Chapter 4

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Ok... so to put it bluntly SOMEONE told me not to kill, injure or do anything bad to Tempest. After a 5 mins argument, I gave in meaning that Tempest will have an uncertain future. So yeah... the horse is getting out of this without any problem... Maybe.

_ _ _

By the time the boys decided to react, the horse passed before their eyes. That was when Gawain something was off with that knight. The knight was seated in a weird position as if sleeping on the horse. His arms stayed to the side. He did not even make a move to grab the reins. His head was tilted at an unusual angle and his hair struck out in spikes that were blown off by air resistance.

Aaron ran after the horse cursing.  "  Those clever bastards ! That's a scarecrow on that horse. Ya got the smell? " the mercenary said to his brother over his shoulder. Gawain caught up to the blonde and grinned.

" Yup. Three kilos of fresh meat. They're luring out the werewolves to cut our flee. "

When they were close enough to the horse, Aaron grabbed the scarecrow by its foot and threw it behind him. Gawain increased his speed and came closer to the horse. He grabbed the reins and hopped on, then hauled Aaron up behind him.

As soon as he was on, Aaron cut the ropes that tied two fabric bags full of meat to the horse Gawain ran a hand through the horse's black mane ; he patted the horse on its caramel robe.

" It's Tempest. " he said softly.

" Tempest? "

" Brandon's usual mount. "

" Who's Brandon? "

Gawain did not say a word.

" One of your fellow knights, I suppose. You shouldn't be thinking about that now. We're on the run. What you've left behind is behind ; no chance of getting it back. No regrets- STOP THAT DAMN HORSE! "

Surprised by Aaron's sudden outburst Gawain obeyed. A fraction of second later, a column of fire fell from the sky and crashed where they should have been if they had not stopped. Gawain threw his head back; he saw the dragon. Its amber eyes was locked on them. Tempest panicked and darted in a beeline.

' Werewolves from the left, a dragon, mages and knights from behind. That's my luck. ' Aaron thought.

' We'll make it. We'll make it. If he has to die then... " Gawain glanced at Aaron, ' I'll rather die by his side and with no one else. ' His heart tightened.

' The dragon is most dangerous threat right now. ' Aaron thought glancing over his shoulder. He fumbled through his pouch and took out an old leather-covered book. He opened it at a particular page. A pale green circle with indiscriptible inscriptions found inside it appeared over Aaron's palm.

Cobalt, the dragon rider, saw a light flash before his eyes. He gasped but before he could process anything, his head fell off his neck and landed between Eugene's arms who cried out in surprise and horror. The body followed, landing a few meters away from Eugene's horse.

" Who the bloody hell did that!? " Brandon shouted as he glanced at the now mountless dragon. Adrien gave Cobalt's body a sad look as his horse ran past the headless corpse.

" Surely that damn mercenary.  " he hissed.

Meanwhile, a smaller violet circle had appeared at the center of Aaron's palm. Another exact same circle appeared on the dragon's throat. She might have lost her mount but she was still chained by magical restrains that would make go back to the one who tamed her. The dragon roared out of frustration. The restraining seal slowly burned into view. A circle with a cross on it. Slowly, the seal faded away along with all the magical restrains.

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