Canters Deli

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I open my eyes to Marc shaking me awake with his brown hair so dark it appears black swinging along with his movements. I grab the pillow next to me off the bed, hitting him while he starts cracking up. "You slept in you bum!" Laughing at me, I cover my face and ears with the pillow to get him to go away which I was successful at doing. I layed in bed for a few minutes longer almost drifting back to sleep but I sit up instead. I turn to the clock which read 1:43 PM. I rub my eye to see if I was looking at it wrong but I must have slept in, it's no wonder, I stayed up all night thinking about Slash. Everytime I would roll over in the darkness to fall asleep I couldn't stop thinking about him. When I would close my eyes his big curly hair would be at the back of my eyelids with his sweet smile poking out from underneath.

I put some shorts on and lazily walk down the stairs, walking into the kitchen I see a pan of scrambled eggs and bacon left out on the stove from breakfast. I grab a plate from the cabinet and scoop the eggs on to the glass with a wooden Spoon and place some bacon on it as well. Finishing eating I put the plate in the dishwasher and go back upstairs to take a shower. Getting ready and looking at my calendar, it's already Friday which meant that we were going to meet the guys at Canters today. I'm a bit worried that I might not fit in with everyone, what if Axl, Izzy, and Duff think I'm weird or I say something that can be offensive to them.

I grow a headache from over thinking, I take a deep breath to collect my thoughts but my mind keeps going back to Slash. Wondering what's wrong with me, I've never thought about a boy like this, even when I still had a crush on him. I can never get my mind off of him, forming butterflies in my stomach from me being able to see him today. Him and I haven't seen each other since he took me to the movies on Sunday and we've only called on the phone, the realization of not seeing him of almost a week feel strange. That week felt as long as hot summer months locked in the house doing noting.

The majority of the time spent waiting for 6:00 to roll around was me reading on the front porch sitting in the rocking chair. The sound of the occasional car passing by would pull me away from the book but it would quickly go back to the sound of the wind wrestling the leaves in the trees and the birds calling out to each other. I twisted my finger in the curls in my hair, and fidgeted with the paper of the book with the other hand. Looking down I was wearing a tight fitting dress in the color black, I normally didn't like wearing dresses but I decided to present myself less of just throwing something on and leaving the house. With my legs crossed I swayed my bare foot as I rocked back and forth in the chair. The pavement of the ground burned a bit from the sun blairing, looking down at my shaved legs, they would glow from the sun hitting them.

I hear another vehicle passing as I lift my head up to see Slash's old red truck pull up to the driveway. Steven sitting in the passenger sit with his puffy blonde hair bouncing as they both get out. They walk up to the porch where I'm sitting, we greeted each other and I open the door for them, I go upstairs to tell Marc it's time and I put my shoes on. With all of us walking out the problem arose that there's only two seats. "Alright, which one of you is sitting in the front." Slash says, in my head I thought that I wouldn't in hell sit in the back of the truck, it sounds like such a cliche girl thing to say but I wasn't gonna mess my hair up. "You can sit in the front Sedona." I feel a pat on the back from Steven giving up his spot for me, I smile and thank him.

While driving to the deli, me and Slash talked about what we did during the week, most of the things he was telling me involved him and Axl. I started forming a pit in my stomach again, worrying about meeting every one. It seemed like Slash noticed from the expression on my face that something was wrong, he's always been good at telling if I was in a bad mood or not. "Are you alright?" He says and elbows me in the arm playfully making me smile. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a little worried." He looks at me sideways while still keeping his eyes on the road. "Sedona, you have noting to worry about, their excited to see you guys." He says making me feel better like he always does, and smile even more from his comment. I turn to the back window to see Marc and Steven holding on for dear life to the bed of the truck. Slash was borderline speeding down the street and when he would hit a speed bump, he slammed on the gas even harder making me laugh so hard my cheeks hurt.

