Chapter six: Someday, Someday........

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You know how people drugged up on morphine say they feel as light as a feather well I really envied them! I can't have morphine because it has a bad reaction to my system and makes me sick for weeks so when I woke up god knows where I was in searing pain. My fists were clenched so hard that I could have snapped someone's neck with them. I could go with snapping Trey's neck right now for treating me like a sack of potatoes. Wait he would probably treat potatoes with more respect.

I looked around the ocean themed room. Boat photographs hung on the soft cream walls. A large anchor done up to look rather authentic sat in one of those boxes into the wall where a television normally sat. My eyes landed on a chair pulled up by the bed that was occupied by an unfamiliar face.

His head cocked to the side as he stared at me with his chocolate orbs. His sandy hair sticking everywhere. He looked nineteen at the oldest.

"Who are you?" I asked in no mood to be polite.

"Your doctor Miss Prisk."  He said looking me dead in the eyes.

Does he really think I'm that daft?

"That's hilarious but as you can see I am in no mood for jokes so next time you want to lie to me make it something more believable." I informed him.

I swear I could burst a vain in my head. The only thing I was thankful for right now was the fact they had put one of those medical compression leggings on my leg so you couldn't see the ugly colours I'm sure it was turning.

"I assure you I am not lying, now while you were asleep we were able to slip your bone back into place." He said.

"Well if you're really a doctor then why am I still in so much pain?" I hissed at him.

He smiled at me. Oh seriously this wasn't a smiling matter.

"I was able to pull your medical records and I saw you couldn't have morphine which made things difficult because there was slight damage to the muscle." He explained.

"Can't you give me something else?" I asked desperately.

He smiled again. God what is with this guy?

"I didn't have anything else on me so I sent Cathy out to pick some up while you were out cold she should be back any moment." He said as happy as Sunday.

He was really starting to get on my nerves! Maybe I could snap his neck. I still wasn't sure if I should believe his doctor act he looked way to young, I mean he looked barely even old enough to go to medical school.

He had the cutest cheeks they were like little kids chubby cheeks that you just wanted to squeeze. That's not to say he looked like a little kid he just had more of a boyish face then a manly one it was cute! He was wearing one of those thin grey shirts that were made to be tight so I could see all the muscle definition.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He asked bringing me back to reality.

I could still feel the seething pain in my leg but a good distraction always helped.

"How old are you?" I asked changing the subject.

He blushed slightly. Shy guy hmm not a lot of those exist anymore such a rare species.

"You're not suppose to ask a guy their age." He said trying to avoid my stare.

"Actually I believe that's woman so spill how old are you?" I asked again.

The bedroom door in the corner opened and in waltzed Cathy with a small bag in her hand interrupting our little chat. A smile was plastered on her face too. Could nobody see I was in pain!

"Oh your awake how is the patient feeling?" She asked handing the bag to doctor dude.

Funny I didn't even know his name.

"I feel like I could snap everyone's necks right now just give me some bloody drugs already!" I whined.

Doctor dude chuckled as he began filling up a syringe of clear looking liquid.

"What are you laughing at doctor dude?" I asked.

Catherine burst out laughing. She looked like she was going to wet himself.

"It gets worse she didn't believe me when I told her I was the doctor." He told her.

By this time Cathy was balling on the floor and doctor dude was laughing at her. I got so fed up I decided to leave. This let me tell you wasn't an easy task when you can only use one leg and have to walk through two lunatics.

"Hey! Where are you going? You're not meant to be on your leg for at least two days." Called the so called doctor as I left the room.

I ignored his calls as I found my way outside and walked into the main house with a killer leg. I was considering chopping it off. Anyway back to the task at hand! I was in hunt of the kitchen. I think my stomach finally caught up to the lack of food thing. It rumbled like a grizzly bear. Finally finding my way into the house I followed the hallway down to where I remember the kitchen being except the smell of apple pie had dulled down.

What surprised me when I walked into the kitchen was that Trey looked fine, no one had even got a punch in for me! It seemed as if he didn't even care about what he was done. He was already moving on with life.  He was even having a meeting at the dining room table which was fill and that was a fourteen seat table. I know big right! Everyone was too busy to even realise I had slipped into the room.

I continued into the room limping to the counter so I could have something support my weight.

"Trey what do you think needs to be done?" Some guy at the table asked him.

The room was airily silent as they waited his reply. The thing is he didn't say anything and I got that whole déjà vu feeling as if I was being watched. I couldn't resist the urge to turn around and look. Everyone's eyes on Trey waiting for a response yet his eyes were looking into mine and I felt myself being pulled under by their spell.

His face was as if holding a monotone look but his eyes held great sadness. The kind that if you saw them on anyone else you would wrap them in a big hug and never let them go but I couldn't forgive Trey for any of this. He practically kidnapped me, he has an ego the size of Africa you can tell by how highly he thinks of himself and then he man handles me and thinks it was ok that I got hurt.

I pulled away from his gaze and went in search of something to eat in the pantry. It suddenly occurs to me that I'm going through someone else's pantry. Oh well I suppose it's the least they can do. Before I can make my mind up on what to eat a hand snakes out in front of me and grabs the bag of pita crisps before placing them in front of me to grab.

I already know who it is and yet I'm still tempted to lean back into him and let him hold me but I know that would give Trey the idea that it's ok and I forgive him. It actually saddens me to say I can't forgive him. All I feel when I am around him is this need to be close to him and it sucks poppy flowers big time!

I silently take them out of his hand to afraid to turn around knowing if he saw my face I would be a goner. The warmth of his breath fans the top of my head as his hand reaches for something else but I stand as rigid as an ice block waiting. He hands me a juice box as if he can read my mind. His fingers graze mine sending that tingling through my fingers but all too soon they are gone and I begin missing his touch. What the hell is wrong with me??

"Tasha you're meant to be in bed!" Said doctor dude as he came running into the room.

Surprisingly I want to hug doctor dude whose name I seriously have to find out because he just won me my freedom. Trey was no longer standing behind me, he was already making his way back to his seat but everyone else's eyes were staring intently at me in shock.

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