Chapter 4: Telling Lord Third. Uzumaki -Namikaze Naruto Leaves Konohagakure

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"Naruto-kun, wake up," Naruto heard a gentle voice say, and then Naruto felt a gentle handshake his shoulder. "Naruto-kun, it's time to wake up," Naruto opened his eyes to see that he was on the ship and he saw his mom, Robin, sitting on the bed with Zoro behind her. Naruto sat up and rubbed his eyes while yawning. "It's time to go to the village. We still have to get supplies for our trip," Robin said. "If you don't want to come, that's fine," Zoro said in concern for his son's mental being. Naruto shook his head, "I'll come," he said. "Are you sure, Naruto-kun? Again, you don't have to if you don't want to," Robin said to Naruto who again, shook his head. He stood up and said, "I'm going, okay, mama." Robin sighed and knew she couldn't change his mind. "Alright, get ready. We leave in ten minutes," Robin said while ruffling Naruto's hair. She walked out and left Zoro in the room with Naruto. Zoro grabbed a pair of green pants for Naruto along with a white t-shirt. "Here, Naruto, wear these until we can find you something else for you," Zoro said. Naruto took the pants and shirt gratefully. Naruto got changed and let's just say the shirt was more like a dress, and the pants were so long that Naruto's legs went up to the pant's knees. Zoro sweatdropped. "Oi! Nami!" Zoro yelled. Nami came strolling in, and she giggled at Naruto's state. "Can you fix this?" Zoro asked. Nami laughed and said, "Yeah, I can, but it's gonna cost ya. Two hundred berries. And don't forget my 300% interest," Nami said while winking at Zoro who gritted his teeth. Nami then stuck her tongue out at Zoro in triumph. "Alright then. Come here, Naruto," Nami gestured Naruto over. Nami had Naruto's clothes fixed in five minutes. Then Nami fixed Naruto's hair. "Since this is for Naruto-kun, I'll make it 150% interest. There all done," Nami said while finishing Naruto's outfit.
Zoro nodded at Nami's sewing skills. Naruto walked up to the deck where the crew was waiting. Robin looked over and smiled at Naruto's clothing. Luffy turned around, and his jaw dropped. "You look so cool!" He yelled, grabbing everyone's attention. They looked at Naruto who blushed under their stares. "I must say, you look very charming," Brook commented. Sanji lit a cigarette. "All the ladies are going to love you, Naruto-kun," Sanji said while blowing out smoke. "Naruto, my bro, you look super awesome!" Franky yelled. "It suits you, Naruto-kun," Jinbe commented, and Naruto blushed again at the comments he was receiving. "I made him that outfit," Nami said while walking out from behind Naruto. "You're so amazing, Nami-swan!" Sanji yelled with hearts in his eyes. Robin stood up and walked over to Zoro. Robin kissed Zoro on the cheek, and then she bent down to Naruto and kissed him on the cheek too. Naruto blushed for the umpteenth time.
Robin chuckled and stood back up. Luffy laughed and yelled, "Alright crew! Let's go!" Luffy jumped off the ship. "Oi! Luffy! Don't go making trouble, alright!" Sanji yelled at Luffy who was running full speed towards the village. Luffy waved Sanji off, and Sanji sighed in aggravation. Jinbe went into town with Franky who went to try and find some more equipment for the Sunny and for some more cola. Sanji went with Nami to go shopping and to get food for their journey, Brook went to find a nice music shop, and Chopper went with Luffy to do... whatever Luffy does.
Naruto, Zoro, and Robin went shopping for clothes for Naruto. Zoro carried Naruto on his shoulders while Robin held Naruto's hand. Once they walked into a store, immediately they were greeted. "Oh hello, welcome to my— oh goodness! Demons are not allowed in here!" The old woman yelled while going to push Naruto out. Zoro immediately unsheathed Wadō Ichimonji. He held it, pointing the tip to the woman's neck. Luckily, there was no one in the store. "We're not here so you can yell at our son," Zoro growled at the woman. "We're here to buy clothes for our son," Robin said while emphasizing 'our son.' The woman dropped to the ground in terror before going to scream. "Uno Fleur: Quiet," Robin said as an arm bloomed out of the lady's shoulder and clamped her mouth shut. The lady had fear in her eyes, but Robin and Zoro didn't seem to care. Zoro held Wadō Ichimonji closer to the woman's neck. "You're gonna be quiet, and you're not going to make a run for it, right," Zoro stated, and the lady nodded her head. Zoro sheathed Wadō Ichimonji, and Robin's arm disappeared with a bunch of cherry blossom petals. "What kind of power do you have, mama?" Naruto asked Robin. "I have the power of the Hana Hana no Mi, which allows me to grow limbs on any object I desire," Robin answered while smiling up at Naruto. Naruto's eyes lit up at Robin.

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