Once we pulled into Canters and got out of the truck, Marc and Stevens hair was a mess. Marc was bitching to Slash about going to fast but it seemed like Steven enjoyed the ride, Stevens puffy hair stood straight up as he was trying the tame it down by brushing it out, he was unsuccessful. Walking inside Slash started looking around the deli, I ended up spotting Axl and Izzy before Slash, with them sitting in a big round booth. I could automatically tell it was them by their hair and the clothes they were wearing. I already knew the fiery red hair of Axl from Slash telling me so I could tell who was who, Axls hair seemed to be teased in a frizzy mess but still made it look presentable  somehow. He was wrapped in a leather jacket and pants with a cigarette in his mouth. Axl almost looked like a woman but his sharp jawline would pull him back to that masculine energy.

Izzy on the other hand didn't look as crazy as Axl, wearing his hair much less frizzy and in a bandana, Izzy also seemed to have a strong masculinity to him as he drank from a milkshake and talked to Axl. We all walked up to the booth and scooted in the seats one at a time and I ended up sitting next to Marc and Slash like usual. Every one else started talking to each other while I just listened, not only was I not good around new people but I had noting to say so I just zig zaged from person to person in the conversation. A little later I started feeling a bit more comfortable with making a comment here and there then soon enough we all were engaged in story's about how Axl and Izzy met, and that one time when Steven broke his wrist while skateboarding and we all started laughing hysterically.

Axl pulls us away from the laughter by quieting us down from him having something to say. "Where the hell is Duff?" He questions seeming a bit annoyed by him being late. I see slash turn to the clock hanging on the wall across the deli then leans back in the booth, he rests his arms behind my shoulders on the back of the booth which for some reason made me want to blush. "He said he should be here by now." Slash said as I look up at him, he turns his head down to me and smiles, at that point I could really feel the heat building up in my cheeks, I covered my face with my hands to hide that I'm obviously flustered by Slash. It's as if he predicted, a tall slender man walks in through the doors wearing a long red and black trench coat. He wore his hair similar to Axls but this hair was a bleach blonde color. From him standing at the front of the restaurant, he must have been over six feet tall not including the big boots he was wearing too.

I turn to look at everyone else's reactions to what just walked through the door and they seem just as surprised as me. Don't get me wrong, I didn't think what he was wearing was out of the ordinary or weird, to be completely honest I enjoyed it and thought it was thrilling and exciting to see such an elaborate and embellished style and the same goes for Axl and Izzy. It seemed like he knew just from the group of us alone that we were the people he would be seeing first in his venture out into Hollywood. From what Slash told me, he just drove into town a few days ago and still didn't have a place to stay.

With a dorky but cute grin on his face, Duff began walking towards our booth while Axl and Izzy got out of the booth for Duff to sit. The next 15 minutes or so was spent with all of us getting to know the possible future member of the band that will come to be, and somewhere in that mix we all ordered our food. Slash ended up pulling out a silver flask from his jacket pocket as we all pasted it around the table, with all of us being under age, we had to hide it under the table. When our food came all the boy began to devour the soups we all ordered, it being that it was the cheapest thing on the menu.

While we all continued talking about random things, I felt a hand on my knee as I look under the table to see it was Slash. I felt a rush of energy flow through my body with goosebumps being formed on my skin. I looked at him to see Slash not even looking at me and still fixated on the conversation between the other's and playing it off. At the moment it truly felt like him and I were in a relationship, I've been feeling so confused the past week about what we were but I was too afraid to ask. I felt that it was too early to call us boyfriend and girlfriend but it's not like we were noting. I could feel his hand slowly moving up my leg and I couldn't tell if he was trying to get back at me for what I did to him to other day. My cheeks grew hot again as I turn my head to Marc sitting next to me, he also seem fixated on talking and didn't notice Slash trying to seduce me from under the table.

He started getting deathly close to my underwear from beneath my dress until I stopped him by grabbing his wrist and putting it back to his side. I see him smirk mischievously, still looking at Axl while he talks. It's as if I could hear his thoughts in his head and they were saying "I won this battle." It didn't take long for all of us to finish our food, at the end of dinner we all decided to spilt the bill equally. Before we left the deli we figured that we should all stop by Slash's apartment and keeping drinking and conversating with us spilting ways with Slash, Marc, Steven and I jumping into Slash's rusty red pick up truck.

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