°•°Chapter 57°•°

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"Happiness is holding someone in your arms and knowing you hold the whole world."

Orhan Pamuk.

Chloe's POV.

"Emmett was right when he said that Chloe is lucky since she gets to have restaurant food quite frequently," Nancy says making me giggle and Zach flashes me a grin before I scowl at him. Looking away, I could feel his hot gaze on me while I concentrated on the T.V., or do I say tried to.

Like why would he get me all hot and bothered, just to leave me hanging like that? I take a bite of the garlic bread while Snowy nudges my legs before settling down next to my legs on the floor. Zach leans a little from the recliner before ruffling Snowy's fur, and kisses my bare calf muscle, catching me by surprise. I look over quickly to find Nancy engrossed in the show and smack Zach's head, not too hard though.

With a smirk dancing on his face, he gets up and nudges me to move a little to make space for him next to me. Luckily, Nancy was on another separate recliner so she wouldn't notice all the teasing her son is up to, just imagine how embarrassing that'd be.

"Are you mad at me, Sugar?" he asks me in a low tone with mischievousness hidden within as he settles down next to me, "Oh, I have no reason to be mad at you," I whisper sarcastically, rolling my eyes. I sigh as he rests his free arm over my shoulders, can't say no to that, I missed my man's touch. No, not in just a sexual way.

With a smile, he kisses my forehead making me crack a smile as well, "I took an off tomorrow, I'm working from home," he whispers, nibbling at my ear making me give him a disapproving look, "Taking an off, I do appreciate but you doing this, I don't,"

I say pushing head slightly away causing an amused smile on his face, "You really are mad at me," he bites down a smile and I shake my head before standing up with an empty plate. Grabbing all the dishes, even Zach's, I head back into the kitchen before opening the garbage and emptying the waste. I place all the dishes in the dishwasher before washing my hands and patting them dry with a towel.

"Are you mad at me because I left you all bothered?" I almost jump in place, "Stop startling me that way," I mutter smacking his chest but he grabs me by my waist with a smile. Biting down a smile, I roll my eyes at him before trying to get his arms off but well, he's strong.

"You didn't answer my question," he raises an eyebrow with his grin, melting my restraints by the second, "I'm not mad at you," I say shaking my head, trying my hardest not to give in to his enchanting grin.

His hands swipe over my sides making a giggle escape my lips, "Zach!" I whisper shout with a smile spreading across my face, "Finally smiling," he pulls me back against his chest before capturing my lips in a kiss.

My arms wrap around his neck making him smile against my lips before biting my lower lip ever so slightly causing a moan, which is quickly cut off as he slips his tongue past my lips. Oh, after this, keeping him away for another hour is going to be quite the challenge.


"Duh, I think I mentioned that it's a surprise," I roll my eyes while tying up a piece of cloth over Zach's eyes, "Surprise at midnight, what are you going to do? Give me a show in some lace?" I smack his head letting out a laugh at his active imagination.

"Now I'm disappointed, Sugar," he pouts like a child making me roll my eyes, "Come on, you won't be disappointed," I say pulling him up from the bed and helping him walk out but he makes the plan even better by wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. Improvisation, as they call it.

Pulling him in front of me as soon as we reach the kitchen, I force him down onto the barstool, "Woah, Sugar. You could've asked politely," grinning, I look over to Nancy who's placing the cake on the counter before walking around to undo the cloth over his eyes.

"Happy birthday, Zach," I whisper into his ear gaining a chuckle followed by a grin from him as he looks over to the classic cake and his mom, "Happy birthday, sweetie," Nancy walks over and kisses Zach on the cheek.

"Thanks, mom," he hugs her before pulling me into the hug as well making me laugh before pulling back, "Thank you so much, Sugar," his eyes sparkled with joy before pecking my lips gaining an 'awe' from Nancy.

Blushing a little, I smile before Snowy nudges my leg with a little birthday hat on his head that Nancy put on, trust me that is the most adorable thing ever, "Snowy's getting impatient too, go on cut the cake,"

I pat Zach's back earning a hearty laugh, "A candle though, really?"

"Come on, make a wish," Nancy nudges him, making him do the same. His free hand clasps around mine as he makes a wish before opening his blue eyes and blowing the candle off. He swipes a finger over the frosting making me giggle at his habit before licking it off if I didn't know any better. He definitely had his mind full of dirty thoughts because his eyes didn't get off mine, "Let me get the camera,"

Letting go of his hand, I walk over to the counter where I placed my camera and walk back to click pictures as he cut the cake with a childish grin. Snowy is already standing on two paws while resting the other two on Zach's lap; he's just waiting for the share of his cake.

Zach shares a piece of cake with his mom who's all smiles with finally getting to celebrate his birthday after quite a long time, "Come here, Sugar," he calls me as I snap a picture of Zach and Snowy in their perfection. Putting my camera on the empty counter, I walk back to them with a grin of my own.

Kissing his cheek, I grab a small slice of cake before letting him take a bite, "It's delicious as always," he whispers before kissing me briefly. Snowy's nudge interrupts our moments making Zach laugh, "Come on here, fella. It's no party without you,"

I smile looking at Snowy swipe up the piece of cake off Zach's hand in one go, "Alright kids, I'm going to bed," Nancy says washing off her hands with a yawn. Could we just take a moment to appreciate how she stayed up despite being tired just to make Zach's birthday even more special.

"Good night, Nancy," I say with a smile, "Goodnight mom," Zach says leaving a quick kiss on her cheek. Snowy circles her with joy, nudging her for some attention; oh, he just gets along well with almost everyone.

"Goodnight," she says with a smile before ruffling Snowy's fur and walks away. I wash my hands before walking back to the counter with a kitchen towel to clean the little mess made around the cake, "You're amazing, Sugar,"

Zach says putting the cake in the fridge before getting back to me, "It's the way you see me." I reply with a smile, disposing of the disposable towel, and washing my hands once again.

His arms wrap around me from behind while he placed a kiss on my shoulder, "I love you," I smile leaning back into his arms, "Love you,"

I look around and notice Snowy stretching before walking back lazily to his little bed in the living room, "I spoke to my lawyer today though you asked me not to get indulged in it today, he says the decision might be taken anytime from tomorrow," he whispers addressing the adoption and I sigh.

"Whatever the decision is, it's going to be the right one for Molly," I say, turning around to face him before cupping his face, "Yup, so when do we get to meet her tomorrow?" he asks me trying to wipe away the disappointment creeping up.

"Tomorrow evening cause I've got a surprise for you in the morning," his grin is back on with that, "What is it?"

"It's called a surprise for a reason, silly," I roll my eyes with a smile before he pulls me into an unfiltered kiss that got me moaning immediately, "Bedroom, birthday boy. Now."


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