Working Order

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The alley was quiet and empty, for exception of one vehicle. Diggle patiently sat behind the wheel, scanning the area as he waited for his target. Roy hovered above him on a nearby rooftop, providing over watch for his partner.

"You really think this Harmon guy can lead us to Visceral?" Roy asked over the closed off comm, so that only he and Diggle could communicate with each other at the moment.

"Felicity tagged him at several of the spots that Visceral hit a few days before he attacked. Visceral's gotta be gettin' info somehow, it's not hard to believe it's from a lowlife pusher." Diggle explained, confident in his friend's abilities. Roy nodded, understanding his faith in Felicity's work. He quickly smiled thinking of what was currently happening in the Foundry, what with Sara spending the night there.

"How'd you think things are going back at the Foundry?" He asked, laughing a little as he checked the sidewalks for threats.

"Magical I'm sure." Diggle replied, smiling at his clever plan of setting up his two best friends to watch his daughter for him.

Felicity typed in a few commands as she tried to finish her current task, doing her best to put aside Sara's crying. Oliver nervously hovered over Sara's baby rocker as he frantically tried to stop her from crying. He wasn't used to panicking but he was completely out of his comfort zone at the moment. It wasn't that he didn't like babies or children for that matter, he just had virtually no experience with them. Considering his life style and the dangers that came with it, he thought it best to stay away from as many innocent lives as possible. Sara continued to cry and thrash around in her rocker as she reached outward. Oliver felt helpless for a moment, wanting to comfort her but unsure how to do so.

"Maybe she wants a toy?" Felicity suggested, searching through the bags for something to hold Sara's attention for a few minutes. Oliver collected his strength and held his breath as he gently collected  Sara in his hands and pulled her up from her rocker. He quietly soothed her as he carefully wiggled her around slightly out from his chest. Sara slowly began to settle as Oliver continued to bounce her up and down while he quietly spoke to her. Felicity turned back at the lack of crying and watched as the strongest and toughest man she had ever known gently played with the beautiful baby girl. Oliver tickled Sara a little, causing her to giggle in return bringing a giant smile to his face. Felicity covered her mouth, holding back the giant smile and disbelief at the sight before her. The team had spent plenty of time with Sara before but never like this, Oliver had never been this active with her before now. A warm feeling passed through her as she happily watched the man she loved tenderly embrace their friend's daughter. Oliver finally looked away from Sara and caught Felicity's entrancing gaze upon.

"Aww. Did you just wanna play with your Uncle Ollie?" Felicity playfully asked, moving toward them. Oliver grinned at the petname Felicity had just given him, as he extended Sara out for Felicity to take her. Felicity happily accepted her, gently taking her in her arms and holding her close. Sara wiggled around as she looked up at Felicity's uncontrollable smile. Oliver watched as the two walked back toward Felicity's station, the sound of Sara's laughter keeping the smile on his face. His face stung from his constant smile, thinking it couldn't grow any larger until Felicity turned back toward him. The breath escaped his lungs as he stared in amazement at the unbelievably beautiful sight of the woman he loved gently rubbing her nose against Sara's. Oliver nearly shielded his eyes, feeling a bright light shine from the image before him. He could only smile at the sight, affraid that if he spoke he would lose it forever. Felicity glanced up and saw Oliver's unbelieving stare. At first she couldn't understand his reaction, but she quickly acknowledged that he genuinely happy. She smiled, feeling somewhat self-conscious that she could bring so much happiness to him. Oliver moved over to the two of them and tickled Sara's out stretched arm, making her giggle. She grabbed Oliver's finger and guided it up and down as she smiled a looked back toward him. Oliver laughed as he let Sara take control of his arm and lead it to Felicity's arm. They both paused as his hand was placed on her bare skin by Sara's guidance. Felicity looked up at him and stared into his eyes, trying to read his emotions. Oliver subtlety moved his thumb along Felicity's soft skin as he met her eyes. The two stared at each other in silence for a moment. The world appeared to darken around them as they felt the warmth from each other's gaze. Sara thrashed around, snapping them both out of their dreamlike moment. Felicity continued to bounce Sara in her arms as Oliver reluctantly pulled his hand back.

Arrow: Visceral Barrage Part 1Where stories live. Discover now