Chapter 22: Sasuke Leaves the Villge

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Naruto walked back to the place they were staying at and proceeded to read his book from Robin's bookshelf. He was reading a rather large book about the Straw Hats past. Mainly how Luffy had a brother, Ace who died tragically in a huge war between the World Government and the White Beard Pirates. The book contained newspaper articles and pictures. "Whatcha reading?" Mito asked, becoming bored quickly. "Stuff," Naruto replied vaguely. "What kind of stuff?" Mito asked while standing up to look over Naruto's shoulder. Naruto closed the book before Mito could read anything. "The kind of stuff you wouldn't be interested in. It's history," Naruto said and Mito groaned, "It sounds boring." Naruto just shrugged and opened it back up. It became silent in the apartment once again. "Naruto, where are you from?" Mito asked and Naruto didn't really like questions when he was reading the article. "I'm from the sea," Naruto said. Of course Naruto wouldn't tell Mito that he's from the Leaf Village.
"That's boring," Mito said and Naruto nodded, not interested in her. "Well I don't care if you think it's boring," Naruto said while reading. Mito sighed. "You know, I used to have a brother named Naruto. He had blonde hair and blue eyes," Mito said. "Where is your brother now?" Naruto asked, curious as to what Mito would say. "Gone," Mito said with barely a hint of regret. Naruto raised his eyebrow. "I assume he's dead or something. He left when we were five and on our birthday nonetheless," Mito said while looking at Naruto, almost like she knew he was her brother. However, Naruto knew Mito didn't know, she couldn't know. "How bizarre it is that your name is the same as my brother's," Mito said while looking confused. "Well there's also about ten James just down the one block," Naruto said casually while flipping a page in his book, though he wasn't actually reading it. Mito glared at Naruto who glanced at her. "What?" Naruto asked Mito who glanced away. "Nothing," Mito said.
The week went by slowly and Naruto finished his book. By the end of the week Mito was constantly complaining about how she had nothing to do when there was a fine forest to train in. "Ready to go guys?" Jiraiya asked and Naruto nodded. "I am so ready to go back home. I'm sure my dad and my mom missed me like crazy," Mito said and Naruto snickered a bit. Mito glared at Naruto who coughed to cover up his laugh. "Someone missing her? Not a chance," Kurama said while laughing. Naruto chuckled at Kurama. The traveling back was quite annoying with Mito complaining every two minutes but they somehow made it back with Tsunade and Shizune with them. "We must go to the hokage first to tell him that our mission was a success without any hiccups," Jiraiya said and Mito groaned again. Naruto rolled his eyes at Mito and they went to Minato who was at his desk doing paperwork. "Lord Hokage, our mission was a success. We have Shizune and Tsunade here to help heal the wounded," Jiraiya said and Minato stood up and greeted them. "It's so wonderful to have you two back in the village. Please hurry over to the hospital, the injured are in dire need of assistance," Minato said in a serious tone of voice. Shizune and Tsunade looked at each other before quickly disappearing to the hospital.
"Dad, I'm back! Did you miss me?" Mito asked while jumping onto Minato. "Of course I missed you my little princess," Minato said while hugging his daughter. Jiraiya and Naruto stood there awkwardly. Naruto coughed and Minato said, "You guys are dismissed." Naruto immediately disappeared to see his family. "I'm back from my mission everyone!" He said while appearing in the kitchen. "Naruto!" Chopper yelled while clinging onto him. "Naruto!" Nami yelled while hugging Naruto and squishing him into her boobs. She let go so Naruto could breath. "You're back, bro! How was the mission?" Frankly asked while brushing his hair. "Naruto-kun has returned! I shall write a song about your return!" Brook said while pulling out his violin. "You want some food, Naruto?" Sanji asked and Naruto nodded. "The mission was good. Nothing happened," Naruto said. "Aww no action?" Luffy asked and Naruto shook his head. "That's good that you're safe, Naruto-kun," Jinbe said. "I'm so glad that you're safe Naruto!" Usopp yelled. "Where's mom and dad?" Naruto asked, not seeing his parents. "They're probably in the forest of death. I heard they found a lake there," Nami said while thinking about it. "Great! I'll go find them!" Naruto said while going to walk out. "You're not gonna eat first?" Sanji asked while putting food on the table. Naruto immediately sat down and gobbled up the food with Luffy. "I'm done!" Naruto yelled while standing up. "Try not to run too fast or you might puke!" Chopper yelled as Naruto ran out of the apartment.
