Chapter 16: Grueling Training Part 2! Naruto Trains with Luffy!

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After a full lunch, Naruto was ready to train some more. "Are you ready, Naruto-kun?" Robin asked her son. Naruto nodded his head in anticipation. Naruto and Robin were up in a tree in the middle of a clearing. The crew had moved clearings since the other one was kind of destroyed. "Now, Cien Fleur: Wings!" Robin called out while crossing her arms. Arms appeared behind Robin turning into wings. Naruto copied her movement. "Cien Fleur: Wings," Naruto said and arms sprung out from behind Naruto's back. Robin and Naruto have been practicing this move for a while now and Naruto still can't seem to hover for more than 15 seconds at a time. "Ready, Naruto-kun," Robin said and Naruto nodded. Both of them started to flap their wings. Robin was having no trouble at all, but even trying to get Naruto to fly was almost impossible. Naruto hovered for a good 10 seconds before he started to fall. The crew could see Naruto's concentration and how hard he was trying to keep himself hovering in the air. But ultimately after 17 seconds, Naruto's wings disappeared and he started falling, but Robin was there to catch him. Robin caught Naruto in her arms and she gently flew down to the ground. "That's a new record!" Franky said while holding up his stopwatch. "Still not good enough though," Naruto mumbled and Robin just chuckled. "It took me a while to be able to hover for as long as I can, Naruto-kun," Robin said to her son while putting him down on the ground. "Really, mama?" Naruto asked Robin who nodded her head, giving her son a kind smile.

"How about we work on something else, for now," Robin said and Naruto didn't argue with his mom. "Let's see here," Robin mumbled before disappearing altogether. Naruto blinked with mild confusion. Then arms appeared behind Naruto. Before he could react, Robin was standing on top of Naruto. She had sprouted her entire body out of Naruto's back. "This might be a helpful trick, or maybe not," Robin said to Naruto while getting off of her son. Naruto thought about it and nodded at Robin. "Naruto-kun, let's work on your aim, since it still sucks," Usopp said, bluntly. "Hey! It's getting better!" Naruto argued and Usopp just shrugged, "Not really," he said and Naruto groaned. "Now, get out your kunai," Usopp said and Naruto readied his kunai. "I've set up our clearing to have targets that will move. Using your Observation Haki and chakra sense, I want you to hit all of them," Usopp said to Naruto who nodded. When Usopp said that the targets were moving, he meant Chopper was using strings to move each of the targets which were just pieces of log. They were pretty far and moved very quickly. Naruto quickly scanned the area of the moving targets. "Ready, Naruto-kun?" Usopp asked and Naruto nodded. Naruto threw a kunai and hit a log, but a rock came flying at Naruto. Naruto quickly dodged it. "What the heck was that!?" Naruto yelled at Usopp who was nowhere to be seen now. "You also have to dodge the oncoming attacks!" Usopp yelled, making his voice echo through the forest. Naruto dodged another attack and threw a kunai at another moving target. Usopp started rapid firing rocks at Naruto who dodged. What he didn't know was that many of the targets weren't logs. They were the crew. "Gomu Gomu no: Pistol!" Luffy shouted from the trees as a punch flew towards Naruto's back. Naruto used Armament Haki to block Luffy's attack. "Hey! What gives!?" Naruto yelled clearly frustrated that his crew was also attacking. "Zeus! Thunder Strike!" Nami yelled and Naruto looked up just in time to see Zeus striking lightning at him. Naruto disappeared in a burst of cherry blossoms before he was struck. "Whew, that was close," Naruto mumbled and he threw another kunai at a target. "You've got ten more to go!" Usopp yelled as he shot a pop green at Naruto who quickly cut down the plant. "Franky: Radical Beam!" Franky yelled out and a quick shot of a laser was sent flying towards Naruto. Naruto dodged it by a hair and the tree it hit exploded.

"Are you trying to kill me!?" Naruto yelled at his family who laughed. "This is your training!" Zoro called out while sending some air slashes with his swords towards Naruto who blocked them with his own swords. Sanji sent an air slash towards Naruto with his leg and Naruto blocked it with his swords. "Seis Fleur: ..." Naruto heard his mother say and he quickly jumped into some trees, avoiding her eyes. "Zeus!" Nami yelled and then Chopper appeared out of nowhere and kicked Naruto into the clearing, giving Zeus a clear shot of striking Naruto with lightning. Naruto quickly dodged and threw a shuriken at another moving target. It was going to miss but Naruto threw another shuriken and it hit the first one which hit the target dead on. "Nine left!" Usopp yelled while pointing his slingshot at Naruto who sensed Usopp and sent a flying slash attack towards him. Usopp didn't move but Zoro was there, blocking Naruto's slash for Usopp. Chopper quickly engaged Naruto in a taijutsu match and Naruto quickly dodged and attacked with his swords that Chopper would dodge.

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