Chapter 14: Wake Up

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a/n: this chapter features lyrics from the song "Before You Go" by Lewis Capaldi💙

🥀" Losing someone who is still breathing is a different type of goodbye."🥀




Semi startled awake at the aggressive whisper of his name.

"Huh?" Semi lifted his head only to be met with yellow cat-like eyes.

"Kenma? Wha-"

"Shhhh! Don't be too loud. You'll wake the others. Anyway, you got a text from Suga. But something's off. He left about 20 minutes ago. He didn't notice I was awake and he snuck off. I'm kinda getting worried Semi-san."

Semi assured Kenma that everything was fine and opened the message from his cousin. What he saw made him hold his breath.

A single white heart emoji. That was all.

"Fuck. Shit. Kenma, please come with me. Suga might be in trouble right now and we need to find him fast."

Kenma's eyes widened at this, and he immediately got up and followed Semi out of the room. If Semi was freaking out, he sure didn't show it on his face. But Kenma knew better. He knew this was something serious, and it was his turn to be strong. They walked down the dark hallway and searched the empty rooms.

"Kenma, I don't want to push you to tell me anything you don't want to, but do you have any struggles with your mental health or anything like that?" Semi asked with a worried expression. Kenma knew this wasn't the time to hide things, and Semi wouldn't misuse the information, so he decided to tell the truth.

"Yeah. I struggle with addiction and my relationship with food. I don't really like my body image and I often try to escape reality by taking drugs."

Semi silently nodded and responded after thinking about his choice of words for a second.

"I'm sorry. Just know I'm here if you ever need me," he flashed a quick smile to Kenma before he continued. It was fast, but Kenma knew he meant it. "Anyway, I asked because... if you were in this situation, where would you go? I don't know much about this stuff. I've never experienced it."

Kenma thought for a moment.

"Well I spend a lot of time in the bathroom... you know... taking pills and often getting rid of my food before it... digests." Kenma hung his head, but quickly picked it back up. "The bathroom!" He exclaimed before taking off without Semi, searching for the nearest bathroom.

When Kenma found it, he slowly walked in, afraid of what he might find.

"Suga? You in here?"

Kenma slowly turned the corner, now facing the stalls. Before turning to leave, a small silver blade caught his eye on the floor of the last stall. Kenma slowly approached the stall, his heart racing. He knew Suga was in there and unresponsive. But he didn't want to believe it.

They stall door was locked, so he took a Bobby pin to easily unlock the door.

"Suga..." he called out once more as he slowly pushed the stall door, bracing himself for the sight ahead of him.

"No...Suga no...."

Kenma stared, mouth agape, at the silver haired setter, on the floor bleeding out, and unconscious.

Semi soon caught up and entered the bathroom.

"Hey Kenma, did you find hi-"

Semi stopped beside Kenma, looking at the lifeless body of his cousin on the floor.

"Suga no...." Semi got down on his knees and lifted Suga's body into his arms.

"Suga please wake up. You made it through the first time, you can do it again. Koushi please. You can't die on me. Not yet. I won't let you."

Semi tightened his hug around Suga as tears started to flow from his eyes.

"Semi-san, please listen carefully," Kenma spoke up, voice shaky but still firm. "I'm going to get medical supplies out of Akaashi's bag. Please stay with Suga. I know you don't have any medical experience so I'll handle that part. Just stay with him till I get back okay?"

"O-okay. Please hurry. I can't lose him," Semi responded quietly, to which Kenma nodded and quickly ran out of the bathroom.

Semi looked at the precious body in his arms, and did the only thing he could think to do at the time.

"So, before you go."

Memories of the last incident begin to flood Semi's mind.

"Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better?"

'Suga? Come on Suga, get up. Stop playing.'

"If only I had known you had a storm to weather."

'Shirabu! He's not breathing! Call the police!'

"So, before you go."

'It's gonna be okay Suga. You're gonna make it.'

"Was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting?"

'Fuck! Why wasn't I here earlier?! Why didn't you call me?!'

"It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless."

'Come on Suga. I love you. Wake up one last time, for me, and I promise I'll be here every time you need me. No matter what.'

"So, before you go."

a/n: I hope you guys caught on that Semi was singing to Suga while he remembered the events of the first time Suga almost died. I know it's a bit confusing. It's 3:00 a.m. and I've been cleaning my room and I plan to do the same thing tomorrow lol. So I'll post several chapters throughout tomorrow. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I love you guys so much! Stay trippy babes!💚🛸

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