenly, Annie's phone began blasting her ringtone. Beautiful people by Ed Sheeran. [a/n: I personally loved this song for a long time and I feel like this fits her personality perfectly.]
She ignored it and it went to voicemail. Hey, it's Johnny. Listen I'm sorry about everything and I know I'm in no position to ask you for a favor but...I can't find my hoodie. And I remember I wore it when I was at your house, and I was wondering if you could talk to Tayler. Because, he scares the heck out of me and I don't know if I want to go over there without permission. So, uh, I'm sorry again. Enjoy your, uh, trip and everything. Lo-bye.
Annie felt her cheeks burn and it was for multiple reasons. One, she knew perfectly well where that hoodie was. It was in her suitcase and it still smelled like him. Two, she hated to admit it but she missed him already. Even if it was just as a friend and only as a friend. Three, she couldn't believe Maddie had just heard that. And reason four? His awkwardness was just so adorable.
"So, missing hoodie, huh?" Annie knew Maddie was smirking and she sunk lower in her seat. She looked away and thought of how to answer without sounding suspicious. "Uh, yeah."
As Maddie parked the car, she shook her head, "And remind me why again he was at your house?" She shut off the car and turned to face Annie.
"I was helping him with tour stuff," she replied. She looked out the window and tried not squirm. She was going to kill Johnny next time she saw him. Why? Because his not who knowing Alec Benjamin is got her into this awkward situation. And how dare he not know?
She also devised a plan to get rid of the hoodie as soon as possible. Because he did not deserve to get that thing back. And she wouldn't keep it. No matter how soft it was and how nicely it smelled. Nope, that thing had to go.

Meanwhile, back at the Ziegler's house, Austin and Kenzie were having their 100,000th argument. They had spent the first hour in their rooms, silently fuming and thinking of good insults.
After awhile they couldn't hold back and they began fighting again. Then, Austin began chasing his twin around the house and she continued yelling at him while running away.
When he finally cornered her, she hit him repeatedly until he let her go. Then she locked herself in her room, still yelling at him, from the other side of the door. He proceeded to pound on her door and tell her to, shut up.
He sat there and waited until she opened the door and then they had another fight. Which turned into a pillow fight, and eventually a yelling match. And things began to escalate.
Two hours later, they were thinking of an excuse to explain the mess they had made. Two broken vases and a shattered phone screen, along with a bunch of pillow stuffing everywhere. Not to mention the fact Kenzie's hair was now dripping with paint, and dripping on their mom's favorite rug.
And the fact Austin had spilled grape juice on their dad's favorite shirt. Maddie was going to go to kick them out. Or she might murder them. They weren't sure they wanted to find out.

When Maddie and Annie returned home, it looked like a tornado had hit. The two stood there and stared in disbelief. They were even more shocked when they saw the twins.
"Mom and dad are going to kill us," Maddie wailed. The twins nodded in agreement, looking guilty and somewhat embarrassed. "I can't believe it. I leave you alone for three hours and you do this. What is wrong with you?"
Austin looked up, "Just be thankful the house is still in one piece." He looked back down after receiving a harsh glare from both of his older sisters.
Maddie stood up and shook her head, "Kenz go get a broom, Austin get the mop, Annie get the vacuum. I'll call the cleaners and see if they can fix dad's shirt. And I'll look up ways to remove paint from a rug."
They all divided and conquered. After somehow managing to make things better, they never spoke of the incident again. And Annie and Kenzie spent a majority of the visit in Kenzie's room. Maddie kept Austin out of their way, in order to avoid anymore explosions. Or messes.

ꕥ 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝'𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝙰𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝙰𝚛𝚒𝚣𝚘𝚗𝚊. 𝚂𝚑𝚑𝚑, 𝚍𝚘𝚗'𝚝 𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕! ꕥ
♥︎ 𝚡𝚘, 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊 ♥︎

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