Chapter 19: Attack on Konoha! Naruto vs Gaara! Lord Third?

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"Kit, someone is up ahead and it's not that jinchūriki," Kurama said and Naruto sped up to pass the other person chasing Gaara. Naruto kept following after Gaara with his Observation Haki, he was able to sense where Gaara was heading, but he kept an eye on the four people following him. Naruto does not have as advanced Haki as his family, especially Sanji or Usopp, so he can't tell who's following him. Then Naruto felt only three people and a dog. Gaara was faster than Naruto anticipated so he increased his speed to catch up to him. "Gaara's eyes. They were lonely and hurt, like mine were," Naruto thought to himself as he ran after Gaara. Gaara had eventually stopped and Naruto caught up to him. Naruto then observed him and hid his chakra for a little bit, making sure he was far enough away from whoever was following him. He only watched for a bit before he saw Sasuke arrive. Sasuke began to try and defeat Gaara, only to have Gaara slap him around like an unwanted fly at a picnic. Naruto then stepped in when Sasuke fell unconscious. "Yo! Sandy butt!" Naruto yelled at Gaara. "That's your best insult?" Kurama asked while laughing and Naruto groaned at Kurama. Gaara turned to Naruto and attacked him, very sloppily as Naruto easily avoided Gaara. "Stop, I can help you," Naruto said but it seemed as if his words went right through one ear and out the other. "Kit, I don't think talking right now is going to work," Kurama said as Naruto dodged another attack. "I was just thinking..." Naruto mumbled. "Well, stop thinking and take him down before he destroys everything," Kurama said as Naruto punched Gaara. Gaara whipped around and smack Naruto out of the air with his tail so fast that Naruto didn't have time to react. Naruto maneuvered himself so that he landed on a tree. "Ow that hurt," Naruto mumbled to himself while rubbing his side. He quickly moved when he sensed Gaara jumping at him. Gaara immediately chased after Naruto who kept dodging all of the attacks. He wanted to tire Gaara out which would allow Naruto to defeat Gaara quicker. Once Gaara was tired out a bit, Naruto went in with his swords, hoping to slice some sense into him. Instead, Gaara dodged and smacked Naruto, hard. Naruto was dizzy for a moment before he saw Gaara using the full transformation jutsu.

"Uh oh," Naruto said to himself while thinking of a plan but then he felt the three others catch up and he immediately hid. Four people turned into three along the way and Naruto saw that it was Mito, Sakura and Pukkun. Mito proceeded to take Gaara down even though she had been so tired out by Naruto. Naruto watched as Mito's words didn't reach Gaara, but her fists did. Gaara was the. Taken away by his sister and brother. Naruto and Kurama followed them and once they stopped to rest, Naruto made himself known. "What do you want?!" Temari asked while getting into a defensive position to protect her little brother even if he didn't think of her as one. "I just want to speak to Gaara," Naruto said while holding his hands up in a defeated stance. Temari looked at Kankuro who nodded. They set Gaara down and Naruto walked over to him. "Gaara," Naruto said and Gaara just stared at him. "I know I'm probably one of the last people you want to see but I want to make an offer to you," Naruto said and Gaara nodded. "What kind of offer?" Gaara asked. Naruto started speaking, "If you would like, before I leave to go back out to sea, you can join me and my family." Gaara's eyes widened. "You can get away from here and come with me and my family out at sea," Naruto said and Gaara stared down at his legs, thinking. "The offer will stand until I leave," Naruto said before going to walk away. "Why?" Gaara asked. "Why ask someone like me to join you? I'm a monster. I-" Gaara said but Naruto cut him off. "You're not a monster. You're just lonely and misunderstood. I used to be just like you. Lonely, everyone hated me for a reason I didn't know. I was alone. But then I found my family and you can be a part of it if you'd like," Naruto said and Gaara stared at his legs again. "I'll be waiting for your answer when I leave," Naruto said before leaving Gaara and his siblings.

"You did the right thing, kit," Kurama said and Naruto replied, "I hope so." When Naruto returned to the village he found it in shambles. The houses were broken, the once beautiful village turned into a disaster in a few hours. Naruto immediately tried to find his family who were spread out, helping the villagers. Sure they didn't like the villagers and how they treated Naruto, but they'd never want them to be hurt in this type of way. Naruto found Nami first helping a woman and her daughter. "Where's mama and papa?" Naruto asked and Nami pointed over to the arena where the real destruction was. Naruto hurried over, worried about his family. What he saw almost killed him. It was his family surrounding someone. Gods he hoped it wasn't who he thought it was. Naruto quickly ran over to see Hiruzen, on the ground, bleeding. "Jiji!" Naruto screamed while dashing over to him. Chopper was already wrapping Hiruzen in bandages and there were healing ninjas trying to help Hiruzen. "Chopper, what happened?" Naruto asked while looking down at Hiruzen. "He fought this weird snake guy... Orochimaru was his name, apparently," Chopper said while wiping his hooves off. "All we can do now is wait and hope his body heals on it's own. He has many injuries and most of them are internal," Chopper said and everyone just stared down at Hiruzen, praying that their Third Hokage would be alright.

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