Chapter 20: Camellia

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🥀"The proof of love is the obsession to protect."🥀

When they reached the hospital, everyone silently agreed to let Akaashi, Kenma, and Kuroo go in first. The rest went to sit around the park.

" I bet I'll beat you to the swings, loser!"

"Ah sure you will, oh Great King," Atsumu quipped in response as he raced Oikawa to the swing set. He was happy to see the boy acting like his normal self.

Surely enough, Oikawa beat Atsumu to the swings. As Atsumu sat down, Oikawa was already starting to swing as high as he could, when suddenly a pair of hands grabbed his swing's chain, bringing him to a stop.

"Hey! What gives?!" Oikawa exclaimed as he spun around, only to be greeted with a shit eating grin.

"I hope you guys didn't think you were going to swing without us?" Makki said as he chose the swing next to Oikawa.

"Yeah," Mattsun chimed in. "You and Kageyama may be the kings of the court, but you're no match for the kings of the playground!"

"And who might that be?" Atsumu asked, genuinely curious as to who the kings of the playground were.

"Why, it's me and Mattsun of course!" Makki piped out. "Along with the baldy and the tiny libero from Karasuno. Those guys know how to party on the playground."

Everyone laughed and started to swing, Atsumu swinging a lot lower than the rest. He was relieved to see Oikawa smiling along with his true friends. Makki had always been the first friend at Oikawa's side whenever he was down, with Mattsun never being far behind. Atsumu also admired Makki and Mattsun's odd relationship. Nobody except him and Oikawa knew that they were in a serious relationship, because they didn't want people to know. They also didn't want to put a label on it, because they felt like that would ruin the bond.

Atsumu for one, highly agreed with this. He hated putting labels on relationships. He believed that if you loved someone beyond a friendship, then there was no need for a label at that point. As long as him and his significant other knew what they had, it would be enough for him.

Atsumu looked over at the brunette swinging next to him, and he stopped swinging completely. He loved Oikawa. More than Oikawa would ever know. He wanted to love him, take care of him, protect him, and so much more. He wanted to give Oikawa the world, but he wasn't sure if Oikawa knew this.

Makki looked up from laughing to see Atsumu staring admirably at Oikawa's laughing fit. He nudged Mattsun in the side and they both watched as Atsumu's lips curled up into a soft, gentle smile. Makki then turned to Mattsun and whispered something in his ear, and Mattsun gave a nod in return.

"Hey Captain! Let's go for a walk around the park! There's a super cool garden across the bridge and it has Camellias~" Makki drug out the "as~" as he skipped away towards the bridge. He knew those were Oikawa's favorite flowers.

"Ca-Camellias?! Hey, Makki! Wait for me!" Oikawa chirped as he flew out of his swing and raced to catch up with his teammate.

Atsumu sighed as he watched the love of his life slowly disappear. What a beautiful sight.

"Okay dude, so what's going on?" Mattsun asked as he moved to the swing next to the setter. "Why won't you tell him how you feel when me and Makki have told you he feels the same way?"

"I-I don't know Mattsun," Atsumu admitted as he looked down at his shoes.

"Just talk to me bro. From one top to another." They both giggled at the small remark.

"I guess it's just that I love him so much. My heart aches every time I look, or let alone THINK about him...and it's scary knowing he loves me that much too. Because let's think face it Mattsun. What if something happens to me? I don't live a dangerous life or anything, but my household and family aren't exactly the safest around..."

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