Chapter 23: Impossible

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🥀"Ask for help not because you're weak, but because you want to remain strong."🥀

Kenma scrunched his nose at the smell. 

Cleaner, antiseptics, metal, and bleach.

All these scents combined with each other in the cool crisp air to form a smell that Kenma knew all too well.

A hospital.

The blonde haired boy followed his partners timidly as he scanned his surroundings for any unattended pills.

Now, Kenma knew stealing was wrong. He would never steal from the hospital itself, mainly because he didn't want to have to pay a $1,000 fine and be banned from the one place that could keep him alive. Even so, Kenma still kept his eyes alert, just in case he happened to see some outside of the bottle.

As they continued their trek through the abnormally large hospital, Akaashi began to truly think about their situation. 'Alright so Kenma's a drug addict who I'm pretty sure has an eating disorder. Bokuto's in this hospital right now barely clinging on to life. Kuroo's been suffering with migraines while trying to stay strong for everyone. And then there's me....well, what's wrong with me? Nothing that I can think of. I'm worried about Bokuto-san like everyone else, but that's about it, right? Other than that, I'm fine. Yeah, I'm fine. So I have no right to act like I feel any worse than anyone else. It'd be ignorant of me to ignore everyone else's suffering to feel bad for myse-'

Akaashi was snapped from his thoughts when he was whacked in the chest by Kuroo's big ass arm.

"Ow Kuroo what the hell," Akaashi groaned as he fixed his shirt. 

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to swing that hard. But I had been calling your name and you never paid any attention," Kuroo exclaimed. "We reached Bokuto's room like three rooms ago, but you were so lost in thought that you kept walking."

Akaashi looked behind him to see Kenma standing at a door a couple of rooms back, watching as he gingerly entered the room. Kuroo instinctively laced his fingers into Akaashi's and guided him to the room.

As they entered the room, they were met with a sight that they never thought they'd see again.

Bokuto sat up in his bed, and smiled.

Akaashi slowly approached the bed, refusing to blink, as if taking his eyes off of Bokuto for a second would cause him to return to his coma-like state. As he got closer, Bokuto held his hand up, allowing Akaashi to intertwine his fingers with his. But it wasn't until Bokuto squeezed his hand that Akaashi finally accepted it. Bokuto was alive. The raven haired boy allowed his eyes to travel all over, truly taking in Bokuto's form. He was doing the impossible:






Kenma watched as Akaashi smiled for the first time for what seemed like forever. He knew this was the biggest relief for him, and he thanked every god imaginable that Bokuto was okay. He hadn't realized Kuroo had been in the room until he heard a door quietly shut behind him. Kenma turned around to see nobody behind him, and he immediately set off in search of Kuroo.

As Kenma exited the room and closed the door behind him, he spotted a tall figure stagger around the corner, and he instinctively followed it. When he rounded the corner, he saw Kuroo headed to the main entrance.

"Kuroo wait up!" Kenma called out, lightly jogging to catch up to the slow moving male. Once he reached him, Kuroo seemed to pay him no mind. Kenma scanned Kuroo's face, searching for any sign of injury or ailment as they walked. When he failed to find any visible injury, he lifted Kuroo's head to be equal with his. 

"You want to cry, don't you?" Kenma whispered, barely even audible.

Kuroo nodded in response. Kenma was well aware that Kuroo was never the type to cry, and when he did, it was always a tragic sight. Whenever Kuroo let himself go, it was always when he was at his worst. He had to get Kuroo somewhere private and fast. 

Kenma sighed as he grabbed Kuroo's hand and navigated his way through the hospital. Kenma knew his way around this place better than he liked to admit. Due to his addiction and his lack of eating, he often ended up there, unbeknownst to the others. Whenever they'd question his disappearance, he's simply say he went to visit an online friend a couple of towns over.

Kenma guided Kuroo through the deathly white hallways until he reached a storage closet at the end of the hall. He knew once he entered, he would have a lot of explaining to do, but it didn't matter at the time. Kuroo needed help, and he intended on helping him. No matter what would change for him.

a/n: okay guys! first off, i would just like to apologize for the unannounced hiatus. i took a little break from writing and i actually ended up starting a youtube channel! i know, great way to take a break. anyway, I will try to update this book weekly starting today, since i will also be working on making videos and working on another story. so sorry about that! umm, i'm also gonna post an announcement explaining things more in detail, so it'd be nice if you went and read that. anyway, thanks for reading! expect a new chapter soon! stay trippy babes!💚🛸

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