Chapter 10: Darkness

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🥀"The trouble with denial is that when the truth comes, you aren't ready."🥀

Kuroo ran up to the door and knocked.

No response.

He knocked twice more, and when nobody came to door, he hopped off the step and headed to the potted plants next to the doorstep.

'Fuck. Which one is it?' Kuroo tried his best to remember which flower pot Kenma put the spare key under.


Kuroo dove for the fourth flower put and successfully found the small key underneath it. With shaky hands, Kuroo opened the door and slowly creeped in. He quietly walked up the stairs, and made his way to Kenma's room. He placed his hand on the door and reluctant cracked it open. He knew better than to bust up into a room with an unsuspecting Kenma and Akaashi. He didn't wanna die that day. After sliding through the small opening he made for himself, he paused to let his eyes adjust to the darkness.

Finally, Kuroo could let himself breathe again. There, laying in Kenma's bed, were both setters, fast asleep. Not wanting to wake them, Kuroo started to make his way out of the room, but bumped into the squeaky cat plush Kenma had lying on the ground for god knows what reason.

'Fuck,' Kuroo thought to himself as he heard one of the boys stir awake behind him.


Kuroo turned around to see Akaashi sitting up in bed, rubbing his sapphire blue eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well me and Bokuto couldn't get in touch with either one of you, so we came to see if you guys were here. That's all," Kuroo squirmed under the boy's gaze. Akaashi always made him feel like a dork for some reason.

"Ah, I see. That's understandable. Well where's Bokuto? Did he come with you?" Akaashi tilted his head to the side.

"Bokuto.... should've been here by now," Kuroo said as he squinted his eyes. Just then his phone began to vibrate.

"Hello? Yaku? What's going on? Wha- wait Yaku slow down. Is that Lev? A car wreck? Are you guys okay?"

Akaashi watched as Kuroo struggled to talk to Yaku on the phone. 'Yaku and Lev must've gotten in a car wreck. I hope they're alright...' Akaashi snapped out of his thoughts when he realized Kuroo was no longer talking. Akaashi looked up to ask if they were alright, when his heart sank.

Kuroo stared at Akaashi, eyes wide and full of pain. Akaashi knew something was seriously wrong, but he decided to ask anyway to reassure himself.

"Kuroo, are Yaku and Lev alright?"

Kuroo shook his head. "Akaashi..."

"No don't say it please. Please Kuroo don't say it. It's not for real. It's not him so don't even let those words escape your mouth!" Akaashi was yelling at this point, causing Kenma to wake and look around in worry. He quickly read the room, and grabbed on to Akaashi's arm to brace both of them for whatever Kuroo was about to say.

"Akaashi, it's not Yaku and Lev..." Kuroo started as he looked down at the ground.

"Kuroo, no please. Stop joking around for once!"

"'s Bokuto."

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