Chapter 5 Pt.2 ( Finale )

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A/N: Thanks again for reading After Dark! Also, I'm a beginner of beginners at writing battle scenes but I'll give it my all and try!


Gawain stepped forward, hands tightly gripping the hilt of his sword. Although his face was expressionless but his eyes betrayed worry.

Aaron watched his younger brother's back. The latter had come up with a plan; whether it would work or not, the teens didn't give a damn. At least they would have tried.

'Anytime soon now...' the mercenary thought.

Gawain walked towards his fellow knights whilst Aaron stretched his hand in front of him. The mage's grimoire levivated, surrounded by a cold green glow.

" Any suspicious move and he'll kill us instantly, " the knight jutted his thumb in Aaron's direction while talking to his comrades.

" So that bastard wants something in exchange of your freedom, huh? " Helios remarked, sword already grasped firmly in his hand, " What is it that he wants? Money? His freedom? Land? "

Gawain's gaze darkened at the mention of money and land. Pressing his lips in a thin line, he unsheathed is blade at a frightening speed. The blade pierced through Helios' heart.

" Wha- " the Captain gasped, eyes wide and incredulous. The other knights froze as they saw their leader cough out blood.

" I'm sorry, " Gawain whispered, tears blurring his sight. The ravenette refused to meet their shocked gazes as he pulled out the blade from his senior's abdomen.

Helio fell to his knees; his face twisted in a mixture of disbelief and worry. Soon the captain's face also touched the ground.

" Captain! " Adrien yelled, finally processing what had just happened and startling the others out of their stupor.

" What the hell!! " Eugene shouted at Gawain, " Why!? " the red-head unsheathed his sword; anger boiling within him and ready to charge at the one he already labelled as a traitor.

" Eugene, wait, " Brandon stretched his arm in front of his best-friend, lips pressed together in a tight line. The brunet met Gawain's gaze who surprisingly held it.

" It's that bastard, right? " Brandon glared at Aaron, " He put you up to this, didn't he? He's controlling you with his magic. "

Gawain shook his head. Without a word, he closed his eyes. When he opened them, his emerald hues exuded determination albeit a hint of sadness or guilt. The ravenette readied his sword and adopted a fighting stance.

Witnessing all this from a certain distance, Aaron sighed.

' You want me to take all the blame, little brother? That's fine. After all, didn't I always cover up for you when we were little... ' The platinum blonde chuckled as a fond memory surfaced from his mind, ' I may have been too lenient on you...'

The male's face darkened and his lips curled up into a creepy smile, " Then you should let me take the responsibility. In the proper way! "

' You're too kind. I know you better than anyone else. Don't hate me. Please, don't hate me, Gawain... '

It happened so fast. Just like a bolt from the blue. It shot past Gawain. One had barely the time to blink. One blink was all it took. One blink and Eugene was down, blood quietly spilling out from his pierced throat. Another blink. Adrien was vomitting blood; Brandon was lying on his back, his own crimson liquid slowly forming a pool around him.

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