14. The Awakening

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God, am I dead? Was I dreaming? My body feels lighter. I haven't felt this rested since before all this Supernatural shit storm. Ugh, where am I? I try to open my eyes but they feel like lead. My ears pop and I hear this annoying beeping sound, excuse me; sounds. There's something on my face, down my throat. I open my eyes noticing I'm laying in the hospital room, by myself. I remove the breathing tube from my throat coughing up saliva  as a loud alarm goes off and I hear a herd of rushing steps towards my room before the door was practically kicked in. 

"Mr. Stilinski." 

"Mr. Stilinski." 

"Mr. Stilinski." 

"You need to keep that in." 

They were talking over each other and trying to shove the tube back down my throat even though I was breathing on my own. There's too many people in here. 

"Melissa....... McCall." I got out between coughs. She came in and ushered everyone out. Even the doctors. Once everyone was gone, she turned her attention to me. I watched  her as she removed the breathing tube from my throat leaving the nasal cannula on my face. She shut off the machine that was making the god awful beeping noise. 

"'Lissa?" I rasped out looking at her through squinted eyes. A glass of water was  thrusted into my hands as the lights dimmed. I blinked a couple more times to get my blurry eye sight  to focus before taking sips of the cool water in my hands. 

"How are you feeling?" Melissa asked walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed to do a bit of an examination of my injuries I assume. 

"Tired mainly. My throat and lower back are a little sore." 

"That's to be expected, you've been in a medical coma for several months to allow your body to heal from the trauma you received. We were able to give your body the nutrients needed that you weren't getting prior because you weren't eating enough.  Your sore throat is due to the breathing tube and the feeding tube. Your back is probably sore mainly because your muscles are not as tense anymore and the cuts that split open from the beating Michael Johnson gave you.  The situation was explained to ms. Martin and Michael's parents and he's been expelled because of his actions possibly causing harm to the progress you had made." 

I nodded in understanding before sitting in a more upright position with the bed adjusted also. 

"Where's my dad and Jordan?" I asked around a yawn. 

"Cafeteria with Scott and Lydia. Derek had convinced them to get dressed and shower and basically keep up with themselves so they got back three hours ago and Scott and Lydia showed up around 10 minutes ago dragging them out of these chairs. Would you like me to send someone down?" 

"Can you call my dad on your phone and I answer it?"

She nodded with a small motherly smile on her face. She took out her phone and dialed my dad's number before handing it to me. 

"Melissa, why are you calling me? I'm in the cafeteria with Parish, Scott and Lydia."

"Dad." I whispered. It was silent for a few minutes before I heard the dial tone. I handed the phone back to Melissa as they barged into the room. 

"You're awake. How do you feel?" My dad said. 

"Tired and sore, but overall okay. Not amazing and not terrible. Just okay." 

"I can deal with okay." he said leaning over me and giving me a hug that I clung to. I could feel everyone's stares. I know I wasn't able to do this much before, but I'm dealing with it. I even remember what Peter did to help me. What he told me. - ' I'm going to help you dissociate yourself from the pain you are receiving and hopefully the situation overall. I'm going to try and warn the pack, but I don't know if I'll be able to with the chemicals set up at the back door. '

Peter was trying to be helpful which I'm grateful for. 

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