On a Wire

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The vehicles settled outside of the warehouse, each facing away incase a hasty departure was needed. The Triad henchmen scanned the area and entered the large building. The warehouse was filled with conveyor belt systems stretching from one end of the building to the next. The train tracks stopped near the front of the warehouse, giving the trains plenty of room to unload their cargo. Only two trains sat inside the building, leaving the other tracks vacant. The night sky shined through the numerous windows high on the ceiling. The Triad carefully moved to one of the cargo containers and checked the side of the car for the graffiti marker. A red painted letter C with a vertical line through it signaled that it was in fact their container. The men opened it and moved the false walls inside the train car aside, revealing a hidden compartment in the rear of the container. The men quickly began removing the contents and stacking the weapon filled crates beside the train car. An arrow struck the side of the crates, alerting the Triad. The arrow beeped, signaling the men to move. A second later the arrowhead exploded, destroying the crates and the weapons inside them. The henchmen quickly readied their weapons and took up defensive positions. Oliver emerged on the upper balcony, firing at one of the men. The arrow dug into the man's shin, dropping him to the floor in pain. The other men returned fire, spraying the balcony with bullets. Oliver moved back to safety. The Triad seperated, moving all over the warehouse in search of the Arrow. Roy quickly turned a corner and spotted two men. The henchmen opened fire, barely missing the red hooded vigilante. The two men advanced on Roy's previous position. They reached the crates he had ducked behind and readied their weapons. The area was empty for the exception of a few more crates. An arrow struck one of the men's back, knocking him to the ground. The second man turned to see Roy flip into the air off a tall crate behind him. The man fired into the air as Roy landed, guiding his knee into the man's face and forcing him to the floor. Diggle moved along the container cars of the second train, keeping his weapon ready. The sound of three distinctive beeps in his earpiece alerted him that danger was nearby. He swiveled to his right and spotted a man standing ontop of the cargo container with his weapon aimed in his direction. Diggle dropped to a knee and fired, hitting the man's leg. The henchman cried out as he tumbled off of the train car. Diggle let out a thankful breath as he took a moment to realize how close he'd come to death if not for Felicity's warning.

"Thanks for the heads up." He said into his comm, before moving again. Felicity had to stop herself from verbally replying. She sat at the dinner table across from Riley, still enjoying her date. After receiving word that the team needed assistance she came to the conclusion that she couldn't spend the rest of the evening in the restroom while her date waited. To avoid suspicion she informed Riley that an urgent work related matter required her assistance but she had no intention of leaving the date early, to which Riley happily incouraged her to attend to her business while they chatted over coffee. Felicity held her tablet away from any wondering eyes in the restaurant as she watched via the live CCTV feeds connected to the screen before her. She had informed the team of her inability to verbally communicate for the assignment but she would instead use a system of beeps for each direction of the warehouse.

"So what kind of business emergency requires your attention at this hour?" Riley asked, leaning in slightly on the table. Felicity paused, thinking of an acceptable response while also switching feeds to cover Oliver.

"Uh it's a Chinese branch...which explains the late hour." Felicity answered while simultaneously alerting Oliver of the Triad gang members moving near him. The small screen showed Oliver turning to strike one man with an arrow to the leg, incapacitating him.

"Yeah, there was a train accident involving some Queen Technologies equitment." Felicity explained, eyes glued to the live feed of Oliver battling the second Triad thug.

"Oh, nothing too serious I hope." Riley added, sipping some of his coffee.

"Nope, just minor injuries." Felicity replied, watching Oliver grab the henchman and force his head repeatedly into the crates beside them. Felicity bit her lip, trying her best to not react to the brutal action on the screen before her.

Arrow: Visceral Barrage Part 1Where stories live. Discover now