Chapter 2

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They ran through the darkness of the night. One with a heavy armor, the other dressed like a thief with a large pouch and a dagger at his hips. They scrambled up a steep slope, Aaron reaching the top first. He stretched a hand to the younger male who grabbed it and Gawain was hauled up.

" Couldn't you have taken this off? " Aaron asked, staring at his brother's armor.

" Well, it would have slowed us down considerably. " the knight replied.

" How about now? " the mercenary suggested. The ravenette grinned at the older platinum blonde. A few minutes later, his ice-blue coloured armor was slid off and dropped behind a random bush.

" Happy now? " Gawain said.

" Very. " Aaron replied, rolling his eyes. He unrolled a saffron coloured paper map, lit up a small candle and brought it next to the map. Aaron pointed at a small point representing a city named Stellar.

" Stellar... " Gawain said, " A city prominent in astronomy, astrology and water magic and... "

" The only city apart from Wyvernhorn in the far North where you can cross the border. But Stellar leads to the neighbouring kingdom of Tajasvi. " Aaron finished.

" How far is it from our current position? " Gawain asked, grabbing his sword. Aaron thought for a while.

" On foot... We'll take approximately two more days. The King has already sent people on our tail, Gawain. "

" It will be a tricky one? "

" Sure will. "

" But we'll make it. " Gawain stated.

Aaron did not answer. His eyes flashed with an indescriptible glint. " Let's go then. " he finally said, blowing out the candle. " We've still got a long way to go. "

Gawain started following his brother but after a few steps he halted and looked back at the now faraway capital of the Kingdom of Fargas, his motherland.

Gawain had not travelled much, the furthest he had ever gone being Wyvernhorn. He had spent most of his time in Radiant, the capital, where he trained and became a knight serving under The King.

His father, Vladimir, had brought him to Radiant.

Since his father was a respected and admired knight known for his fighting prowess, Gawain was expected to live up to his patriarch's reputation. The young boy did- in fact- he went beyond that. He became the youngest knight Fargas had ever known by joining the army at twelve. Gawain was without a doubt a great strategist so also aced at wielding any kind of weapon and would complete any kind of paperwork flawlessly. But there was one thing that he always longed for; and that was freedom.

This freedom that he had loved so much had been stripped from him the moment he stepped into Radiant.

Now, he longed for it. He longed to be able to freely run barefooted past the wheat fields or on the ticklish humid grass, feeling the wind blowing on his cheeks as he did so. To dance in the rain, sing under it till his throat ached. To silently receive his mother's scolds and cuddle up under the blanket together with his brother, snickering faintly like two partners in crime. To get all dirty by splashing into the mud and then watch Aaron steal some eggs from the neighbouring farm.

" Gawain, hurry up! " came Aaron's voice. The young knight snapped back to reality. He shook his head and then caught up with his brother.


Just like Aaron had said, they reached Stellar in two days' time. Stellar was buzzing with life, happiness and foreigners. The boys walked through the streets, draped in worn out cloaks Aaron stole as they entered the city. Gawain did not complain about the act; he preferred playing safe. Who knew if the King had already sent a message here saying that they were wanted.

" My stomach's roaring like a crazy! " Gawain suddenly exclaimed. " Can't we find a place to rest and eat ?"

" No inn for now. We could have our path tracked back. I've got no money. Find a stand with cheap food. No on-the-spot. Take-away. " Aaron said not even glancing at the younger male.

Gawain's shoulders slumped. " Fine... "he sighed.

Gawain waved at his brother. " I've got some meat buns, Aa- " The mercenary clamped a hand over the ravenette's mouth, glaring at him. He put his index finger on his lips, motioning Gawain to stay quiet. Aaron pointed at at a dozen of men all in ice-blue armors with ends decorated with golden wavy patterns. Steel swords similar to Gawain's rested at their hips.

" They were faster than I expected.The small tracking party has already caught up to us. " he whispered, grabbing Gawain's wrist and pulling him out of the main street to a smaller silent, uncrowded one.

" Aaron. " Gawain called before tossing a small paper bag to his brother. " This one's yours. I've already eaten mine. "

" Thanks. " Aaron said, putting the meat bun in his pouch.

The street split up into two smaller lanes. The boys were about to turn right when a knight bumped into Aaron whose hood fell down as he landed on his butt. The older knight's eyes widened as he recognized the fleeing prisoner.

" You! " he hissed.

Gawain cursed. He quickly helped Aaron to his feet and they sprinted to the left.

" They're here! " the older knight yelled to his fellow comrades for them to come.

" We should have at least knocked him out. " The mercenary said.

" T'is too late now. " Gawain said.

" Gawain, do you know how to perform running-jumps ? "

" Of cou- "

" On rooftops. "

Gawain bit his lower lip. " Can't tell. "

" Don't worry. You'll be able to do it since you always ace at everything. "

Gawain caught the bitterness in Aaron's voice. He glanced at the platinum blonde but did not say anything.

"We'll use those to reach the rooftops. " Aaron said pointing at high piles of wooden crates. " Ready?"

" Always. " Gawain smirked.

They ran jumps over the rooftops till they were half-way through Stellar City. Suddenly, they were sent into a giant shadow. Aaron looked up and hissed. Gawain's eyes widened as he looked up in his turn.

" A dragon! " he exclaimed.

" And a big one... " Aaron added. " The knight riding him must have been sent from Wyvernhorn. He's literally pointing out our position to those down below. "

The young draconic beast was indeed quite a thing. Twenty feet large, including the wings and thirty feet long with reptilian amber eyes and a tough body of dry blood red. Aaron's mind worked at lightning speed. Then his eyes fell on the bazaar, the heart of Stellar City. His mind clicked.

" Gawain, follow me ! " Aaron headed to the bazaar closely followed by Gawain. The young knight ad already figured out what his brother was up to. " At three! " he said.

" At three! " Aaron agreed.

They said in unison :

" ONE! "

" TWO! "


The two of them jumped into the overcrowded bazaar. In the sky, the dragon halted and his rider motioned him to circle over the bazaar as the inhabitants of Stellar City stared both in awe and confusion at the mythical beast.

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