Chapter 22: Fight

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🥀"It doesn't matter how this looks to other people. If this is something you have to do then do it. Fighters fight."🥀

"Fuck! You bastard!"

Makki, being street smart due to where he grew up, was an excellent fighter. Not only was he strong, but he was fast, and could take a lot of hits. The funny thing was, him and Haruki had fought several times before, but never for anything this extreme.

Semi laid on the floor as he watched the two go at each other. He could feel blood in his throat, but it didn't bother him. Shirabu had made it out alive, and that's all that mattered to him. But this was far from over.

Makki stumbled back as he received a harsh blow to the nose. He pulled his hand back as he felt blood drip down his chin.

"So Barbie Girl, you realized your mistake?" Haruki asked as he grinned and wiped blood from his lip.

Makki looked over at Semi and his eyes softened.

"Semi I'm sorry. I'm the reason Shirabu was even involved with this guy. I thought he was a changed person. I thought he loved Shirabu." Makki hung his head as he spoke. Semi felt terrible. Makki didn't deserve this, and he knew Makki didn't mean it. And now they were both going to be beaten to death by a madman.

Semi got up and stumbled over to Makki, collapsing onto one of his arms. Unable to speak, he gave Makki a hug. He forgave him, and Makki knew it.

"Hey Semi?" Makki whispered.

Semi looked up at the pink haired boy. What was he doing?

"Make a run for it. And please, tell Mattsun to keep my dog alive." Makki joked as he said his (sort of) goodbye to his old friend. Semi's eyes widened as he shook his head frantically, but Makki ignored this. He knew Haruki would definitely kill Semi if he stayed. He wasn't sure what would happen to him, but he didn't care. This was his fault.

Makki pinched Semi's cheek like he did when they were kids, and pushed him towards the door as he rushed Haruki again. Semi silently cried as he unlocked the door and left the bathroom. He could hear Makki yelling as he staggered away.

Semi was almost to the playground when he heard an all too familiar voice scream his name.


Shirabu violently wrapped his arms around Semi for dear life as he cried into the third year's chest.

"Semi I love you! I love you! Don't ever forget that!"

When Semi didn't respond, Shirabu looked up into his face.

"Your throat...Semi we need to get you to the hospital."

Semi ignored this and looked around, when his eyes locked with a worried black haired male. Semi rushed over to Mattsun, grabbing his arm and pulling frantically in the direction of the bathroom. Oikawa hadn't been able to tell them where Makki was before he had collapsed into a breakdown. So Mattsun was completely unaware of the situation Makki was in.

Mattsun's eyes widened as he realized what was going on, and him and Atsumu rushed to the bathrooms with Semi, Shirabu, and a nervous Oikawa close behind.

When they reached the bathrooms, a crowd had formed outside the door.


Shirabu watched as Asahi and Lev held Haruki up by his arms as he sporadically kicked his legs.

"Drop him," Atsumu said, and they did as told. Atsumu grabbed Haruki by the collar and got down close to his face.

"Listen close, because I'll only tell you once. Don't ever come near my baby cousin or my friends ever again. He won't be so merciful next time. Looks to be like your rib is broken judging by the bruise on your torso. Feel lucky that that's all you're leaving here with."

Haruki scowled as Atsumu let go of him.

"Don't think this is over, Shirabitch," Haruki snapped his teeth, and with that, he was gone.

Mattsun walked over to the crowd at the bathroom door. He tried to prepare himself for the worst. For all he knew, Makki could be dead; beaten to death by an old rival with no one there to help him.

The crowd split apart to make way for Mattsun as he entered the bathroom. He let out a sob as he laid eyes on the pink haired boy standing over the sink. Makki looked up in response to his boyfriend's cries.


Makki smiled as he opened his arms and let Mattsun engulf him in a hug. Makki flinched at the pain, causing Mattsun to let go.

"Where are you hurt? Let me see!" Mattsun demanded as he wet a paper towel and wiped the blood off of Makki's face.

"I'm fine, it's just my nose," Makki reassured him.

"Oh I can tell. I assume it's broken since you kinda sound like Squidward."

"Oh you want Squidward? Cause I can give you Squiward bitch!" Makki teased as he lightly punched Mattsun in his nose. They both laughed together as Mattsun helped Makki out of the bathroom.

Suga ran up to Semi with some bandages and gauze. He quickly wrapped up the wound on Semi's arm that Semi ultimately forgot was there. Once it was wrapped, Suga finally caved in and let tears fall down his face.

"Semi..." he decided against trying to finish his sentence and just embraced Semi in a hug. Shirabu joined in, hugging Semi as tight as he could.

"Now let's get you both to the hospital, our wonderful street fighters," Atsumu smiled softly as he spoke, scooping up Oikawa and heading off in the direction of the hospital with the other teams close behind.

a/n: wooh! I'm on a role today! If I'm not tired, you might get at least one more chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Stay trippy babes!💚🛸

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