Chapter 7: The Plan

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🥀"I can't promise you a perfect relationship without arguments or differences. But I can promise you as long as you're trying, I'm staying."🥀


"Yes Kenma?"

"Don't tell the others. Please. That's all I ask."

"I won't Calico. Don't worry. You know I'd never do something like that without your permission."

Kenma felt a little better hearing his nickname leave Akaashi's lips as the boy ran his fingers through Kenma's ombré hair. They were lying on Kenma's couch downstairs, due to his episode from earlier. Akaashi told him they'd make their way to Kenma's bed in due time to get some rest, but at the moment, it'd be better for Kenma to talk right where they were. They had been talking for about an hour, Akaashi paying close attention to every word the boy said. He felt relieved knowing that Kenma was finally letting all of this out to somebody that loved him rather than some random person with a degree. Yes, therapy could help some people, but Akaashi knew it wasn't for Kenma. After Kenma was finished speaking about every drug he's taken and how they make him feel, him and Akaashi came to a compromise.

Kenma could continue taking the drugs. Akaashi knew this sounded crazy, but just taking the drugs away from Kenma completely would ruin him in an instant. So Kenma offered to let Akaashi live with him, and he would be there to supervise whenever Kenma got high. Akaashi even figured he might try some himself, but never take it too far. They both agreed with the plan, and if Kuroo or Bokuto asked why they moved in together, they figured they would just tell them it was because one of them didn't feel safe living alone.

The plan seemed perfect, except for one thing. Kenma's eating disorder. Akaashi knew that Kenma often skipped meals, but he didn't know how bad it was. Kenma on the other hand, silently made the decision in his head that he would just throw up every large meal after Akaashi watched him eat. He felt bad knowing he would still somewhat be lying to his friend, but it was the only way. He'd let him know someday.

"Wait," Kenma paused, slowly raising up off the other boy's body. "How are you gonna go to school?"

Akaashi's mouth opened slightly at the question. He hadn't thought about it. Fukurodani wasn't far from here. He could still make it there every morning.

"I'll just have to wake up a little bit earlier. Don't worry about it Calico, we'll make it work. I promise I'll be here," Akaashi sighed as he stood up from the couch, grabbing the other's hand. "Let's go get some sleep," he said as a lazy smile formed on his face. He guided Kenma upstairs and soon after collapsing on the soft bed, both boys drifted off into a deep sleep, neither of them worrying about anything other than each other's presence.

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