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Joaquin followed Ann but she stopped upon reaching the door. It was as if she had seen a ghost. He followed what she saw and it shocked him as well. He was just in time. Joaquin was just a second late to Ann but he saw and heard them say their I love you's. He and Ann were surprised enough to stop and stare. Ann was hurt. Clearly, James had moved on. 'He must be really happy with Maxine,' she thought. Joaquin's eyes widened. He didn't want the view he just saw. James and Maxine were kissing- off. Ann's eyes in tears- a no no. It was the worst, he thought. He wanted to stop the two but he would be busted. Instead, he held Ann's hands and dragged her away from them.

They didn't have a world separated from Joaquin and Ann as they kissed. They were aware that they were seen. But they carried on. James and Maxine both tried to make that kiss as passionate as possible.

But it wasn't passionate in reality. It was dull. They didn't feel anything special but sorrow. Absentmindedly, tears fell off their eyes. They didn't stop from kissing because they wanted to feel something. But they couldn't. There was really nothing to feel. Nothing at all.

It was dull. It was empty. It was impossible to feel the love that they wanted to feel for each other.

After about five minutes, they both stopped. They both couldn't look at each other's eyes. They were embarrassed. They were discomfited.

Maxine touched her lips. It was hurting. She tasted blood and felt small wounds. James was aggressive. But she wasn't mad. She felt what the kiss was for. She understood.

"I'm sorry," he wiped his tears before he could even look at her. But what he saw was not the facial expression he expected. She wasn't mad but crying. And it made him feel more horrible.

"Maxine... I..." he was cut off by Maxine's lips. She tried again. If she was the one who do it first, if she was the one who would be aggressive, would it be different? Would she feel the love she felt from his former lover?

But no, no matter how she tried, there was nothing. No matter how they both tried, it was really empty.

She released herself from the kiss. Leaving James surprised. He didn't know what the second kiss was for. Why did she do that?

Maxine sat and leaned against the wall. She didn't utter a word after those kisses. She was disappointed. Why couldn't she feel anything?

After a few seconds, James sat beside her. He didn't talk because he didn't know what to say. He couldn't understand why she kissed him again.

"I wanted to feel something..." she spoke after a few minutes of silence. James looked at her, confused.

He didn't want to hear the next words she was about to say. She couldn't leave him. He wouldn't make it.

"But this is not working. We both are still hurt..." she held her tears.

"No, Maxine... Please. Don't do this to me. We can still try..." he held her face, begging.

But Maxine did not reply. She couldn't find the right words to make James understand.

"Please, Maxine. Help me..." he pleaded as his eyes started to form tears again. He could not make it if Maxine wouldn't help him. She was the only person that could help him do what his mind wanted.

He tried to convince Maxine for about fifteen minutes. He was so desperate to encourage her not to stop the pretension. He was as desperate when Ann was pleading him to forgive her. However, karma was a bitch. Just like him, Maxine could not give what he wanted. Just like him, Maxine was tired- tired of trying- tired of making herself believe that James was the one for her.

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