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If I could have all the time in the world,

I know what I would do:

I'd spend the time

In pleasure sublime,

Just by being with you.

- Joanna Fuchs.

Six months later

Chloe's POV.

"That was an amazing exhibit once again, Dan!" I squeal in excitement as I see the bidding list, "It had to be," he shrugs giving me his smile before pulling me into a bear hug. Well, Dan and Eli got married a month ago, it was absolutely perfect!

"Where's Eli? Wasn't he here like five minutes ago?" I ask him confused as I pulled back and we walked into my office, "He went to get something for us to eat. I don't know about you but I'm starving,"

"Oh trust me, my stomach is growling right now," giggling at my stomach actually growling in time, I grab my phone as I sat down in my chair to check for Zach's messages.

We'll be there in ten minutes.

"Zach's joining us as well with Molly and Snowy," a smile dances on my face as I look at the new addition of a photo frame containing Zach, Molly, and me. The past six months have been a bliss despite finding it hard to schedule our days, we made it work, and well, our little girl is now one year old.

Surprisingly, both of us embraced being parents really well even though we were skeptical about it. To see Zach, being a dad was one of the most amazing things I ever got to experience, really is his best self while being a dad and husband.

Today he just got off work early so that he could check out the exhibit and of course, pick Molly up from the daycare. He just makes time when I need him to without complaints. What do I say? My best friend is just amazing.

Eli walks in with food making me grin in joy, "Food! Finally!" Dan dramatically says before opening up the first box of pizza, "Thank you, Eli," I thank him making him smile before handing me my Oreo milkshake. Eli steals a quick kiss from dan making my heart flutter with joy.

"Tastes heavenly," I sigh before placing it back on the table and take off my death traps, yeah I got used to Zach's terminology of heels. Grabbing a slice of pizza, I take a bite and dramatically roll my eyes at how good it tasted.

I notice Zach's car pull in front of the studio and get onto my bare feet with excitement. It's past seven already and it's already dark so I couldn't see much until I walked into the exhibit room. Snowy rushes in first before running towards me and I laugh before petting him, always the most excited.

"Hey Sugar," Zach's grinning face comes into view while Molly's little feet are seen behind him, "Hey there," I peck his lips before leaning a little, "Where is Molly? Didn't you get her along?"

I pout pretending to not see her before she took a few wobbly steps and revealed herself. "Mama!" with a grin, I kneel before kissing her cheek while Zach looked around the exhibit.

"You look pretty baby girl," I say pulling at her beanie, which is almost coming off. She puts her tiny arms around my neck making me chuckle before standing up with her settling on my hip. I know, being a mom can be stressful but I think in the end it's all worth the stress.

"Somehow, you never run out of ideas. It's an amazing exhibit, Sugar," Zach walks back before kissing my forehead and we walk back into my office while Molly pulls at my hair.

"Oh look! Little Molly is here!" Dan squeals making her giggle before taking her into his arms, "There's pizza," Eli adds as Zach enters the room and he immediately grabs a slice before sitting down on the couch next to Eli. Snowy expectantly looks at me for pizza and I just let out a small laugh before giving him a pepperoni off the pizza.

"Dan, no." I warn him as he gives the milkshake to Molly and she turns pink immediately making me sigh, "One sip,"

"You're a scary mom," he comments before getting back to Molly. Oh, am I now?


"Zach, shush!" I whisper shout closing the door a little, "She's asleep now," he sighs before collapsing on the couch tiredly. Grabbing the little box, I packed for him off the coffee table, I hand it to him earning a surprised look.

"What is it?" I roll my eyes before sitting down next to him and Snowy gets onto the couch as well, resting his head on my lap, "Just open it up," I nudge Zach and he chuckles with a smile. I study Zach's tired face while letting my free hand comb through his hair gaining a smile from him.

"Your surprises always make my jaw drop so I'm just watching out," I giggle waiting nervously for him to open the surprise, "Hmm...little boots? These look like miniatures of what I have, that's such a sweet gift, Sugar,"

"Yeah, there's more and you're an idiot," I roll my eyes sighing but my smile is inevitable, "A baby?" he chokes out looking at the captured ultrasound images. No, I didn't think I was prepared to have a baby until the test popped up positive.

Guess who even got the idea of me, being pregnant? Zach, himself. Of course, I shoved the idea away until it made sense. Three fucking days since I went to the doctor and confirmed it and that's exactly how long it took me to realize, babies happen when we have sex. So it's expected and I don't think we are bad parents. Besides, Molly sure would love a little sibling so it's all worth it.

"Oh finally, you get it! You fucking murder surprises sometimes, you know that?" I whine before looking at his face trying to read his expression, "I'm sorry! This is just amazing, Sugar!"

His grin widens before pulling me into a kiss before pulling back with a frown decorating his face, "Sleepless nights?" I giggle as his jaw drops in realization and he pulls me onto his lap, "Few surprises are worth it all." He says that kissing my forehead with a smile before the baby monitor goes off with Molly's cry.



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