Chapter 2: The Straw Hat Pirates?

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Naruto woke up to see that he wasn't in his room, nor was he in the hospital and he wasn't somewhere in the streets of Konoha. He was laying on a bed, and he looked over to see a small... raccoon dog? The raccoon dog had their back turned, and he was mixing something in a small bowl. Naruto gently sat himself up. "Don't overexert yourself. You'll hurt yourself even more," the raccoon dog said, and Naruto froze. "Lay back down, you're safe here. Don't worry," the raccoon dog said, not even looking at Naruto. Naruto stared at the giant blue hat that the raccoon dog was wearing.
"Who are you?" Naruto asked. "I'm Tony Tony Chopper, but you can call me Chopper. I'm a doctor, so don't be scared, you're in good hands," Chopper said while turning towards Naruto with a swab of cotton and a bowl. "What are you? A raccoon dog that can talk?" Naruto asked. Chopper anime cried, "I'm a reindeer damn it!" "Oh sorry, Chopper," Naruto said while looking down at his hands. Chopper stopped crying and put some medicine on Naruto's wounds. Then he asked, "Anyway, what's your name?" Naruto turned to Chopper in confusion, "My-my name?" He questioned. "Yes, you do have a name, don't you?" Chopper asked while cleaning up his office. Naruto slowly nodded. "Well, what is it?" Chopper asked as he finished cleaning, but Naruto didn't speak. "Hm, something wrong?" Chopper asked Naruto when he didn't reply. "It's just that, no one's asked so kindly for my name. I had almost forgotten what it was," Naruto said while lightly crying. "My name's Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto," Naruto said, after wiping his tears. Chopper handed Naruto a tissue and said, "That's a nice name." Naruto smiled a little at Chopper's comment. "Let's go," Chopper said and Naruto stared at Chopper in confusion again. "Go where?" Naruto asked while sniffling. "Up to the deck. The crew's been anxiously waiting for you to wake up," Chopper said to Naruto who gently stood up, and he almost fell to the ground, but someone caught him. He looked up to see a huge man. Naruto shook in place, scared of the man. "Shhh, Naruto. It's me, Chopper," Chopper said to Naruto who quickly relaxed, "Chopper?" He questioned. Chopper nodded and helped Naruto up to the deck. Naruto would ask about Chopper's powers later. Right now, he wanted to meet the crew.
Up on the deck, Naruto saw nine people, one of which he recognized. The nice black haired lady was there. Naruto let go of Chopper and walked over to the black-haired lady who saved him. "You saved me, why? I'm just a demon just like the villagers say," Naruto asked while looking down at the ground. Robin just gave a small smile and put a gentle hand on Naruto's head. Naruto flinched at first, but then he felt his hair being combed. Robin was combing Naruto's hair with her fingers. It was comforting, it was just like how his mother, no Kushina, does it to his ex-sister Mito. "Because I don't see a demon," Robin started, and Naruto looked up at her. "I see a sad, lonely boy who just needs someone to care for him. My name's Nico Robin, what's yours?" Robin asked whole putting her hand down. Naruto looked up at Robin with innocent, bright blue eyes that held sadness and loneliness. "My name's Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto," he said quietly almost like he was afraid to speak. Robin smiled fondly at Naruto and then she pulled him in for a hug. "What is this?" Naruto asked not knowing what this warm feeling was. Robin hugged Naruto tighter. "It's a hug," she answered as she let go of Naruto and then she placed her hand on Naruto's cheek. "You can get those all the time if you come with us," Robin said to the young boy. Robin removed her hand and sat back down.
Naruto looked around and walked towards the man with green hair, "What's your name?" He asked the man. Zoro bent down and placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder. The man smiled at Naruto and said, "My name's Roronoa Zoro. Robin is my girlfriend." Zoro gave a gentle pat on Naruto's shoulder, and Zoro ruffled Naruto's hair. Naruto smiled at Zoro and poked his swords, "You're a swordsman?" Naruto asked Zoro who smirked. "Yes I am, and Robin's an archeologist," Zoro answered. "How observant of you, Naruto-kun," Robin praised and Naruto blushed at the comment.
