ELEVEN : When You Fail Doesn't Mean You Lose

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'I really have no idea how Louie and I resemble. But at least, now I get it. It must be the reason why James was very aloof toward me during his first weeks here. The sight of me must have been breaking his heart, then. Now I understand. He wanted to get over but our similarities pained his heart.

But how come he seems to like that idea, now? Does him, calling me Louie, is a good thing? Will it really make him happy? If we create a world together, a world that they used to share before, would it better? Would it be good for him? Because I'm on. Pretending to feel like Louie does, as I appear to him is the best way to get closer to him and to his heart, I believe.

Does that sound selfish? Immature? Well I take it as a good deed, as of now. It is a favor I'm doing for him.'


I was sitting at the garden swing when my phone suddenly rang. It was a call from my father- sweet. He was checking on me, asking if my legs were totally healed. When I assured him that I was well already, he was relieved. He could finally sleep well, he shared. And before our conversation ended, he gave me the best news I have heard from him so far. He said he was coming on my sweet sixteen two weeks later. I did not expect it since he and her new lady seemed to be busy. It could be the best birthday gift ever- still having my dear father beside me as I blow my birthday candles despite the fact that he has his new family now sounded good. And for sure it would feel good as well.

"You miss him so much, don't you?" a voice suddenly popped out of nowhere. It was James, about to sit in front of me. I nodded and returned his smile. It was good to know that he already learned how to start a conversation with me.

"But he just told me the best news. He's coming on my sweet sixteen," I replied. That probably brought him to confusion that his eyebrows met.

"When?" he asked with an unusual grin.

"Two weeks from now." He let out a deep breath after hearing my reply. That time, I was the one confused.

"Nothing," he said before I could not even ask what is up with his reaction. Probably trying to change the topic, he asked me what I wanted to receive on my birthday. I took time to think. But nothing was really on my mind. He was sure that I was lying but was just left in doubt when I told him the reason behind not asking for anything. I just wanted things to go as the Mighty wished. My mom and dad would be enough to make my birthday meaningful. Family, that is what matters.


The next few days were quite awkward but it actually felt good. Slowly, James introduced me to Louie. He was right, we are similar. But I swear, I had no idea. I never acted as anybody. And I have no plans of doing so. Not unless our situation calls for pretension.

"James," he was supposed to go upstairs but I called him.

"What's up?" he asked. I smiled.

"What's with the smile?"

"Nothing. It's just that... I just notice you're more comfortable now... with me."

"I mean your words... It doesn't sound as formal as before," I added an answer to the raising of his left eyebrow. He immediately looked away upon hearing that. His ears as well as his cheeks turned slightly red.

"James," I called him again.

"You said last time... That I'm-" "You believe me now?" he asked before I could even finish.

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