Chapter 6: Molly

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🥀"We tripped on the urge to feel alive."🥀

"What the fuck Kuroo?!"

"You really thought you could beat me kitten? I'm sorry but you're sorely mistaken." Kuroo held a wicked expression as he spoke, even if the younger boy couldn't see him. He and Kenma had decided to play a couple of games and just use their mics to communicate, since Kenma stated earlier that he couldn't come over because his cat was sick. Kuroo hadn't thought much of this excuse, since Kenma's cat Mika was pretty old and got sick a lot.

Unknown to Kuroo, the real reason Kenma didn't want to see Kuroo face to face was because he was high. He tried his best to talk normally, but ultimately failed when it came to some sentences. But he didn't seem to notice. Kuroo didn't know about the drugs. Kenma had made sure to keep it a secret from Kuroo. Kenma knew if he ever found out, it would all be over for him. No more smoke sessions with teens from other neighborhoods at the old elementary school. No more hallucinations. No more staring at the fake stars on his ceiling and watching them dance around. He would be sober, all day, everyday. Kuroo would take every pill, every blunt, every joint, every shroom, every needle, and every ounce of coke he had. Everything would be gone, and Kenma would honestly rather just die. Whenever he was around Kuroo, he only took pills that would relax him, but keep him somewhat there. But when he got home, it was a totally different story.

Kenma was proud to know that nobody knew about his addiction, or at least not yet.

Later that night, Kenma awoke to his phone vibrating profusely. He picked it up only to see that it was Akaashi calling. 'Akaashi? Why is he calling me at...,' Kenma glanced up at the time. '2:47 a.m.???' Kenma quickly answered the phone, thinking something was wrong.


"Kenma? Thank god you're alive. Please come answer the door."

Kenma heard knocking from downstairs. Why was Akaashi at his house? Especially at almost three in the morning. Kenma took a minute to take in his surroundings, and mentally cursed to himself.

"Akaashi give me like five minutes, and I promise I'll come open the door. Just wait."

"Why do I have to wait? Kenma what are you-"

Kenma hung up the phone and quickly leaped out of bed, which he instantly regretted. A feeling of lightheaded-ness quickly took over Kenma's body as he fell to the floor.

'Fuck,' he thought. 'I've gotta clean all this shit up before Akaashi gets in here.'

Kenma managed to stand and hurriedly began to clean up and put away his mess. He grabbed his grinder and blunts he made earlier that night and put them in his special chest. Then he picked up the needles off the floor. 'What did I take before I blacked out?' Kenma wondered as his attention turned to a small plastic the size of a quarter with a little bit of white powder left in it.

'Molly,' he concluded as he laughed to himself. After cleaning up the packet, Kenma rushed downstairs and opened the door.

"Hey Akaashi! How's it goi-"

Kenma was cut off by the fierce slap he received across his face, and was quickly embraced in a hug.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Akaashi cried into Kenma's shoulder.

"What? What are you talking about?" Kenma was beyond confused. What was he going on about? Kenma tried his best to stay focused, which was beyond difficult due to the drugs still in his system.

"Why didn't you tell me about the drugs Kenma?" Akaashi tightened his hug, causing Kenma to return the hug reluctantly. There was no point in denying it anymore. But how? How could Akaashi know?

"How?" Kenma managed to choke out, still struck with disbelief.

"You don't remember? I FaceTimed you earlier just to ask for help with some online work, since we take the same program. When you answered the phone, you started yelling, telling me I was bothering you and this was the only time you had the chance to be who you were. I tried to crack a joke to lighten the mood before apologizing, so I said, 'What's going on? Are you on drugs or something?' and you didn't say anything. I called your name and all you did was look at me. You gave me the saddest smile that I've ever seen plastered across your face, and then you hung up. I called you over and over, texting you and begging you to pick up. I was so scared Kenma. You're my best friend. We could've gone through this together, And now we will."

He couldn't stop it anymore. Tears streamed down Kenma's face as he buried half of it into Akaashi's shoulder.

"Let's step inside," Akaashi quietly stated as they both walked into the house, never breaking their contact. Once they were inside, Kenma let go of Akaashi to lock the door behind him. He turned around to face the raven haired boy, making instant eye contact. As if Akaashi's eyes gave him the okay, Kenma screamed as he broke down and fell to the ground, Akaashi moving swiftly to catch him in his arms. Kenma cried his heart out, making himself sick in the process. Akaashi's heart shattered at the sight before him. His best friend, Kenma Kozume, cradled in his arms on the floor, crying with all his might, occasionally getting sick in the trash bin next to them.

Akaashi didn't say a word, and just let it happen. He loved Kenma more than anything, just like he loved Bokuto and Kuroo. The relationship these four had was different, and Akaashi couldn't imagine how Bokuto, let alone Kuroo would react if they saw this. He knew he couldn't let them know. Not yet. Akaashi knew he could be a pillar in Kenma's life that the other two just couldn't be. Each one brought something different to their friendship, and each of them took their role very seriously. Kuroo and Bokuto would probably freak, and demand he go to rehab or something right away. They were the protective dominant roles. Similar to fathers when it came down to it. Akaashi knew that's not what Kenma needed.

At this moment, Kenma didn't need any of that. Right now, Kenma needed love. He needed to feel that someone was there.

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