Heading towards the forest of death, Naruto was excited to see his parents. "A lake, huh. I don't remember a lake," Naruto said to himself while looking for any clues on his parents whereabouts. Then he saw it. Slash marks on the tree made by his dad. The slash marks were in a perfect straight vertical line. You wouldn't see it if you weren't looking for it. Only he could do that. Naruto followed the slash marks to a lake. "Huh, guess there is a lake," Naruto said. "Mom, dad! I'm back!" Naruto called out and then Robin jumped down from a tree startling Naruto. "My chisana kaizoku!" Robin said while hugging Naruto. "You're not hurt right? How was the mission? Did you eat yet? Do the others know you're back?" Robin asked all at once and Naruto couldn't respond due to Robin hugging the life out of him. "Robin, let our son breathe. You're gonna suffocate him," Zoro said and Robin let go of Naruto. Naruto took a huge breath and smiled up at his parents. "I'm not hurt. The mission was good. Nothing happened. Yes I ate and the others do know I'm back," Naruto answered. "I see you got yourself another sword," Zoro said and Naruto nodded. He untied it and gave it to Zoro. "I thought this would be fun for us to study," Naruto said to Zoro. Zoro held the sword and smirked at it. "And you thought correctly. Though my knowledge isn't as good as Tashigi's," Zoro said while holding the sword up. "Who's Tashigi?" Naruto asked. "You remember Smoker?" Zoro asked and Naruto nodded. "She was his sidekick. Loved swords. Almost like an obsession," Zoro said while thinking of her. Robin just chuckled at Zoro's confused expression. "Well mom is smart. She knows everything," Naruto said while staring, a bit confused, at Zoro. "Thanks, my chisana kaizoku," Robin said to Naruto who smiled back. "Let's go home, hmm?" Robin said and Naruto smiled and nodded.
Robin, Zoro and Naruto made their way out of the first and to the apartment. Naruto rested for the night with his family beside him. Naruto noticed it was afternoon and then saw something move. "I'll meet you guys back at the apartment. I forgot about one more little thing," Naruto said and the duo nodded at Naruto who quickly left towards the movement. (Sorry if this is wrong, my memory is fuzzy).
It was Sasuke and Sakura. Alone. "Please Sasuke-kun, don't leave," Sakura begged. "I need to do this," Sasuke said, his back facing Sakura. "Why?! Why are you leaving?!" Sakura yelled out and Sasuke turned towards Sakura who was crying. "I need to get stronger," Sasuke said. "But leaving the village?! Please don't go, stay," Sakura begged. Naruto could see that Sasuke wouldn't budge. Sasuke turned around and Sakura hugged him from behind. "Please. Don't leave," Sakura begged once more before Sasuke knocked her out. Sasuke put Sakura on a nearby bench and went to leave when Naruto appeared in front of Sasuke. "Sasuke," Naruto said to Sasuke who turned towards Naruto. "Don't try to stop me," Sasuke said. "Why do you need to be stronger?" Naruto asked. "I need to avenge my clan," Sasuke answered and Naruto just nodded. "You're not gonna stop me?" Sasuke asked and Naruto shook his head. "No, I'm not. You do what you need to do to get stronger. Whether or not I think you'll get stronger is my opinion and has nothing to do with what you will do. I can't stop you from leaving if that's what you really want. But Sakura and Mito will be lost without you," Naruto said while crossing his arms and staring at Sasuke. Sasuke looked back at Sakura and turned away. "I need to get stronger," Sasuke said and Naruto nodded. Sasuke walked away and out of view.
Naruto watched as Sasuke walked away from his friends and towards a path unknown to Naruto. Naruto then went home and smiled at his family. "Sorry I took so long. I'm back now," Naruto said and no one really questioned where he went as they didn't really care.
The next day, Naruto went with his father to a training field to test the new sword. "Naruto-kun," Zoro said and Naruto turned towards his dad. "Yeah?" "I know about the picture in your notebook," Zoro said and Naruto became scared. "I'm not going to kill you. I was just curious about it," Zoro said while cleaning the new sword. Naruto sensed his father didn't mean any harm and was just curious as he said. "I just didn't want to forget what they did to me," Naruto said while looking down. "Your old family?" Zoro asked and Naruto nodded. "My ex family," Naruto corrected. Then they heard a rustle and immediately became more alert and stood up. The rustling went away and Naruto sighed while shaking his head. "Troubling thoughts?" Zoro asked Naruto who shook his head. "Not really. Anyways, what did you say this sword was?" Naruto asked. "It's one of the lost swords of Wano. Quite old but still in pristine condition," Zoro said while holding out the sword. "Is it cursed?" Naruto curiously asked. "No, not cursed. Just misunderstood," Zoro said while unsheathing the sword. "How so?" Naruto asked and Zoro swung the sword around. "Don't know. I'll have to take it to the professional at Wano to have it looked at," Zoro said and Naruto looked at it in amazement. "Do you want it, Naruto?" Zoro asked while handing the sword to Naruto. "Really? Can I have it?" Naruto asked and Zoro nodded. "You're the one who found it so therefore you can keep it," Zoro said. "Then which one do I get rid of?" Naruto asked. "You never get rid of a sword. You respectfully put it away until it is needed again," Zoro said to Naruto who nodded. "I already know which one I'd like to put away," Naruto said and Zoro raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?" Zoro asked. "Yeah," Naruto said and Zoro didn't ask. It wasn't his business which sword Naruto used. "You have to train the sword though. I can feel that it hasn't had a master in a while. You'll have to keep it under reign," Zoro said to Naruto who nodded while holding the sword. Zoro and Naruto then went back to the crew and Naruto could see that Luffy was getting bored. There's only so much to do in the village and Luffy was looking a little glum. "Don't worry, I'll talk to the hokage and then we'll leave for the sea. Sound like a plan?" Naruto said to Luffy who nodded while drawing shapes into he table.
Hello my fellow readers! I am back with a new chapter. Covid has been up my ass at school so it took a while to get this done. Writers block didn't help either. But now I have new ideas for how I want this story to go! Are you ready? Cause I am! Share, comment and vote on this story!
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