Slash's Birthday

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Me and Marc have been preparing the house for Slash's birthday party for the past couple of days and decided to have it at our house since it was significantly bigger than his apartment. I woke up early to get dressed up in something presentable, but mostly to have a couple of hours in my day that weren't complete ludicrous. I was guessing that up to 100 so people would come since Slash overall has a sizable amount of friends. All me and my brother planned to do was order a shit ton of pizza and not have anything break tonight. Marc and I don't live with our Mom, and Dad was on a business trip for the week so we had the house to ourselves.

I put on a dark purple top with flaired sleeve, a pair of denim shorts and brown suede boots. I walked down the stairs to grab a snack before the party, I didn't plan on eating during, I have a thing with big groups and I'm definitely not a 'party animal '. I wouldn't consider myself to be a shy or introverted person, as a matter of fact I enjoy interacting with people. But when it comes to something like a house party, it freaks me out that something bad can happen with so many young, and frankly stupid kids all in one place. Slash doesn't necessarily like party's ethier but he enjoyed them significantly more then I do, Though I would gladly sacrifice that fear for Slash to have fun.

I open the fridge as my eye gravitate to the container of sliced pineapple and rip the top off. I start eating straight from the canister when my brother walks in and greets me. He sits in the bar stool placed on the other side of the counter tops and rests his Chin on his fist. "So... Did you get Slash a gift or what? " He said smugly as I give him a slight stick eye. "Of course I did, but I'm not gonna tell you. " I smirk as I try to withhold what I got for him. "Why not? " He asked loudly, laying his hands flat out on the counter and picking up his body off the stool by pushing downwards. I start laughing at him for taking the situation a bit too seriously as I put the container lid back on the box. "Because I know you'll tell him, you will see it later, alright? " As I end the conversation by walking out of the kitchen.

It was probably about 6:00 when Slash came over to our house early. We were all sitting on the couchs and talking for a good amount of time until their was a knock on the door. I stood up to answer it and see that it's Steven and his girlfriend, I wasn't familiar with who she was but I was close friends with Steven. He met Slash and Marc in middle school and they've been best friends since, Marc and I haven't seen him in a long time because he was visiting family in Cleveland for a few months. "Hey guys, come in. " I said invitingly as they both smiled at me in return, I've seen Steven as a bit of a brother to me which never made me have feelings for him but he has always had the sweetest smile I have ever been received, seeing him smile makes me feel ten times better with the cheeryness on his face.

In contrast to Stevens smile was his girlfriends cold and fake looking smirk while he had his arm around her shoulder, she appeared a bit uncomfortable and not wanting to be here. As they walked inside her smile fell flat though Steven still seems extremely giddy from being able to see all of us again. He greets everyone with a hug including me and tells Slash happy birthday then hands him a brand new Aerosmith album, toys in the attic. With a grin being drawn on Slash's lips, his hair covers his face, pushing the thick curls back showing his brown almond shaped eyes and hugs Steven again. On the inside my heart is being twisted up in knots by the adorableness of their friendship. Slash thanks him and they both sit down on the sofa.

I turned my attention back to Stevens girlfriend though when he announced who she was. "This is Audrey, we met while I was visiting the folks. " He said, rubbing her right arm while she had her arms and legs crossed. She reminded me of not so much a Heather Duke but a Heather Chandler as I would expect her to act. Audrey's hair was teased up to the ceiling, wearing tons of blue eyeshadow that clashed with her blue eyes and blonde hair. She had on jean pants and jacket paired with what looks like a cheetah print shirt underneath. Audrey still looks completely done with all of us as she has a smug look on her face and seems extra pissed at Steven for some apparent reason.

Later on through the night the party is at its prime, the house was flooded with people from shoulder to shoulder and loud music echoes through each room forming a headache in my mind. I have been sitting on the sofa smoking pot out of my bong that I've brought down from my room and passing it around for about an hour. Audrey hasn't moved from her spot since they got here, still giving off a bitchy ora. The boys had up and left a while ago probably wondering around the kitchen or backward. Out of curiosity over Stevens girlfriend, I get up to go look for them through the house.

I finally run into all three of them after getting stuck in small talk with some acquaintances. Slash, Steven, and Marc are all laughing most likely about something one of them said as I approach them. I first gravitate my attention to Steven in hopes he will give me an answer to what's wrong with his girlfriend. "Hey did something happen to you and Audrey or is she always a cunt? " I say as Slash and Marc laugh at my use of the foul word. "Man, me and her got in an argument about coming over here so she's kinda stuck up right now. " He said, as he always does in a very 'skater boy' manner while still smiling and joking about the whole situation. "I mean she's always a little like that but she's pretty pissed at me this time." Steven explains then turns his head to Slash and Marc with his frizzy blonde hair bouncing along with him.

All of us continue chatting for a few minutes then all the sudden Slash picks up his head as his eyes straight beelines to the front door across the hallway with a look of anger and shock on his face. I turn to look behind me at what he's seeing and it's his ex girlfriend Brooke. All of the memories of them being together form in my head and I roll my eyes at the occurrence from the past. Basically, Slash and her really weren't that great together and when ever they were getting along she would be extremely obnoxious. Slash called it off and said it wasn't working. Brooke had a break down and started breaking all his shit including his grandmother guitar and burned all his clothes.

Slash suspenseful turns his head to Marc, putting the blame on him for her showing up. "What the fuck is she doing here? " He muttered through his teeth in a frustrated tone, I can feel the bar of his anger reaching it's breaking point and I prepare myself for him to freak out. Slash is normally a very layed back person and thats what I love so much about him, but when he gets upset it's the kind of feeling that makes you want to curl up into a ball and cry your eyes out. "I didn't know she was coming man, I'm s- " Marc says then gets interrupted by Slash cutting him off abruptly. "Well what the fuck! " He yells at Marc shaking his head with his hair covering his whole face. I knew that Slash didn't mean any harm, he never does. But in that moment I can feel that he regretted yelling at him.

Me and Steven stood in place awkwardly and I think we looked at each other at one point searching for clarity. Slash storms off and walks out of the back door where there was more people hanging out. I decided against chasing after him, I've learned over the years that it just pisses him off even more when you try to talk to him about it. I inch away from Marc and Steven too since they probably wanted to talk about it without me. I go to sit back on the sofa where someone has already stolen my spot from me and I scoff to myself silently as I proceed to sit somewhere else on the couch.

I ponder in my thoughts while the music still Blairs through the house and I take in my surroundings. I feel an unexpected tap on my shoulder, I jump slightly and turn to see it's just Slash. "Hey Sedona, do you wanna get out of here? " He said, in a much more calming tone then when I just saw him early. "For sure, where are we going? " I asked delaying my sentence. "I don't know, we'll figure something out. " He smiles with his teeth, referring to the other day when I asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday. I laughed at his remark and I get up to walk out of the door with him.

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