18. Date Night

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I've made sure that it's alright with the Sheriff, so I'm on my way to the loft from the station. I'm finally taking Stiles on a date. The doesn't know this. He doesn't know that I've been planning this for days. Hopefully, Derek and/or Peter have gotten him up for the day. Parking my truck, I hop out and head inside. Stiles is sitting at the counter on his laptop finishing his class assignments.

"Hey." I said walking over to him, kissing the top of his head. He lifts his head up so that he can face me.

"What's up?"

"How much of your assignment do you have left?"

"That doesn't answer my question, but I just have to submit it."

"When you're done, would you like to go out with me?"

"Like on a date?"

"Exactly like a date."

I watched as his face broke out into a smile before immediately turning back to his computer to submit his assignment. Popping out of his seat, only to stumble but I caught him. He asked,

"So where are we going?"

"That's a surprise."

"But what do I put on, I'm still in my pajamas and you're still in your uniform."

"Comfortable/casual." I stated walking us into our room. He slowly made his way to his side of the closet while I was going through my own clothes. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a nice t-shirt I headed to the bathroom to change. When I came back out, Stiles was in a pair of jeans with one of my maroon sweaters on. I chuckled smiling at his appearance, he looks adorable. I gently nudged him to get our shoes so we could leave. I really hope he likes this.


Once parked I helped Stiles out and inside.

"Burgers and milk shakes?" He asked

"Yup, they also have good curly fries."

"I'll be the judge of that."
"You will, will you?" I chuckled as he gave a curt nod. Inside we sat at the counter by Stiles' request both of us ordering burgers with curly fries and milkshakes. Stiles was happy. Over the moon even and my hound was proud about it. He seemed so carefree as I watched him talk about how Derek and Peter were acting today. His hands moving in spastic motions as he explained how he walked in on Peter and Derek having a laughing fit acting like Uncle and Nephew like they had before the fire. Before Kate destroyed their family. I smiled at his story once he finished shoving a handful of curly fries into his mouth. A low moan escaping his lips once he swallowed. Most likely an unconscious action and I wouldn't have heard it if I wasn't supernatural. The hound took that as a go ahead to start forcing himself forward. I shut my eyes to keep others from seeing the flaming orange color.


"Give me a second."

"What's wrong?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Is it the hound?"

I nodded and he placed his hand on either side of my face. Suddenly I felt warm lips against mine. My arms pulled Stiles closer to me as he continued the kiss as I began to kiss back. He broke away moments later asking,


"You tell me." I whispered opening my eyes.

"I made it worse."

"Not on purpose." I spoke shutting my eyes again as Stiles took my wallet quickly paying and we go out to my truck.

"I normally have better control over him"

"But I understand. I'm your unclaimed mate who disappeared for several months and when I was found by you . Someone else who wasn't you or pack touched me. Your Hell-Hound side's been on edge. Then I was placed in a coma for around five months and that put you more on edge. It's why now that I'm awake you have to impulsively need to touch me because you are reassuring yourself,but your hound is doing it as a pseudo-claiming. So right now, I probably did something unconsciously."

"You absolutely did. However, I'm proud of you.." I whispered looking towards him.

"About what?"

"You taking charge and kissing me."

"OH........... that was our first kiss." he said his eyes going wide

"It was." I agreed watching as he let the events of the past few minutes sink in.

Suddenly I have a lap full of Stiles as he kisses me with more heat. But it feels like its more passion, like he's trying to convey something in it. Something that only I'll ever understand. I do the same to him and as he pulls back he has a blissful smile on his face and tears running down his cheeks. Tears that I wipe away with my thumbs.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I think I love you too." he responded.

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