Chapter 15: Grueling Training for the Third Part! Part 1!

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"Come now, Naruto-kun. That's not all you can give, right?" Nami asked while pointing her Clima-Tact at Naruto who was electrocuted and tired. Zeus was still kicking and from the way he was sparking, he was ready for more. "Nami-san, I'm tired," Naruto complained. "Hi tired, I'm Nami. Get up or I'll sick Zeus on you!" Nami yelled and Naruto immediately got up. "I'm up, I'm up," Naruto yelled while standing up. Nami smiled at Naruto. "I knew it. You can train some more," Nami said to Naruto who huffed. "Nami, you're going to kill me," Naruto said and Nami turned towards Naruto and stuck her tongue out. "Boo hoo. Then you'll never beat the Chunin Exams, let alone beat Luffy with that attitude," Nami said and Naruto stared at Nami before sighing. He breathed in and smirked. "That's not all I got," he said to Nami and she smirked as well. "Remember if I win, you owe me 500 Berri, and if you win, you owe me 250 Berri," Nami said. "How does that make any sense?!" Usopp yelled at Nami who ignored him. Zeus just floated around Nami who circled her Clima-Tact and aimed it at Naruto who was in a stance, ready to leap out of the way. Nami pointed her Clima-Tact and lightning struck where Naruto was standing. Naruto leapt out of the way right before the lightning hit, but he quickly moved again when he saw another lightning strike coming towards him. Zeus was striking lightning wherever Naruto moved, so he had to get out of range from Zeus and Nami. Naruto was then drenched in water from Zeus. There were puddles everywhere. Maybe he could use it to his advantage Naruto thought while making some shadow clones. Nami smirked and waved her Clima-Tact around some more. "Now, Tornado Tempo!" Nami yelled and the wind picked up along with the dirt. The water from the puddles flew up as well. The dirt his the clones making them disappear. Naruto couldn't see anything, so he had to rely on his Observation Haki and his chakra sensing. Naruto then avoided another lightning strike from Zeus but was unaware of Nami who struck him in the stomach with her Clima-Tact. "Oof!" Naruto said while gasping for breath. The wind was still blowing, but with all of the water and dirt blowing in his face, it was hard for Naruto to detect Nami. Then he got hit again in the side by Nami's Clima-Tact. Naruto whirled around and immediately threw a kunai in the general direction he thought Nami was in. Naruto listened for the kunai to his something, but there was nothing. Naruto then heard the kunai hitting something and he turned towards the noise, but he didn't spot Nami until it was too late. She had crept up on him and was now standing on Naruto's back. The tornado died down and Zeus was floating around peacefully. Zoro clapped and so did Robin. "This match is over. Nami wins!" Chopper announced and Naruto groaned. "Nice work, but you still need to be able to predict your opponent's moves better," Nami said while getting off of Naruto who just laid there on his stomach, not even attempting to get up. He groaned in annoyance. "You owe me 500 Berri," Nami said and Naruto groaned while handing over the money to Nami.

"Alright, you can be done with me for today," Nami said and Naruto sighed happily, still on the ground. "Just because you're done with her training doesn't mean you're done. I've still got to train you," Zoro said to Naruto who stood up and wiped the water off of his brow. "Get your swords ready, We're going to spar," Zoro said while unsheathing Wadō Ichimonji. Naruto was nowhere near on par with the greatest swordsman in the world, but he could train under him. "Come at me, Naruto, with the intent to kill," Zoro said and Naruto unsheathed all three of his swords. It was like Mihawk versus Zoro the first time, except this time, Zoro was Mihawk and Naruto was him. Of course, Zoro could easily overpower Naruto in a blink of an eye, but he was training Naruto, not trying to destroy his pride. Though Zoro has done that in the years that Naruto was training. Naruto watched as Zoro just stood there. Then he closed his eyes and nodded to Naruto who ran towards Zoro. Naruto mumbled while crossing his arms, "Oni Giri!" Then Naruto sped towards Zoro who blocked the attack with just one sword.

Naruto grit his teeth and jumped back. Naruto then took a deep breath before readying his swords. "Santoryu: Hyakuhachi Pound Ho," Naruto said while sending slash attacks to Zoro who easily blocked them with his one sword. Naruto then went in for some close combat. Zoro dodged and blocked every slash Naruto threw at him. At the end of Naruto's barrage of attacked he was breathing heavily. Zoro called out, "Your left side still needs some work." Naruto rolled his left shoulder almost trying to get strength into it. Naruto then shook his head a little before preparing for another move. "Nitoryu: Rashon," Naruto said while sending two slashes at Zoro who sidestepped them. Naruto rushes in right after his slash attacks and was locked with swords against his dad.

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