Line 29 / Part 1

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LINE 29 / Part 1

John had barely swallowed the last bite of his breakfast cereal when he was already up and running to his room. Seconds later he was back, daypack shouldered, baseball cap only showing its visor with the rest of his head covered by the hood of his sweatshirt, a few unruly curls of blond hair escaping that statement of teen fashion. To Sarah he looked like the perfect angel.

"Whoa, don't you think that's a bit warm for the middle of summer?

"Have you seen my shades?" was his answer to Sarah's question. "Ah, there." He snatched them from the kitchen counter next to the door leading to the garage.

"When do you think you'll be back? I mean just a general hunch. Like closer to lunch or closer to dinner or what?"

"Don't know mom but no worry, just do your thing. I won't starve. Later." Out the door he was. The rambling and rattling of the opening garage door drowned out Sarah's "Call me later" and "Tell Julia I said hi."

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