Chapter 3

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A wooden window opened with a small creak; just enough for one to see outside. Knights in ice-blue armor walked through Stellar City, looking for the mercenary who tried to kidnap the princess and the knight who was dragged along with him. One of the knights, standing his back to the khaki stone wall of an inn was discussing with his fellow comrades.

" Wait, Eugene. There might be another possibility. Gawain is a trust-worthy, loyal and committed lad. He wouldn't have gone with that mercenary out of his own free will. " the knight said in a voice loud enough for the occupants at the first floor to hear.

" So, by that you mean he has been forced to, Adrien? Gawain isn't that weak."

" He never said Gawain is weak. But that can only mean that mercenary is quite powerful..."

" Pff. As if a mercenary will ever reach a level equal to that of a knight, Brandon. " Eugene coldly snorted. "You're dreaming, ain't ya ? "

" Anything is possible..." Brandon shrugged.

" The world is such a small place..." Adrien thought aloud.

" Hm? What is it, Adrien?' Brandon asked.

" N-Nothing. " the latter replied, emerging from his deep thinking.

Aaron closed the window.

" Your comrades...have quite a good image of you. They think I either forced you to come with me, maybe as a hostage or that I have beaten you up. " The blonde walked back to his bed. The room was dark save for the small amount of light the candle Gawain had lit up earlier, gave off. " It would have stunned them to know you were the one who suggested fleeing. "

" And that I came out of my own free will or that we're half-brothers... Yeah. " Gawain grinned at the older male. The young knight sat cross-legged on the other bed. He looked at Aaron directly into the eyes.

" Your trail of thoughts is impossible to determine, Gawain. " The ravenette's grin grew wider.

" And you are- seem, at least- completely indifferent to any kind of happenings. "

" I am, with you being the apparent exception. " Aaron's gaze soften for a second before quickly going back to his cold self. Gawain chuckled. " We should get out of here soon... " he said.

" Agreed. " Aaron said, exiting the room.

Gawain followed and tossed two silver coins into a ceramic bowl found on the counter. They went out through the back door, into the minor lanes. The sun had almost gone down. They stuck to the shadows of the houses, carefully observing their surroundings before engaging each corner, each street. They were fully alert, a hand always resting on their respective weapons. The clock struck ten as they reached the border.

" We should have bought something to eat! " Gawain complained, putting a hand on his growling stomach. Aaron tried his best to hold back the urge of slapping his brother across the face.

" You're always hungry! " the platinum blonde snapped in a whisper. " I thought you'd change. Everything but that changed. "

" Sorry. " Gawain said in a childish way as he caught the apple Aaron tossed at him.

A great barrage had been constructed along the border. It was there that they controlled all the merchant trades and people going in an out of Fargas.

" The security has been re-enforced. So many guards. " Aaron frowned as he eyed a particular group of soldiers. " Am I that of a threat? "

" You did attempt to kidnap Princess Selene.  "

Aaron rolled his eyes. " Oh, come on! I'm not strong to such a degree that you need to hire mages! "

" I think the mages are for me... " Gawain slowly said.

Aaron fell silent. " Tch. " he said, annoyed.

Gawain gave him a small apologetic smile. " Sorry to burst your bubble, bro. "

Aaron shook his head to chase away whatever jealous thoughts were forming in his mind. He inhaled sharply for patience and said :

" Anyway, we need to pass this border if we actually want to have a chance for a peaceful life. Are- "

The blonde caught the swift movement his little brother made towards him. Gawain's arms wrapped themselves around Aaron's ribs and the ravenette pulled the older male into a tight hug. The mercenary took a few moments to process and react to whatever had just happened.

" Gawain! " he exclaimed in a whisper, wriggling out of the knight's grasp. " Quit it! "

Gawain pouted. " I wanted to hug you... Just in case. " he lowered his head.

" Just in case? " Realisation flashed through Aaron's emerald hues but it was quickly replaced by annoyance. " That's unlike you... ' We'll make it, ' you said it yourself so take your responsibility!" he sighed. " Let's go now. We need to reach the Tajasvian border by dawn. "


The Fagasian and Tajasvian border were separated by kilometers of barren and mountainous land. Those who wanted to avoid the border check could always cross the mountain range that stretched from one kingdom to another. But the journey had its risks. Tons of monsters inhabited those mountains and some of them- mainly werewolves- would come down during the full moon and ruthlessly attack anyone present.

Aaron gulped at the thought of having to face werewolves. His eyes darted from right to left, scanning the unwelcoming landscape in the blurry darkness of the night. Gawain's grip tightened around the blonde's wrist.

" What is it? " Aaron asked.

" I was just thinking about the werewolves. " the knight replied.

' Ah...So we were thinking about the same thing...' Aaron thought.

" It's obviously the full moon. " the ravenette glanced at the lunar disc. " It might also be useless to hope for such a thing... but there might be a chance the werewolves will focus only on the border and come here? I mean, we're already quarter-way to the Tajasvian border.... "

" I admire your freaking optimism, little bro. " Aaron said, " but the werewolves ain't that stupid. They've got a highly developed sense of smell. They'll definitely sniff us- " Aaron stopped dead in his tracks. Gawain opened his mouth to talk but Aaron clamped a hand over it in a swift movement.

" Listen. " he whispered.They listened.

A horse. A horse coming towards them from the left. From the mountains. It was not too far nor too close. The sound of the rattling of an armor. A knight on horse-back! Knights did not venture that far from the border at night. What was this one doing here!?

Then a piercing howl tore through the silence of the night. Several others followed one after the other.

Two pairs of emerald eyes widened both in horror and realisation.

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