°•°Chapter 48°•°

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"I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains."

Anne Frank.

Chloe's POV.

"So how did the whole thing with Mason go?" I ask Zach while driving down the rather empty road, "It went well; he started with things he's familiar with but is kind of finding it hard to follow my orders. It'll just take some getting used to taking orders from me," he shrugs, opening the Mc. Donald's bag and grabbing the container of fries.

"Those were supposed to eaten at home," I point out, rolling my eyes before grabbing one for myself making Zach laugh, "You make and break rules, all at the same time," he says shaking his head.

With a smile spreading across my face, I steal a quick glance at him as he goes quieter and I realize he's deep in thought, "Zach?" I sigh when he doesn't reply. I grab the remote control of the gate and unlock it before driving in, then close it again.

Stopping right in front of the house, I cut off the engine and remove my seat belt before turning to face Zach who's eyes are closed. I smile, realizing that he's fallen asleep and grab the fries from his hand before packing it up in the bag. Getting off the car, I hear Snowy's bark's from inside the house while I fish the keys out of my pocket and unlock the door.

"Hey there, fella," I smile as soon as Snowy pounces onto me wasting no time as soon as I open the door. Ruffling his fur, I pat his back before he leaves me at the door and I head back to the car.

Opening the door of the passenger seat, I remove Zach's seat belt while nudging him a little to wake up, "Hey, big baby, I can't carry you in as you do to me so help," with that, he lets out a tired laugh.

He grabs the bag of food before getting out of the car and slamming the door close, "You so badly need sleep, Zach." I point out reading his tired face already forming dark circles. I know he's worried but his condition this way is what is getting me even more worried.

Grabbing the bag of food, I take his hand and drag him inside the house, "Zach?" I look back to him puzzled before realizing what he's even doing. He looks around the lawn cautiously before closing the door and locking it up with even latch there is to it, this wasn't going good.

"You need to stop worrying so much, come on," I say with pleading eyes and he sighs before following me to the empty living room. Snowy jumps onto his lap making him smile through the tiredness and I take off my boots before heading into the kitchen.

I grab a few plates to get the food in, "Zach, change your clothes. I'm reheating the food!" I shout loud enough to jerk him awake, "Okay, Sugar," he responds in exhaustion before dragging himself into the bedroom. Grabbing the fries and nuggets, I put them in the microwave or reheating before following Zach in because knowing him; he's probably going to fall asleep as soon as he sees the bed.

Walking into the room, as expected I find Zach lying on the bed and I climb up next to him sighing, "Wake up, you need to eat something first," I whisper knowing that he's still half-awake while caressing his cheek. He's been so stressed out with things lately and after what Ethan did yesterday, that just made things a hundred times worse.

He opens his eyes and I smile, looking at his blue orbs while his hand lifts to my face, tracing my lip, which is much lesser swollen than yesterday, "Zach-" he cuts me off by pulling me onto his chest into a hug.

"You need to stop worrying so much," I mumble into his chest while letting my hands rub his arms in an attempt to calm his racing heart, "I'm trying,"

"Talk it out, Zach. It's just me," I sit up on his stomach to read his pained expression, "It's nothing that you don't already know," he sighs sitting up while holding me in place with his right hand.

"I just want to make sure nothing like what happened to you yesterday, repeats and I don't know how to keep you safe until Ethan is relocated next week," his vulnerable eyes hold my gaze while I lift my hands to cup his face, "We decided that I won't be alone until then so why are you still worried? You're even tagging along to the photoshoot tomorrow,"

He slowly calms down before resting his forehead against mine, "It's going to be alright, Zach," I whisper kissing his cheek, "Mom's coming down next month. She wanted to spend some time with us and I didn't tell her about Molly,"

"That should be the least of your worries, idiot. It's your mom and if anything, she'll be elated when you tell her about Molly. We could just call her together tomorrow?" he smiles at my constant way of calling him an idiot. He nods before pulling me into a kiss, just a soft loving kiss.

"You're amazing," he whispers against my lips, "It's you, who's amazing," I point out with a smile before getting off his lap while Snowy enters the room. He pounces onto Zach playfully making him laugh; he's just my vision of perfection.


My fingers rub circles on Zach's chest as I hear his breathing get even and his arm tightens around me the second I make a small move. Snowy's furry self, rests against my back making me smile; he just takes the opportunity to sleep on the bed whenever we sleep in the living room.

My eyes rest on Zach's face while my thoughts linger around how much things have affected him recently. His urgency to protect me seems to increase and his light-hearted self is being lost in all this mess. I clearly need to do something to change that and hopefully, Molly will be the start of all good things.

Zach being Zach is important to me because I'm not as balanced as he is in fucked up situations usually. If he's not himself then all the fun and happiness just gets evaporated because he can be worse than a cranky child.


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