Then Naruto went over to the skeleton guy with a huge Afro. Brook had his violin next to him. "Hello. What's your name?" Naruto asked. "I'm Brook. It's nice to meet you young Naruto," Brook said. Naruto pointed to the violin. "You play music?" He asked. Brook nodded and picked up his violin. He then asked, "Yohohoho. Yes, I'm the musician of this ship. Would you like to hear a song?" Naruto nodded vigorously. Brook smiled and started playing a song that the whole crew knew. The crew hummed as Brook sang slower than usual, "Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Binkusu no sake wo Todoke ni Yuku yo. Umikaze kimakase namimakase. Shio no mukou de yuuhi mo sawagu. Sora nya wa wo Kaku tori no uta. Sayonara Minato tsumugi no sato yo. Don to icchou utao funade no uta. Kinpa-ginpa mo shibuki ni kaete. Oretachya Yuku zo Umi no kagiri. Binkusu no sake wo Todoke ni Yuku yo. Warera kaizoku Umi watteku. Nami wo makura ni negura wa fune yo. Ho ni hata ni ketateru wa dokuro. Arashi ga Kita zo senri no Sora ni. Nami ga odoru yo doramu narase. Okubyoukaze ni fukakerya Saigo. Asu no Asahi ga Nai ja nashi. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Binkusu no sake wo Todoke ni Yuku yo. Kyou ka asu ka to yoi no Yume. Te wo furu kage ni mou aenai yo. Nani wo kuyokuyo asu mo tsukuyo. Binkusu no sake wo Todoke ni Yuku yo. Don to icchou utao unaba no uta. Douse dare demo Itsuka wa hone yo. Hatenashi, atenashi, warai banashi. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho."
"Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Gather up all of the crew it's time to ship out Binks' brew. Sea wind blows to where who knows the waves will be our guide. O'er across the ocean's tide, rays of sunshine far and wide. Birds they sing of cheerful things in circles passing by. Bid farewell to Weaver's town, say so long to port renowned. Sing a song it won't be long before we're casting off. Cross the gold and silver seas a salty spray puts us at ease. Day and night to our delight the voyage never ends. Gather up all of the crew it's time to ship out Bink's brew pirates we, eternally, are challenging the sea! With the waves to rest or heads, ship beneath us as our beds, hoisted high upon the mast our Jolly Roger flies. Somewhere in the endless sky, stormy winds are blowing by, waves are dancing evening comes, it's time to sound the drums. But steady man and never fear, tomorrow skies are always clear. So pound your feet and clap your hands till sunny days return. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Gather up all of the crew it's time to ship out Bink's brew. Wave goodbye, but don't you cry, our memories remain. Our days are but a passing dream, everlasting though they seem. Beneath the moon we'll meet again, the wind's our lullaby. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Gather up all of the crew, it's time to ship out Bink's brew. Sing a song and play along for all the oceans wide. After all is said and done, you'll end up a skeleton so spread you tale from dawn till dusk upon these foamy seas. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho. Yohohoho, yohohoho," Brook sang.
Naruto's eyes sparkled with interest and longing to hear the music again. "That's so pretty," Naruto commented and Brook smiled at the young boy. "I see that you liked it," Brook stated, "though I don't have eyes to see... Yohohoho!" Brook finished while laughing. Naruto laughed at the joke and the crew's hearts lightened up at the noise. Naruto stopped laughing and walked up to the other woman on the ship. "Hi, what's your name?" Naruto asked the lady. Nami smiled at Naruto. "I'm Nami, the ship's navigator. It's nice to meet you, Naruto," Nami said while holding out her hand. Naruto hesitantly shook it. Nami's hand was warm and comforting, like an older sister's would be. Naruto smiled and walked towards the super cool guy with blue hair. "Hi, what's your name?" Naruto asked. "What's my name? My name is the super Franky!" Franky said while making a superpose with his arms that formed a huge blue star. "But you can just call me Franky or bro," Franky added. "That's so cool," Naruto said while having amazement in his eyes. "I am pretty cool, aren't I?" Franky said gaining an ego boost from Naruto.
