Never Meet Your Heroes

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The silver table was covered in all sorts of investigative tools, with the crossbow bolt positioned in the center. Felicity's gloved hands moved between equipment, one by one she used each item to ascertain a new clue from the single piece of evidence. Oliver paced behind her, being in motion helped him think. Diggle and Roy sat propped up against the table opposite of Felicity, Oliver moving back and forth between the team.

"Think this was a professional hit? After all it's not the first time the mob's tried to set you up." Diggle began, breaking the uneasy silence between the team. The fact that another archer was operating in the city had then all on edge. Oliver shook his head.

"I don't think so. These organizations don't always see things the same way, but they're not going to make moves like this on each other while they're all desperately clinging to what they have." His explanation was truthful but it hinted at the fear in his voice. The others knew the dangers that were growing with the criminal organizations in the city. With the Arrow enforcing much needed justice onto them, these organizations found themselves backed into a corner. After much deliberation, the team had decided to ease their crusade against these desperate criminals for fear of what they would do when they realized that they had nothing left to lose.

"Well I've checked the FBI, CIA, and numerous local databases and still come up with nothing in regards to a crossbow wielding murder...other than Oliver's psychotic ex-girlfriend." Felicity spoke up, still working diligently on her task at hand. Oliver glanced down at her. She felt his gaze and continued working, hoping he wouldn't press the issue of her mentioning Helena.

"So he's a new player?" Roy asked, gauging the room for responses.

"Unlikely. Dalany wasn't just a high level mob enforcer, he was ex-special forces." Oliver replied, turning to face his comrades.

"Whoever took him out had advanced training and was driven." Diggle nodded, his own special forces training could attest to that statement.

"That kind of training would attract a certain interest." Diggle added, leading Oliver to what they both suspected.

"ARGUS." Felicity answered, both Oliver and Diggle nodding.

"Running a search now through the ARGUS database." She stated, sliding her chair back to her main computer. She typed in the commands on the keyboard and ordered her computer to bring up the highly restricted and classified ARGUS database. The search only took a few moments once Felicity entered the proper parameters. The results appeared on screen.

"Good call. It appears that ARGUS was building quite the file on this guy." Felicity began, adjusting her glasses before continuing with the discovery. The others stood and moved behind her.

"Our newest addition to Starling City appears to have a pretty extensive background. He's been spotted all over...Coast City, Metropolis, even Gotham for a short time. And it appears where ever he goes he leaves a rather disturbing amount of bodies behind." Oliver stood to her right taking in all the information and putting the pieces together.

"No name or anything that could lead to an identity, just a codename...Visceral." The team listened closely, each knowing a codename from ARGUS wasn't a good sign.

"All atempts to dig up any past info on him have been unsuccessful. The only thing they have to go on is that he seems to target," She paused slowly looking to Oliver.

"Looks like he's in your line of work. ARGUS has pegged this guy as a wannabe vigilante...but without restraint." Oliver sighed, another vigilante was something that he didn't need on his mind right now. Diggle looked over to him with a look of concern.

"All reports show that he has a very high success rate of...eliminating indivual threats." Felicity read the last part directly from the report, a bit of disgust in her voice. She wasn't a big fan of ARGUS and how they managed to find ways to word certain acts, or their blatant disregard for public safety at times.

Arrow: Visceral Barrage Part 1Where stories live. Discover now