Line 35 / Part 2

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Once Bob was done penning the information, he summarized his phone call with Elizabeth's ex-husband for them.

"Peter has actually gotten a phone-call from Julia -"

"Oh my god what did she say?" interrupted Elizabeth immediately.

"Elizabeth, behave yourself! You should know by now that interrupting when someone speaks is not acceptable in this house," Amelia, stern.

"Sorry," Elizabeth as usual, instantly intimidated by her mother's critique, "Please Bob, go on."

"As I was saying, Julia contacted Peter a couple of hours ago but he couldn't get to the phone because he was playing with his girlfriend's three-year-old daughter. Later on he tried to call Julia back but only reached her voicemail. Now he's worried of course and wants to fly out right away. I told him this isn't necessary at this point and that in fact, if he gets on a plane, he must turn his phone off and that wouldn't be good in case Julia tries to get in touch with him again."

"I knew it, something bad has happened, I knew it," Elizabeth shrieked, slamming her hand on the surface of the table. "She's gone! I mean we all know there is no service here in this godforsaken place so she must be gone how else could she have called him?"

"Calm down Elizabeth, please!" said Ted putting his hands on hers. "There are a few spots far and between where we get reception. Maybe she's out and about trying to find those places? You know how teenagers are when it comes to their life-lines, is what Ted junior calls the bars on his cell phone."

"Ted is right of course but I think the best thing to do is to go back to the station and fill out a missing persons report just to be on the safe side," Bob, lifting his heavy frame from the chair. "But first I want to go and look at her room if you don't mind?"

Elizabeth, in total shock, couldn't even get up.

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