Naruto laughed again and walked over towards the blue man. He was intimidating, to say the least. "Hi, what's your name?" Naruto asked in a polite tone of voice, and the man held out his webbed hand. "My name is Jinbe. I'm the helmsman of the ship," Jinbe said to Naruto. Naruto shook Jinbe's hand and smiled at him. Lastly, Naruto walked to a blonde man who had swirling eyebrows and was smoking a cigarette. "Hello, what's your name?" Naruto asked. Sanji looked down at Naruto, took a breath of smoke and blew out before responding, "I'm Vinsmoke Sanji, and I'm the cook on this ship. I heard that you're hungry. You want something to eat?" Sanji asked. Naruto was hesitant to answer, but then his stomach growled loudly. He blushed and looked at Sanji with an innocent expression. Sanji just chuckled, "Guess that's a yes. What would you like? I've got some pork, chicken, fish, red meat. What are you in the mood for?" Sanji asked. "Anything's fine, Sanji-san," Naruto answered. Then he clamped his hand over his mouth when the suffix, 'san,' came after Sanji's name. The crew stared wide-eyed at Naruto who felt pressure under their stares. Thinking he did something wrong, Naruto immediately went to apologize when the crew burst out in smiles and laughs. "Oh, you're so cute, Naruto-kun," Nami said while fangirling a little. Robin and Zoro just stared fondly at Naruto. Usopp and Chopper laughed, while Luffy just smiled brightly at Naruto. Brook laughed as well with Franky. "That's super adorable, bro!" Franky said. Naruto blushed brightly as the crew laughed along. "I must admit you are pretty adorable, Naruto-kun," Brook said while smiling at Naruto who was still blushing at the attention. Jinbe also laughed because Naruto reminded him of Koala. Once the laughter died down, Sanji said, "I'll prepare something good for you to eat. You just wait here and—" "Sanji! I'm hungry! Cook me some meat!" Luffy yelled. "You just ate!" Sanji yelled back, and Naruto laughed again. "Sanji-kun, I'm hungry. Would you please make me something?" Nami asked in a sweet way that had Sanji immediately turning into a lovesick puppy with hearts in his eyes. "Of course! Anything for you, Nami-swan!" Sanji yelled while swooning. Naruto, Franky, Jinbe, Zoro, and Brook sweatdropped at Sanji's behavior. Sanji then skipped into the kitchen to cook something for Nami and Naruto.
Then Naruto walked up to the guy with a long nose. "Hi, what's your name?" Naruto asked for the seventh time. "Hello, my young Naruto! I am... the great Captain Usopp! And I am the greatest sniper ever! I also have over eight thousand men at my command!" Longnose said while standing tall. "Woah! You're the captain?! And you have over eight thousand men?!" Naruto asked while staring at Usopp in amazement. "Don't be stupid, Usopp, I'm the captain," Luffy said while standing up. "Of course. Uhh sorry, Luffy," Usopp apologized. Naruto looked up to see a young man with a straw hat on. His whole aura made Naruto trust the man in the straw hat. Naruto was drawn to Luffy. Luffy seemed to have this charm and charisma about him, and it was hard not to smile. "Hi, Naruto. I'm Monkey D. Luffy, but call me Luffy. I'm captain of this ship, and I'm going to be King of the Pirates," Luffy said while bending down to Naruto's height. "Hi, Luffy. It's nice to meet you," Naruto said while smiling at Luffy who smiled back.
"So, Naruto-kun, what do you think of the crew?" Robin asked Naruto while crouching down to his height. Naruto turned towards Robin's loving gaze and then he looked at the crew who were staring fondly at Naruto. It was silent for a few moments. "Naruto," Luffy started, and Naruto looked towards Luffy, "join my crew," Luffy finished while smiling at Naruto.
Naruto was silent before answering Robin's question, "You're all very nice. And this ship is nice. I'd like to see more of it if you don't mind," Naruto said shyly. "Sure, bro! No problem. Come this way, and I'll give you the grand tour," Franky said while putting a hand on Naruto's shoulder. This time, Naruto didn't flinch at the contact because deep down, Naruto knew that these people wouldn't hurt him. Franky ushered Naruto forward before following. "Franky," Luffy said making Franky turn to him, "make sure Naruto gets the special tour guide. I want him on the crew," Luffy finished. Franky nodded at his captain's orders and ran a little to catch up with Naruto. As Naruto walked around the ship with Franky guiding him, he thought about the crew.
Nami, the navigator, was super helpful and friendly. Like an older sister who was protective of her little brother. Franky, the shipwright, was like a best friend who you could always count on and someone who made everything lively. Brook, the skeleton and the musician, was like an old grandpa who was way too perverted and also really bad at telling puns about being a skeleton. Sanji, the cook, was like the crazy uncle who loved to cook and get flirty with the ladies. Usopp, the sniper, was like the older coward brother who tried to be brave but is actually a coward and a total liar. Chopper, the doctor, was like the crew's little brother who was naive and innocent. Jinbe was like the wise, experienced Fishman who you could go to for advice. Luffy, the captain, was like the naive older brother who loves meat and is determined to become King of the Pirates. Robin, the archeologist, is like the mother of the crew. Kind, smart, loving, and mature, everything a mother should be. Zoro, the swordsman, is like the father of the crew. Tough, with underlying care for the crew, just like how a father should act.

Hello and welcome back to chapter two! I do hope you like this chapter because this chapter is one of my favorites! Don't forget to vote, comment and share with your ninja friends!
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