TWENTY-FIVE : Hell for Her... and for Him

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On the breakfast table, it was all of us seating but I could sense that James was spacing out. It's like he's thinking about something serious. Was he thinking about me and Joaquin? Or him and Maxine? It had just been a week since Joaquin introduced himself to me but a lot of things had happened already. Mom was already asking me, but I couldn't tell. She knew there was something but I couldn't find the right words to explain her. Just like what I told Lauren, I wanted to fix everything alone. It would either be with James- or alone.


A replica of the runway was built on the studio for us to have a rehearsal on. As soon as I stepped on it, I felt that it wasn't strongly built. But the others didn't notice. They walked freely just like the usual. But when it was already my and my partner's turn, I really felt that the middle part was going to break. We had reached the other end and we made it. But I was just shocked when upon going back, the part where he was walking broke down. I lost my balance and fell as well. My hips started to hurt. It was a bad fall.

A hand appeared in front of me right away. It was James. He didn't speak but I knew he was about to help me. But just before he could completely hold me, Joaquin arrived and carried me. I was sure there was tension between the two. James was surely surprised that he did that, but I was happy to see him. However, Joaquin's eyes... I didn't think those would turn into something creepy again. He gave him a daunting glare. 'Is he... mad at him?'

"Are they going to be okay? They can't be injured. The show is going to be less than two weeks from now," Jessie kept on walking back and forth.

"The girl is okay. She should just rest for a day and she can carry on. But the leg of the guy is not. He needs to be treated. He can't manage to walk on the runway for the next three weeks, I guess."

I was relieved when I heard him say that. I could not afford to have another injury. However, I felt bad for my partner. But I guess he should be okay with it. At least he just had to rest for a couple of weeks. It's not a goodbye to the runway after all.

"What? What am I going to do now? I need another guy for Ann!" Jessie exclaimed in annoyance.

"I can do his part!" Joaquin butted in all of a sudden.

Jessie looked at him from head to toe. He has a good built but he seemed to not like him. Thank God. I knew I wouldn't be able to work well with him. It was enough that he could be in the studio. We really didn't have to be together- on the same show with James.

"No." Jessie had decided. Sigh. Things were favoring for me, still.

"Yes," James opposed.

"What? No!" I objected him. He couldn't let him be in the show.

"Why? Aren't you happy to have your boyfriend as your partner?" I knew because of what he said, people were shocked. They didn't know until James spilled it out. But I guessed I had to deal with it now. Everyone was looking at me. I was busted. And there's no way I could get away with it now. If I object again, Joaquin might do something not good.

I just didn't speak. I let them. Joaquin was going to be my new partner for the show. Life was going to be more than hell for sure.



Joaquin brought Ann to the car to send her home. He felt successful because things were just happening as what he expected. He was able to get Ann easily. And now, he even got James' approval of being her partner. That was it. Everything was perfect. He could start making Ann happy by his side.

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