10. Lacrosse and Flashbacks

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It's now the end of the school day and I have to go to lacrosse practice. I followed Scott into the locker room. My anxiety is through the roof, my heart probably is booming in the werewolves' ears because I know it's roaring in mine. 

"Stiles, why don't you go wait on the field?" Scott suggested. I nodded and turned to leave when Michael grabbed my shoulders and pushed me against the lockers. 

"You skip out on school and lacrosse at the end of last year for months. Now you show up and don't change for practice. What is wrong with you." He shouted slamming me against the each time he wanted to make a point. 

"Michael, back off." Danny tried. I saw Scott leave over Michael's shoulder probably to get coach since he can't use his werewolf strength in front of everyone here. 

"Shut up." 

"Hey asswipe. Leave him alone. He's not even gonna try out. Had a discussion with Coach at lunch. I think he's going to become assistant coach because Finstock won't let him quit." Jackson defended me. 

"Since when do you stand up for the spaz?" 

"Since he met  me." Ethan piped up. Though this did nothing to remove Michael from on top of me. No one was realizing my hyperventilating almost panic attack behavior. 

"Aye Johnson let go of Stilinski! Stilinski, I'll meet you outside on the field." Coach shouted whilist pulling Michael off of me and blowing his whistle causing me to flinch before running out of the room and straight into Mason. 

"Woah, Woah. Stiles hey. Breathe, you're okay." He calmly said barely touching my shoulders. I looked up at him teary eyes and he gave me a warm smile. I just pulled him into a hug. I should feel scared, but I don't. Mason is safe. He kept his hands at his sides. 

"I-I-I-It's o-o-o-o-o-o-okay. S-S-S-S-Safe." I stuttered out in a whisper. At first I thought that he didn't hear me, but then he slowly wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"I'm glad you feel safe with me." 

I nodded into his neck

"Were you going to the lacrosse field?" 

I nodded 

"Alright, Let's go." He said stepping back from me, but I still just had a hold of his wrist. 

"Did something happen i the locker room?" He asked noticing my grip on his arm. I nodded as we began walking. 

"Scared you?" He asked again and I nodded and got a smile in return as Mason led me out onto the field. 


Jackson was right, Coach made me assistant coach. He also said that Lydia gave a brief and very vague explanation of my situation.  He thought that socializing with other people and fresh air would help me. I appreciated the gesture. Really I do. It's just different for Coach to act with sympathy. But, whatever. Practice just ended and I was heading to the parking lot where Mason and Corey agreed to drive me home. Originally it was Lydia, but something came up  and she had to run errands for her mom who couldn't leave the school just yet. I just made it to the parking lot when I was shoved to the ground. 

"Stilinski. Weak. Pathetic. Stilinksi." Michael. 

I tried to get up but he continued to kick me spouting vulgar words at me. Suddenly I could feel his hands on me. They were grabbing and holding me still as I received my punishment.

"That's right sweet boy. You're going to take the punishment like a good boy and then you'll get your reward." He stated pushing me further onto the rock hard mattress. 

"Tell Daddy what you did wrong." He attempted to coo at me but my face just got covered in his saliva. All that escaped me was a whimper and tears. 

"Tell me baby boy." He was starting to get frustrated and angrier. It scared me. 

"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I b-b-b-bit D-D-D-D-D-D-D-Daddy."

"That's right, you did. Did you learn your lesson?" 

"Yes. D-D-D-D-D-D-D-Daddy." 

"Good boy." He said hitting me with the whip three more times. 

"Now, you're going to take your reward like a good boy." He hummed petting my hair. I heard the zipper of his pants and him struggling to get his pants off. Tears streamed faster down my face and breathing was becoming hard. Suddenly he was thrusting into me. 

"D-D-D-D-D-Daddy, Stop." I cried out.  

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