So He's Not My Mate?

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 I don't know how long I ran, it could have been days, or just hours, but when I stopped I was breathing so hard the air in my lungs burned. My body was hot from the constant moving, I was panting heavily, I was dizzy, and felt as though I could drink the till my stomach exploded. I looked around, the trees were taller than before, greener, and very dence.

 The fog was getting too thick to see more than a foot or so in front of me. I must be in the Redwoods. It was darkening. I needed to mix my scent trails so I can't be followed past this point, and I knew just the trick to use.

 When you travel, you pick up some handly little tricks. I learned how to confuse the hell out of who ever is tracking me by scent! All I have to do is find a deer, roll in it's blood, and then find a river and swim in it for a few miles. Lifting my nose I begin to sniff when I catch a scent even more intoxicating than Damian's. I hear the faint flapping of wings and a distint thuming sound, and it was gone as soon as it came.

 My instinct screamed danger, but it also told me to follow it. I looked up and saw fog. Lots and lots of fog. I shifted and picked a tree, I let my claws grow out a bit and dug them into the tree's truck. When I reached the branches I used them to climb higher. Finally when I was out of the cloud bank, the thuming sounded again, closer this time.

 I squinted at a bird shaped object flying toward me, it was too high to make out what exactly it was but the tail on it told me it was no bird. It suddenly turned left and disappeared behind a mountain not far off.

 I herd a clicking sound then and sniffed, damn this hunter just doesn't give up! Grumbling I make my way down the tree and shifted back into my wolf. Rolling my shoulders I set a fast pace toward the strange object I had seen.

 It didn't take long before I reached the top of the mountain, I shifted again and climbed another tree. Looking carefully around I saw nothing, sighing I lean back when a sudden flash explosion catches my eye. Squinting I use my wolf's eyes to look closer, there was a cave there but nothing else. I was curious, so of course I was going to check it out. Don't you say anything about curiousity killing the cat, its a cat, not a werewolf. So I'm fine.

 I had to work my way up the steep mountain side to get to the cave, any human would have to bring rock climbing gear to make it up. When I finaly reached the cave's entrance I collapsed and huffed out heavily. Stupid moutains! Such a pain in my furry ass.

 The earth seemed too warm, it was almost hot and yet it has been settled in fog for the last, what, week? I herd the shriek of a bird behind me and looked up just in time to see Matt's hawk big its talons into my back and throw me into the side of the wall. I let out a startled yelp and hit the floor.

 Too dizzy to move for a moment I just stayed there, Matt shifted, as did I and slowly I got up onto my hands. Matt lifted me up and slammed me into the wall again, my vision blurred as I bit my tongue to stop the yell that was fighting its way out. "You bastard! Because of you I now have a Were Hunter on me ass! Along with Damian's and the rest of the flock's asses!" His voice was echoing in the cave before the ground vibrated.

 He paused and let me go looking into the cave, I slid to the floor and let the pool of blood in my mouth paint the ground. I bit my tongue too hard. The iron tast made me gage since I was in my human form. "Who are you?" A voice spoke from in the cave, it gave me an instant hard on and made me shiver. Matt looked confused "I was just about to ask you that. Name's Matt Liminia. I'm part of the Windrider Flock." The voice rumbled in anger, and a different voice spoke "He was not speaking with you! We know who you are. However, we don't know him."

 I lifted my head slowly and looked in front of me, Matt made a weird bird-like grumbling sound "He isn't going to be wounded for much longer. Cause I'm gunna kill him." Matt shifted into his hawk and pinned me to the ground on my back. Like I said, I'm a totaly whimp when pain is involved.

 Matt's beak opened and just as he was going to reach my head, a hand wrapped around his beak stopping him mid-thrust. Matt flapped his wings wildly as the hand threw him over the cliff face, knowing he could fly. When Matt came back into view he squawked at the person, who in return let out the loud roar of a mountain lion. Matt chirped and flew away.

 I lifted my head and looked at my chest, it had a 3 short claw marks from Matt's talon. Sighing I drop my head back to the ground only to come face to face with a sandy blond man, maybe 30, its hard to tell with weres. We don't really get old looking, for all I know he could be 70. Weres tend to keep the face of a 20 year old that looks like they could be 18. Lazily I smiled at the guy and lifted my arm to salute him "Baily Aquimer at your service. Rouge wolf running from death by hunters, hawks, and a few tigers."

 The man grabbed my hand and lifted me up into a standing possission, I felt the sudden need to puke and held up a finger to the lion, then leaned over the cliff face and let the rabbit I had earlier loose. "Ugh, why can I never keep the food in my stomach? I would like to live thank you!" I yelled at the sky then sat there a moment before standing and looking at the lion. A fur was placed in my hand, "Cover up, Baily Aquimer."

 I tied the fur around my waist and nodded, phew! What a week! From rouge, to pet for a bunch of birds, to rouge again, and now I am following a mountain lion into a dark cave where he will most likely kill me. Making friends every where I go.

 The voice I herd before spoke again making me freeze mid-step, "Baily Aquimer. It is no wonder I have not herd of you, I only aquaint myself with pack wolves. I do not usually converse with lone wolves." A riple of pleasure moved threw my body, confused as to why his voice had this affect on me I looked around for the man who had spoken. I thought Damian was my mate?

 Looking at the ground I shook my head, now that I think about it, I don't feel drawn to go back to Damian. No I felt perfect right now, like I was where I was supose to be.

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