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We snuck out from the front door, not having my dad or brother noticing we left. Most of the drive we were just listening to music and not talking very much, though it wasn't the kind of silence that felt awkward. It was just a moment of sort of respecting the music and not feeling the urge to spark a conversation. But I did ask him one thing during the short drive to the nearest theater which was what movie we were going to see. He told me that he didn't know but then we started talking about the films that recently came out that we were interested to see. Again reassuring that we'll figure out everything and that it would be fine as he smiles.

While pulling up to the theater and getting out of Slashs rusty red truck, we walked up to the front with the big board of film titles above the ticket booth. There was a short line of people standing outside, looking over to Slash I realize that we were wearing very similar clothing. A leather jacket with jeans and a tee shirt, I look down at my outfit, brushing the wrinkles out of my shirt and pants. While standing in line we decided to see A Nightmare On Elm Street, I recently saw a trailer for it on TV, it was the kind that would make you so despite to see just from the plot not even needing to see who's acting in it or who's the director.

Slash and I got some sodas and popcorn for the theater and sneaked in shortly before the movie started, only watching about two or three movie trailers. Throughout the whole film which was captivating and suspenseful, I would jump every once in a while when there was a scare. I grabbed Slashs arm on the arm rest a few times from fear but he would just smile and think it was cute or something. I personally love horror movies and I enjoy the thrill of a jump scare or gore which would probably be my favorite part of the whole movie.

Once the movie was over and we were walking out of the cinema, bonding about the movie and talking about how great it was. Opening the front glass doors and seeing the sunset with an array of pinks and oranges in the sky, Slash wraps his arm around me rubbing my shoulder and holding me closer to him as we continue talking about the film. He let's go of me when we get closer to the truck and slipping off to the other side. When closing both the doors and sitting for a second in the still and silent car, Slash noticeably doesn't put the key into ignition. "Listen." He hesitates for a moment and begins acting nervous and shy by covering the majority of his face with his hair. "I want to do this with you more, it's just when we're together it feel... Right." He says as I smile and I can feel myself blushing.

"It's weird to said, I mean you know I'm not the kind of person to share my feelings." Slash continues, when he says feelings I know his referring to romantically which I think he knew he didn't have to explain himself. "I just really like you, I've... Liked you for a long time." Hesitating again I can feel my cheeks getting hotter, I put my hand to my chest, feeling my heart beating so fast as if to the engine of a race car as the passenger steps on the gas pedal. "You alright?" He laughs and I smile back to him, putting his hand on Mine while I reassure him I'm okay.

"Never thought you would be the one to said it." I joke and we both laugh. "What's that supposed to mean." He chuckles. "I like you too." I grin trying to hide the redness in my face from him. "But I feel like you knew that since we first started to become friends." I say while he looks at me through his mane of hair, I wasn't able to see his eyes very well but I still saw sincerity and happiness in his face. He starts the car, and drove out of the parking lot.

When we got back to the house it was getting dark but the sunset was still filling the sky with a blast of different colors. Slash pulls up to the driveway and I get out but he stays in the truck. I come around to his rolled down window and rest my elbows on his door. I take a second to admire him before he starts talking. "If your still up to come meet the guys with me, we're going to Canters if you want me to pick you up." He says, I push my hair out of my face as the wind runs through it sending chills all over. "Alright sounds good." I said with a smile as I step over to walk away but he stops me. "I invited Marc too." The expression on my face drops slightly but I wasn't going to complain. "Alright when is this going on?" I asked referring to a time and day. "On Friday, I'll pick you guys up around the same time as today." Slash replied. "6:00?" I questioned as he nodded yes in response.

I say bye to him but he kisses me unexpectedly on the lips which made me smile like a dork. I walk to the front door which was unlocked and I wave bye to slash as he drives off. I close the door to see one lamp on in the living room and my dad sitting on the couch with a playboy magazine. He startled me at first but I became more comfortable once I knew who it was. "Where did you go?" He says slightly in a stern voice as I tilt my head down from shame. "I'm sorry daddy we just went to the movies." I say like a crying puppy as I walk over to him. "Your not in trouble." He smiles, I knew I wouldn't be since I get away with doing thing because I'm a 'daddy's girl'. I hug him from behind the couch and I tell him good night, then I walked upstairs to my room.

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